It's been three days since Jiang Chen went unconscious, and Xue bing has been worried since then. Jiang Chen couldn't wake up for some reason, no matter how hard Xue Bing tried. Xue Bing lacks the cash to call a doctor or transport Jiang Chen to a hospital.
Xue bing, who had been sleepless due to her worry, caressed Jiang Chen's face, her eyes bulging from crying. "Chen'er, please wake up. I don't know what to do anymore."
Xue Bing had considered selling herself in exchange for allowing Jiang Chen to go to the hospital.
Since the first time Xue Bing adopted Jiang Chen, she has treated him as if he were her son. However, as Jiang Chen grows older, her love for him gradually changes, and she begins to see him as a man rather than her son, especially when Jiang Chen's eyes roam around her body as if Jiang Chen was looking at her naked. She could no longer believe Jiang Chen was her son, but rather a lover. She likes the way Jiang Chen looked at her, especially when he looked at her as if he was about to jump on her and push her down. She had been fantasising about Jiang Chen ravaging her body at the time.
"Why aren't you waking up, Chen'er?" Xue Bing burst out crying.
After a while, Xue Bing removes Jiang Chen's clothes. With a bowl of water beside her, she dips the small tower in the water, wrings it out, and wipes Jiang Chen's body.
As she wipes Jiang Chen, his little brother stands up; it has been three days since she has been cleaning Jiang Chen's body, and every time she wipes his body as if he is awake; his body would react every time she touches it.
Seeing Jiang Chen's little brother stand up as if it were a rocket ready to launch, Xue Bing considered playing with it, but because Jiang Chen is in a coma, she hesitated.
However, she reasoned that if she was going to sell her body to some guy, she might as well give herself to Jiang Chen first.
Somewhere far away, Jiang Chen's consciousness drifted. He had no idea where he was, but all he could see was a universe and a vast land surrounded by the cosmos. The area was empty, as if no one lived here, but the land was clearly a place where people used to live, but for some reason, no one was around.
"Where am I?" as if he were hallucinating, "Jiang Chen stated as he looked around.
As he walked around the area, he noticed several ruined buildings, as if this was once a battleground, and he noticed one building that didn't appear to have been touched. It was glistening with a majestic aura that left him speechless.
Jiang Chen was perplexed as he gazed in awe at a majestic ancient structure when he heard a faint voice from within.
Jiang Chen was unsure whether to enter this majestic ancient building because he knew nothing about it. However, he reasoned that he had nothing to lose since he had already failed to awaken and his life would be much more miserable. He might as well take a chance and see if he can find a treasure inside.
Jiang Chen reasoned that even if he couldn't awaken, as long as he had wealth, he could still live a good life, which is why he was willing to take a risk.
Jiang Chen proceeded inside. As he entered the building, a big sign could be seen. As for the language, it was words that he had never seen. However, this made him puzzled as he could read it.
Jiang Chen frowned as he read, "God of Gods."
Jiang Chen never believed in God because he believed that if there was a god, he would never allow his people to suffer. But his life had been full of pain since he was a child, and even though Xue Bing was kind enough to adopt him, that didn't change the fact that he was still suffering. He and Xue Bing had to kill themselves almost every day just to work for food, and the recent event had made him lose hope in his life because he was one of the unawakened people.
Jiang Chen walked inside the building and looked around. He saw a lot of valuable items and considered selling them once he figured out how to get out of here. This building's decoration was filled with valuable items such as ancient vases, paintings, books, and so on.
As he was about to finish looking around the ancient structure, he heard the voice again, but this time it was much clearer and closer.
"Help me!" yelled a girl from a room Jiang Chen had not entered.
Jiang Chen inhaled a nervous mouthful of air as he hesitated, but still opened the door to the room from which the voice came.
When Jiang Chen opened the door, he saw a white coffin tied with a black rusted chain.
"Hello?" Jiang Chen inquired nervously, not knowing who he was calling.
"Ahh!! Finally, someone has arrived!! "Please help me!!" After hearing Jiang Chen's voice, a girl burst out laughing, but at the same time, a desperate tone can be heard...
Jiang Chen inquired as he approached the coffin. "How can I help you?"
"Could you please unseal me from here?" the girl begged.
Jiang Chen grabs the chain as he tries to remove it from the coffin. However, as he touches it, the black rusted chain mysteriously vanishes, leaving him stunned for a second before he opens the coffin. He saw a beautiful lady in a white gown whose beauty could cause the massive destruction of a continent if she was seen roaming around outside of this realm.
Jiang Chen was captivated by her beauty, which included her white hair and light grey eyes.
"Thank you for saving me," the girl said with a smile.
Jiang Chen awoke from his trance when he heard her angelic voice.
Jiang Chen boldly went to the girl's side and lifted her like a princess from the coffin, seeing that she was still in the coffin.
"Hehe, thank you," the girl laughed and said again after Jiang Chen assisted her out of the coffin. She didn't mind Jiang Chen's actions because she knew Jiang Chen was smitten by her beauty.
She developed the ability to read people after living for millions of years, and she can tell by the expression on Jiang Chen's face that he didn't realize his action, as if his body moves by itself. She can also tell whether Jiang Chen intended to hurt her or not.
Jiang Chen was perplexed by his behaviour as well, but he set it aside for the time being and asked her, "Who are you?"
"Me?" the girl asked as she pointed herself out and said with a smile." My name is Nana, Guardian of this land!"