Leaping Into the Canyon, Escaping With the Rapid Current

Following Su Yi's low shout, Li Mengxi understood and the ice crystal in her hand instantly became extremely cold.

Following that, she raised her delicate hand and struck towards the green snake that was sent flying backwards.

In an instant, the entire area was covered in frost, and the green snake that was sent flying was also frozen by Li Mengxi's spell.

The frozen green snake lost its ability to escape, and it was only at this time that they saw the information of this demonic beast.

[Demonic beast: Hidden Poisonous Green Snake]

[Bloodline: Ordinary[

[Realm: Early foundation establishment]

[Description: Able to merge with the surrounding environment. Its small body contains a terrifying poison. Even a cultivator at the peak of foundation establishment would be poisoned to death if bitten.]

Seeing the information of this demon beast, Su Yi and the others' faces turned gloomy.