Chapter 5 Jackpot

In the dead of night, the sky was pitch black. Even the buildings in the distance shrouded in darkness. "Leon this is probably our last chance. James slapped the back of Leon's neck. So don't fuck it up. Loen did not waver form James's intimidation. He fears nothing but the demons inside.

"McBurgers the hidden treasure trove de inside the common American restaurant. Is it foolish or arrogant of them to protect everything with a single iron door?" With a blowtorch James tore through the door like it was paper.

"Leon use this torch to fuse the back door and lock everything down. We got 10 minutes let's go." Once the computer was hatched James saw it all. "I can't believe it... 4 million. Thank you, Ren." As the courier drive drained the money Leon kept watch of the area. A moment later a flashing row of light piled into the parking lot.

Leon parsley blinded by the light struggled to see what had arrived. Leon grabbed James to the front to see the army of vehicle outside. "What the hell it's only been 3 minutes! Fuck that we'll slaughter our way out." Twelve armored vehicles and twenty mercenaries surround the McBurgers.

A one man's presences tore throw the thick tension. Iron the leader of the mercenaries. He wear all black, but his matching gray fedora and vest. "Have a quarter of the men take out the power and brake in the back." "I'm so excited man I was bored before this," said of the mercenaries.

"How much has been transfer? One mill fine with me. They can bum on that door… All the lights shut off and the power with it.

James rushed over to Leon and sees the army of mercenaries surrounding the building. "Leon get down!"

"Light em up!" Bullets began to rain into the building ricocheting throughout the kitchen. What a terrifying sound it made the roaring sound of hundreds and thousands of bullets crashing into everything.

The shootings stopped, and everything became quiet. The silence was quickly replaced with the sound cracking glass as the mercenaries advanced. "A flash of light illuminated the room. The mercenaries had triggered Leon's trap blinding everyone with flash grenade.

James and Leon jumped out from the kitchen firing at everything in front of them. They ran straight to the shattered windows in the far back. Leon jumped throw but James was tackled to the ground.

"Keep running Leon! Get off me you fat ass." James screamed and swarmed as the man dislocates his arm. The sound of the cracking felt if his arm brock off.

"Go after him," Iron said. He rested his foot on James's head grinding it on the ground. "Hello, there do you have time for a talk since you're not doing anything. How did you learn about my stash?" James thought to himself what I could had done to deserve this much misfortune. To lose everyone I worked to gain and everything I love. But I won't lose Ren. "I got it from your asshole of a mother."

"That's the best answer I'm going to get uh. I know best when a man is protecting someone they love. I hope they're worth it." Yeah, I guess this is the end. Iron fired the gun at his head and in those nanoseconds James mind did not rush with thoughts. Nor did his life flash before his eye, he thought of one thing, I'm sorry Leon… survive.

Hearing the gunshot, Leon chest tightened. Leon looked over his shoulder to find five men chasing him. One of the men jerked Leon back knocking the wind out of him. Trapped in the mercenary's arm Leon stabbed him in the eye braking free then snaped the man's neck. Leon tried reaching for his gun but was kicked and beaten.

Leon had no chance in the fight, every attack he block three more he was delt. A familiar voice called out to him. "Time for to die, yes die. You must die." The four mercenaries' figure become the grotesque deceased Grey.

The men freeze by Iron's voice moments before stabbing Leon. "Don't we need to talk. You're pretty strong for a kid but here's the thing all I want to know is who told you about this place." "I don't know he never told me," Leon singed.

"That's ironic we need him to talk but he's mute. I guess we just kill him, said one of the mercenaries. "No, let him go home." "I have no home, he singed." Iron crunched looking into Leon's eye and noticed something too familiar. "He's coming with us."

Iron carries Leon on his back to the car. "Sir." "That wasn't a question." Leon immediately passes out in the backseat as the mercenaries' head back to their base. The news of Iron bringing back Leon quickly spread through the men.

"Do you think he's gonna have him join?" "Nah, man he's probably gonna drop the kid off at the orphanage you know Iron don't deal with kids." "I hope he's tortures him. You're forgetting he killed several of our friends and if he don't I will." "Yeah, Nash is right."

Iron grabbed his favorite whiskey from his shelf and filled two shot glasses.

"Payne you want one?" "Can you first explain the kid?" "Why I want to say because of his impressive endurance even when being bombarded he never gave up, but no. It was his eyes… his eye were empty. I remember when my eyes were the same. What I'm gonna do? I don't know."

Payne hit the shot like it was a glass of lemonade. Iron followed behind hitting the shot of whiskey and was stunned by the burning serration. I have no clue how you be handling these drinks like its nothing. "The others won't easily accept him." "Not easy, but not impossible. Given our past I'm surprise you ever trusted men."

Leon woke up in the morning and find himself alone in someone else's bed. He quietly opened the door checking both sides of the hall, but no one was there. In the distance he heard the of someone fix something in the kitchen. With no gun he takes out his pocketknife as he slightly makes his was. At the end of the hall, he pairs over the wall and sees Iron cooking.

"I see you, sit down I fixed you breakfast." Already at the table was Payne eating a plate of poached eggs with sausages onto of a pile steaming grits. "Let's start with introductions. I'm Tyree also known as Iron and this Daniel, but we all call his Payne. Your name is?" "Leon," he said. I've been thing about you joining since your said you have no home. How about you stick around a bite." He nodes.

As Leon wandered the base, he was met by an unfortunate encounter. "Are you fucking kidding me why is he wondering around after what he did," Nash said. Leon stared at him with a blank look on his face. "I see no remorse on his face." "Why because he killed our friend, and we killed his family. But I can tell that's not enough for you," Iron said. Iron drew his gun and fired three shots at Leon's chest.

"Their, now he gets to fight for his life problem solved. A men group of carried Leon 's the infirmary and ripped on Leon's shit releasing a bullet proof vest. Iron burst into the room joyfully. "That was great. They wouldn't give up until you suffered." The two stared in a awkward silent. "Kid if you join us, I promise to full that emptiness inside you. You might not feel it, but it will grow breaking you down to not thing." He nods.

"Perfect you can join our new mission; we've hired to broke out an infamous serial killer before his execution date. We got a week so heal up quickly." Iron step out and paused in the door from. "One last thing welcome to the Behemoths."