Chapter 054

After a short while, Audrey came back. She was chasing her dog, which was now chasing after a small squirrel.

"Susie, stop! Don't chase him!" she yelled as she tried to stop her dog.

Alvin went forward, and plucked up the squirrel from the ground, and deeply stroked its back. The panicked squirrel relaxed due to this action. Susie came up to Alvin and tried to jump in an attempt to get the squirrel. Alvin raised the squirrel out of reach, bent down, and started scratching Susie behind her ears. After she calmed down a bit, he started scratched her under the chin, and got her to sit down. He then held the squirrel against her nose and allowed her to sniff. The squirrel froze, as Susie sniffed the squirrel, and gave her a few licks. She then said lay on the ground, no longer interested in the squirrel.

Alvin set the squirrel down on the ground, and it looked around warily before going near Susie. After a few moments, she visibly relaxed as she started to run around Susie.

"Wow! That was amazing! How did you do that?" asked Audrey.

"Well, the dog doesn't want to eat the squirrel, it is just her instinct to chase after something that is running. Once she sniffed it, she realised that it wasn't food, and thus lost interest. As for the squirrel, she only ran because that is the first instinct of the species when they are chased. After she realised that no harm would come to it, she doesn't mind. And yes, the squirrel is a she" said Alvin.

"Wow! Is that the knowledge that comes with being a Hunter as well?" asked Audrey.

"Not exactly. Being familiar with various animals is a trait of a Hunter, not a characteristic" said Alvin.

Both Audrey and Bradford seemed confused, but soon they ignored Alvin as they swooned over the cute and furry squirrel.

"So can you tell us how you became a Beyonder?" asked Audrey.

"Certainly. After the decline of my family, I went south to Enmat Harbour. I had heard rumours of the presence of Beyonders there, and went to find some opportunity.

I mucked around for more than 6 months, before finally having an opportunity to collect a potion formula. I then spent two months gathering all the ingredients to make the potion, and two months ago, I finally concocted and consumed the potion" said Alvin.

"Does Enmat Harbour have a lot of Beyonders?" asked Audrey.

"Yes. As far as I am aware, there are plenty of Beyonders out there in the seas. Being a harbour, a large number of seafaring Beyonders stop at Enmat harbour, and land-dwelling Beyonders gather there to transact with them to obtain treasure, which are at abundance in the seas I heard" said Alvin.

"So there would be plenty of Beyonders at Pritz Harbour also?" she asked.

"One could assume so. Actually, there are a large number of Beyonders in Backlund. But because of the presence of the three churches and the military, they are much more restrained here. But you can always find them if you investigate carefully" said Alvin.

"Do you have any more formulas other than the Hunter?" asked Audrey.

"Unfortunately I have only two formulas, one for Hunter, and the other for Warrior. And neither are suited for you" said Alvin regretfully.

"Why not?" asked Audrey unwillingly.

"Well, ideally you want to choose a Sequence that suits you with powers that you can use. A Hunter's powers mostly involve the outdoors and targeting prey, so unless you are extremely adventurous, able to think about living in the wild, and hunting stuff, this isn't suitable for you. It would be like a person who is studying for some technical profession suddenly being forced to learn wilderness survival. It just wouldn't suit you. The same goes for Warrior. Unless you like to get up close and personal with physical brawls, it is not suitable" said Alvin.

"Then what would be suitable?" asked Audrey.

"Extraordinary Pathways that don't involve physical activities, as you don't get out of Backlund much. Something that does not provoke attention when you are practising it, as chances are you will be found out by the large number of people around you. Something you can apply and make use of, with real-world applications. And most importantly, something that you are compatible with, in other words you would enjoy using the powers you have" said Alvin.

"Them Apothecary is the perfect Pathway for me it seems like? After all, I am free to tinker with any medicinal conditions when I am alone. I rather enjoy chemistry, and if I become an Apothecary, I will use it to keep me and those around me free from illness" said Bradford.

"That Pathway indeed seems to suit you" said Alvin.

"What other Pathways are there? Can you tell me about them? asked Audrey.

"I heard there are 22 Pathways in total. Some of them are very rare, some more common. They are pretty varied, so only a select few would suit you" said Alvin, wondering which Pathways he should reveal. He didn't want Miss Justice not choosing the Spectator Pathway, as he felt that it suited both her and her dog every well, and was integral to the storyline events. There was the possibility that she took the Hanged Man's Spectator Potion and consumed it because she didn't know much about other Pathways. He was concerned that she would not become a Spectator if she had a different favourite in mind.

Alvin then talked only about a few of the most unsuitable Pathways, like Gravedigger, Sailor, Assassin, and Sleepless, all of which sounded horrifyingly awful to the pampered noble girl.

"Well, there is a Pathway I heard of which I think would fit you, called the Spectator. The people in this Pathway are rare, as the potion formula is not widely spread. But from what I hear, this seems to be a very interesting and potential-filled Pathway" said Alvin, as he went on to describe the powers of the Spectator and Telepathist as nicely as he could.

"Spectator" said Audrey with a glint in her eyes, upon seeing which Alvin was sure that she would be taking the Spectator potion as soon as the Hanged Man gave her the formula.