The Valley That They Had to Rush Into, the Venomous Hidden Green Snake

The scene came to where Su Yi and the others were. After traveling for a while, they had already left the desolate barren land.

Under their feet was no longer the barren land, but the soil with fresh grass growing from time to time.

"I've finally walked out of that barren land."

Nie Ling walked on the grassy grassland with light steps. Her footsteps were light, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

Li Mengxi, on the other hand, was not so chirpy. A trace of worry appeared in her eyes. Her current situation could be considered safe, but she was worried about her big brother.

Although she knew that her big brother, Li Zhengxuan, was at the eighth layer of the foundation establishment realm, if he were to encounter the Crystal-devouring Centipede from before, she was afraid...

"Don't think too much. Brother Li is a good person, and there will be no harm."

Su Yi saw the worry in Li Mengxi's eyes, so he slowly went forward to comfort her.