Chapter 4 A Man of My Word

After driving from the homeless shelter, the two ended up in an abandon garage.

"I feel so cold. I just need to sleep for a second." As James drifted off to sleep, he stabbed his leg. "That's enough sleep I'm feeling better.'

After bandaging up his wounds James looked at Leon covered in blood and petrified. You poor kid." James dumped Leon onto the ground and drove away. Leon trembled in the darkness confused. The smell of rust and mold envelop the garage. He began to hear his mother's voice call out to him.

"Leon, Leon! Open your eyes," she said. He sees his mother crouched in front of him covered in blood. Her skin blue and lifeless, and her eyes were a black void. "What have you done. I died because of you." She grabbed his neck and morph into grey. "You killed me, he said. Blood continued to pour from Grey's throat as he strangled Leon. "Suffer and die. You must die!"

Leon took out Reggie's design clutching on to it. "I must cover come to become stronger."

An hour later James returned to fine Leon unconscious. I guess I'll let him sleep and wash his in the morning." James washed the blood off him and change into the newly bought clothes.

The next day James drove to the Sugimoto mansion in San Bernardino. The Sugimoto's a Japanese Mafia that controls a large quantity of San Bernardino. For the past thirty years Kenta Sugimoto aka Truth led The Sugimoto crime family to glory.

The Sugimoto mansion, a huge and beautiful house with an even bigger estate. This was the type of house that James always wanted. The guards escorted them to the reception desk.

"Welcome to the Sugimoto residence, what is your purpose being here today?" the woman said. "Wait… are you Gemini?" James said. "Yes, I am." "Oh… it's you, J was it," Gemini said. Her face became disturbed. "On your left go to the room at the end of the hall."

James and Leon were in awe, by the giant luxury room. The second-floor indoor balcony leading to stained glass skylight. A long table for sixteen people sat in the center but only fifteen chairs, leaving only one chair at the head of the table. The two froze noticing an older Japanese man seated at the head.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sugimoto," James said bowing. "Never mind that get to what you need to say," said Truth.

Name: Kenta Sugimoto Alias: Truth

Age: 56 Race: Japanese- American Gender: Male

Family: son Aoki and daughter Ren Spouse: Mio

Job: Crime boss Skills: Marketing, Business, and Gunman

"I'm here about a favor. The names J, I'm an arms trafficker back in Santa Barbara, well I was." "Yes, I remember you," Truth said. "You do?" James said. "Well, mostly your eyes. Every time we met your voice, and your overall demeanor was composed and respectable. Your eyes were always filled with hatred and anguish at the world." Truth said.

Kenta Sugimoto is not call Truth for being honest but for his ability to read people. No one can lie to him for he can see through any deceit. Kenta Sugimoto can perfectly read people with or without looking at them. Because of that no one dares to lies to him, essentially forcing them to tell the truth.

James began to explain everything. "I want you to allow me and my son to join the Sugimoto's, and I'm not asking to be no low-level soldier. I want to be a part of the high ranks. I know the blood is blood and you cannot buy into blood crap. But it's a good gamble letting me join one worth a jackpot.

Kenta's wife Mio and daughter Ren secretly watches from the balcony. Also secretly watching on the other side of the balcony was Kenta's consigliere Niko. "This man is a fool," Mio and Niko both whispered to themselves. "He's gutsy," Ren whispered.

"Absurd! you expect me to make you a caporegime because of a favor. That's ridiculous that's like if you ask for me to kill myself or turn myself in because of a favor." "Maybe I can help uncle," said a familiar voice. A dark shadowy figure creeps out from behind James. The voice sent a chill down James's spine and immediately recognized it the voice from the phone.

"Archie, what do you have to say," Truth said. "I'm very fond of this man mmm and I don't want this meeting to be for nothing. How about he takes my place mmm?" "What?" Truth said. "I mean as my underboss, he can run my branch for me so I can enjoy myself and my other pleasurable hobbies without any worries mmm. He can run it all and I'll take responsibility if anything bad happens." Archie said.

"Hmm what do you think Niko." "Of course, you noticed I was up here. It's idiotic and lazy thinking, not surprising that it came from my son, but it's a solution that works. Think of it like a substitute caporegime," Niko said. "All right you'll be Archie's substitute," said Truth. "Fine with me," James said. "This will be a fun relationship J, the name's Archie, code name Romeo mm."

Archie explained to James their rules, his duties and what they entails. "I am one of Sugimoto's five caporegimes, my brothers, cousins, and others makes up the five. My father Niko is Kenta's brother and the consigliere," Archie said.

The others saw James as an outsider. An intruder who will soon enough be kill, they thought. After five years James became well integrated into the Sugimoto family, he attained money, power, and luxury

Leon experience was not the same. James forced Leon joined the Sugimoto family soldiers hoping to him stronger. The soldiers excepted him and became like brothers to him. The soldiers taught him everything he need to know to survive.

Leon never regained his smile nor the life in his eyes, solely a sixteen -year -old killing machine. Now fully mute, he communicates through sign language.

During the years James befriended Ren Sugimoto, Kenta Sugimoto's only daughter. It took no time for their friendship to become intimate. The two keep the relationship a secret for this was against one of Sugimoto's rules. This was not Ren first intimate relationship, but Sugimoto was against anyone being with her.

Leon despised his father for this, Leon felt his father forgotten about his mother. They dated for the last two years of those five years until they was caught and had to face the consequences. Once again everyone gathered in the meeting room to hear Truth's judgement.

"There is nothing to be said, you broke my rules, and my rules are absolute. I can't help you J. Mm for if it weren't for love I would be so disappointed in you," Archie said. "I have nothing to say," Niko said.

"I'm sorry sir I've fallen love your daughter. I have one thing to say." James lowered his head; this is my last hope. "May I have you daughter hand in marriage?" "Pathetic." Mio said. "I appreciate that I can tell you're being honest, but that solves nothing," Truth said.

"I understand I'm prepared to perform apology offering," James said. "No, I won't take your pinky, but my daughter has begged me not to harm you. You see I would have only accepted both your hands cutoff as an apology. May this be a mercy from God that I simply banish you and your son form the Sugimoto's forever. Get your things and leave."

James bites his tongue. "Is there something you want to say. Alright than Ren and Archie, you'll receive your punishments in the ice chamber later.

James struggled to controlled his anger as he returned to his office. "I was helpless. Should I just let him take my hands." Ren busted into the room into the room jumping into James arms. "I'm sorry I wish I could do me, running away with you is not even an option," Ren said.

"I'm out of options as well. I was able to get 5 years out of this, not to mention these fantastic years with you." James stroke Ren's hair back and kisses her forehand. 'I guess I'm cursed to live in the firth." "No, you're not. I have a plan if it done right. There is stash house by a group of mercenaries called the Behemoth and on their computer is a volt of digital currency worth million. Just don't get caught," Ren said

"Thank you, Ren, you've sone so much." James and Ren shared their last kiss before leave for LA.