Chapter 245: The Seasonal World
After years, the witch village thrived a lot more than it did in a long time.
There was finally calmed and peaceful, and it was in that calm and peace that Junk, the demonic servant of September, the Halloween Witch Queen could find himself again.
Between being a prisoner and constantly fighting for his life and for the life of his Queen, he hadn't a lot of time to focus on himself. With his Halloween armor gone, he also had to learn to re-invent himself a little. His powerful armor that gave him the appearance of a fierce demon had been destroyed by one dangerous foe during the last stand to protect the wicked town where he now resided.
At least, he still had his ax.
Outside, Junk was cutting wood to keep the entire village warm.
He was all by himself and, even though this was a windy day, it was still a fantastic one with quite a bit of sun piercing through the red clouds in the purple sky.
In this province where the Autumn season was the constant environment on a daily basis, everyone inhabiting this part of the world was often reminded of Halloweeen.
Here, Halloween was a weekly thing and everyone in town couldn't wait for Halloween night to come, which was due to be tomorrow on Friday.
"Oof… That should be enough wood for now…" Junk said to himself as he swung his ax one more time, this time leaving the blade of his weapon deep in the tree trunks on which he used to cut his wood.
Sweat dripped down his forehead, which he pushed to the side using the back of his left hand.
Junk piled the gigantic amount of wood he cut up on that day and tied them all together with a few ropes.
The tower of freshly cut wood then went into his back as he would carry it around just like a backpack.
Junk thought it was fun for once to not have to fight monsters, but to simply do some common work in and around the witch village.
Junk was alone on the north side of town. He had gone there to cut wood all by himself while the others were doing their own things in the other various parts of the village.
The young man carried the wood he cut as he walked back toward a cabin that he came out of earlier.
Everything was nice and cozy outside until something grabbed Junk's attention…
The wind suddenly stopped blowing and the birds quit chirping.
Something was right, but Junk couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Is there someone watching me? Junk asked himself.
He stopped and looked around for a moment…
There was no one.
However, Junk knew that there was someone around, yet, he couldn't see anyone.
He couldn't see anything.
Later, Junk met with September back at one of the main witch houses where she was preparing a new cauldron for the night.
Fire was burning.
The cauldron was hot.
"Oh, back from your wood-cutting incursion?" September asked him without even looking at him again. She simply heard the door opening and then shutting and she predicted that it was him.
"There was someone or something watching me…"
"In the woods?" she asked.
"Near them," he confirmed to them.
"Typically speaking, I'd say that you are being paranoid, but overtime, I learnt to never take anything too lightly. What was the force you felt?"
"It was nothing like I had ever felt before. Totally different from Monsoon. I do not think it was a storm user or anything of the sort," he explained to her.
"Come here, Junk…" she waved at him.
He approached closer to her and the big cauldron.
Upon closer inspection, he observed that this cauldron she was working with was the same one that her old master used to use, as well. This was the same one that Junk broke a long time ago and that needed to be repaired. Finding and gathering all the broken shards of the cauldron was not an easy task but Junk, September and April did it.
He agreed to do so and stepped closer again.
"What do you want to show me?" he asked her.
"Let's see if there's any unknown or mysterious force at play around the village…" she mentioned to him as she stirred her mixture in her cauldron.
The more she stirred and the more the mixture began glowing.
"What's happening?"
Then, the mixture within the cauldron glowed so much that four balls of lights could now be seen in it.
"Do you remember those, my precious servant?" September elegantly and erotically asked him. Her voice was always so sensual and torrid.
"Those are the same orbs of energy that Monsoon tried to harness the power of. We recovered them after the battle and we hid them," of course, he remembered all of it.
There was a blue orb…
A green orb…
A yellow orb…
And a red orb…
"They are. Green represents Spring. Yellow represents Summer. Red represents Autumn. Blue represents Winter," September re-explained to her dear servant what color represented which season.
"Tell me something new, would you?" Junk was not even trying to come across as arrogant nor mean, it was simply the fact that he had heard this same thing from her before.
"I'm about to… You've grown so much since we first met. You started out as a mere follower, then, a guardian, and eventually a knight, but this is only the very beginning. You can still become so much more. We can still learn so much more. Those colors I just told you about aren't just color, they also signify the elements behind those seasons," knowledge has slowly been breathed into Junk.
"Green and Spring is Wood. Yellow and Summer is Flame. Red and Autumn are Wind. Blue and Winter are Ice."
"What does it mean? Are you saying that the people who are born in those seasons are blessed with those elements?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying," she shook her head to him and smiled.