Chapter 058

Alvin waited near the Saint Samuel Cathedral, where Gordon had carried Arnold.

He was waiting, as he had told Gordon he would redeem his contributions again.

With the whole incident with the Zmanger Gang, and then this, he had reached up a decent amount of contribution.

He hoped to get the Hunter formula if available this time.

After a while, Gordon came by and sat down next to him. From the flower pattern on his shoe, he knew that he was pulled into a dream.

"Well, we finished interrogating that thief" said Gordon. "And my guess was right. He stole the badge when we were dealing with the out of control member" said Gordon.

"So was he involved in that incident? Was he on the side of the Iron and Blood Cross Order or the Zmanger Gang?" asked Alvin.

"What do you think?" asked Gordon.

Alvin silently pondered. Gordon had no reason to give him that information, but as it was related to him, he wanted to know. After a while, he decided to give up some information that he had 'found'.

"It seems that the Zmanger Gang set a trap for the persons sent by the Iron and Blood Cross Order. It may be because they were weaker, and thus wanted some person to get it, who they would then track down using that glass bead. I also received some information that some members of the Assassin Pathway were also present. So was their purpose to just disrupt others from obtaining the item? And this guy was also a distraction by the Zmanger Gang?" asked Alvin.

"Close enough. He was commissioned by the Zmanger Gang. But his role wasn't to disrupt others from obtaining the item. He had just one role, and it was targeting the person who took the item" said Gordon.

"A tracker? I didn't think the Marauders had tracking means. If he used a mystical item, why didn't they just have another member of their own Gang do it? And wouldn't a tracker be pointless since they already have one?" asked Alvin.

"It wasn't a tracker. And it wasn't against him. In fact, it helped him. You see, the Nighthawks had two sealed items with them during that trip. One of them could detect approaching Beyonders. But the persons from the Iron and Blood Cross Order got around that by having an ordinary man with no Beyonder powers, or a low Sequence Beyonder with cloaking powers to do the deed. The second, could put everyone in the vicinity to sleep. It could put most Sequence 5 Beyonders to sleep in a few seconds, let alone this ordinary person, or low Sequence Beyonder. We would have caught him right then and there" said Gordon.

"Unfortunately" he continued regretfully, "The Zmanger Gang, who were determined to let him take the item and get away, arranged this Marauder there"

"How did he do it?" asked Alvin curiously.

"With the help of a mystical item provided to him, he amplifier his stealing abilities and stole the person's ability to sleep. It could only last for a short while , but during that time he would not be able to sleep. Hence, he was immune to the effects of our charms, powers and the mystical item" said Gordon.

Alvin walked away in deep thought. He now understood all the circumstances of his death, and the conspiracy behind him getting the Red Castle.

While he wasn't aware of what their end game was, he could understand the plan of the Zmanger Gang, or whoever they were doing this on their behalf.

They picked a random non-Beyonder, and carefully manipulated him into receiving the Sword of Dominance. As soon as he was in possession of the sword, the Ouroboros mark ensured that he didn't become a Beyonder, by affecting his luck. They spread the rumours of the treasure and its abundance, and the presence of various ingredients, so that this non-Beyonder would go, hoping to get some ingredients that he needs.

There, they remained hidden, and only wanted to ensure that he gets the Red Box. Alvin suspected that if he didn't manage to get the box and escape by himself using the Cloak of Forgetfulness and the huge fires he set, the ones hidden behind the scene would subtly help him along.

And afterwards, a few Assassins hounded him, but no higher Sequence Beyonder who could easily deal with him appeared. This was to let him escape, while simultaneously forcing him to use the Sword of Dominance.

The Sword of Dominance had amazing power. He had killed Beyonders on more than one occasion using it, back when he wasn't one himself. It had relatively manageable side effects. Once the sword was used to dispatch an opponent, with what Alvin suspected to be the powers of a Sequence 5 Reaper, some of the spiritual residues would seep into the user's body. It would not do any harm immediately, and could be resolved by using a specific method. But if it was unresolved, the residue would erupt in 6 hours.

Alvin was forced to use the Sword of Dominance 4 times that night, which meant he had four layers of spiritual residue in him. Ordinarily, it wouldn't be a problem. He could resolve it at his own convenience after he escaped. But this time, he was unknowingly affected by a Beyonder item that could put him to sleep almost instantly. And the due to the actions of the Marauder, he didn't fall asleep immediately. As his ability to sleep was stolen, he unaware and unaffected, commenced his escape.

And afterwards, when he had finished his escape, the effects of the stealing would fade, and the ability to sleep would be returned to Alvin. Still under the effects of the powerful sealed item that acted on him, he would immediately fall asleep.

And since he was asleep for a considerable amount of time, the backlash from the Sword of Dominance would be unresolved. It would erupt after 6 hours, killing Alvin, who was not a Beyonder and thus had no resistance to its powers.