20th May 2038, Monday, 11:00 AM
"Ring...Ring...Ring" the fire alarm of the school buzzed like crazy,
We both became alarmed by the situation, she stated " There is a fire at the school building let's go and check if we can somehow help others" I nodded in agreement, we both rushed there in a hurry to look at what had happened.
When we reached the school building we saw some students dashing out in horror from the building some were covered in blood, I inquired from some of them to know what happened, they all said things like "monster"," zombie", "demon",
A student stated "thanks to a big guy we got out in time" another student added that "yeah, but I don't think that guy would be able to get out" I became curious as to know who helped them out and asked some more people about information but to no avail we found anything. Some were so afraid to even open their mouth,
I gulped down and was horrified by the sighting of blood, Ava saw through me acting tough, although she was scared she still asked, " Noah, a...a...are you alright?"
I staggered and replied " Y...Yeah I'm...I'm fine" and added, "It doesn't look like a simple fire," she said, "Yeah, looking at their expression it doesn't look like a normal fire accident "
I added, "They also said something about a big guy helping him maybe we can check the situation inside and somehow help him" she nodded in agreement, we marched slowly in the hallway it was a horrible sight,
The hallway was red with blood and on the floor there were limbs, it was a tragic sight which made Ava puke, I supported her while my hands were shaking in fear, I stated, " I...it's so horrible, you can stay out and I will come right after I find who was that person"
She anxiously stated "no, take me with you, i... it's so scary don't leave me" I caress her head and said "alright, let's go together" after we moved a few more steps I could hear a munching sound and stopped there to listen closely and asked her "Hey, can you also hear that munching sound" she listened closely and nodded in agreement.
I stated "it's coming from the science laboratory. Let's go there and check" she gulped and nodded to keep up with me,
I grabbed her hand and nodded to assure her she then turned her head and blushed.
When we opened the room someone was standing there