Chapter 047

One of the 6 people of the Warrior Sequence fighting, dropped down dead. The other five momentarily froze in shock, as did their three opponents.

Suddenly, the man in the lead from the Zmanger Gang yelled, and started spewing flames intently, promoting the two behind him to do the same.

The 5 opponents all started rallying together, but this time one of them pulled out a black cap and put it on.

As soon as he did so, black smoke started appearing all around, and blocking the line of sight of the three opponents. The two Hunters and Faceless used fire to drive away the smoke, but had limited results.

From the footsteps he could hear, 4 of the men closed in on their opponents in the smoke, while one of them charged towards the bar. Judging by the heavier footsteps, Alvin judged that it was the Sequence 8 fellow, a Pugilist with a stocky build who was coming into the bar.

Alvin fired a few more random shots as deterrence, and ran deeper into the bar. While he had disabled the ultimate trap that would cause the whole building to explode, there were several other things inside Alvin could use inside. For one, the heavy shotgun hidden in a compartment behind the bar.

While Pugilists could take a few bullets and not suffer too much of impediment with the virtue of their strong builds, a shotgun to the face was not something they could shrug off.

So when Alvin shoved the gun at his face, the Pugilist recoiled in horror and dove behind some wooden tables as cover.

But wooden tables were not great cover in the face of a primed shotgun, as was evident when the shells of the shotgun blasted through the wooden furniture and got the Pugilist. But since the distance was quite a lot, the shells had scattered by the time they hit him, so he was not majorly hurt. The man gave a painful yell as he got up, and then proceeded to charge towards Alvin.

Most shotguns were single use, and the man probably thought that it was the same. But unknown to him, this was a prototype with an extra chamber for an additional shell. While this could compromise the power of one shot, the additional shot could give some people a nasty surprise.

Alvin pretended to run away from the charging man. But in the open space of the bar, a Pugilist was obviously much faster than a Hunter, as the man had caught up quite quickly. But just as he got within reach of Alvin with his weapon, Alvin spun around and unloaded the second shot in his face.

The man howled in agony, and collapsed onto the floor. No person who was still a low Sequence Beyonder could take a shotgun shell right in his face, even if the shot was a little weaker.

As then lay wailing on the floor, Alvin finished him off with a couple of bullets from his revolver. He then dragged his corpse away from the door, and ran back to the window to see what was happening.

Outside, the 2 Weapon Specialists, the Pugilist and Warrior were fighting hard assisted by the black smoke, but they were steadily on the back foot compared to the three turrets spewing flames at them. They were attempting to sidestep the flames and get closer, exploiting the fact that their opponents were unable to see, but their opponents were sweeping the flames around instead of using them in straight streams, so the 4 members of the warrior Sequence were unable to get closer. And on top of all this, the smoke that was assisting them was slowly fading.

Alvin reloaded his revolver and raised it up, aiming at the Warrior. He was confident of killing this person, or severely injuring the Pugilist. But after thinking for a while, he did not to do either.

Instead he aimed at the knee of the Pyromaniac from the Zmanger Gang who was the lookout. He then waited for an opportune moment, and fired.

As the sound of the bullet was heard, the 4 members of the Warrior Sequence recoiled, while Alvin's target gave a wretched scream as he collapsed onto the floor, clutching his knee. This presented a gap in the continuous stream of flames, and the two Weapons Specialist wasted no time in charging through this gap.

The injured member of the Zmanger Gang, along with Radopest and Donald aimed at the Weapon Specialist and sent out streams of flames. The two men sidestepped most of it, and lunged at the two with their weapons.

Alvin took this time to once again aim at the fallen Pyromaniac, this time at his face, and fired.

Alvin expected him to dodge, block, or do something out of instinct, but surprisingly, there was no impediment as the bullet went straight through his skull. He died instantly.

Alvin then waited, as Radopest and Donald began fighting the two Weapon Specialist at close range. The Pugilist and Warrior tried to help them, but Alvin started firing at them whenever they went closer.

"Go and get that rat! We can take these two" yelled one of the Weapon Specialists. Indeed, they had the firm upper hand, as they pressed the Pyromaniac and the Faceless pretending to be an Pyromaniac back.

The Warrior and the Pugilist yelled and ran towards the bar waving their shoddy weapons.

Knowing fully well that Donald had a huge back of tricks to reverse the situation when he wanted, including but not limited to Air Bullets, Flame Jump, Paper Substitute and Damage Transfer, Alvin ignored the seemingly disadvantaged duo and focused on the two prey running into his trap.

He was confident in killing both the lunkheads head on, never mind the ridiculous amounts of traps that were in the bar.

Making a plan on what to do next, he waved his hand at the two men in an attempt to provoke them, and ran into the bar with his prey close on his heels.