Chapter 059

Alvin could guess what would have happened if he really died, and did not transmigrate back then.

When he first went into the Red Castle, the spectre of the Hunter Pathway in there said, "Finally"

Alvin had previously assumed that it said 'finally' due to the relief of finding a target to possess, who came into the Red Castle after whatever time it was trapped in there. But now, Alvin was wondering if the 'finally' was due to the fact that it could see the key, the Sword of Dominance outside, and it waited impatiently for Alvin to use it, so that he could go inside and become possessed.

If this was the case, it had visibility outside of the Red Castle, and maybe could even possess people from outside, just that it couldn't to it healthy people, as it could only exert limited powers outside.

So the real purpose of the Ouroboros mark was probably to ensure that he did not become a Beyonder, not just so that he wouldn't be able to resist the sleep inducing mystical item, the thieving action, and backlash from the Sword of Dominance, but also due to becoming a possessible host for the Spectre after he died.

If he hadn't transmigrated when he had, the Spectre would have probably possessed him as he was dying from the backlash of the Sword of Dominance. Seeing that the Spectre was in the Red Castle, it probably owned the Sword of Dominance, which is the key at one point, and knew of its backlash and how to resolve it.

If that had happened in that manner, Spectre would become him, and then proceed with whatever it wanted to do.

The masterminds, knowing that the Spectre would stay in Backlund, would use the glass bead to locate him, with the usage of Convergence of Similar Sequence Beyonder Characteristics.

If the spectre had possessed Alvin, it would have probably been detected when the Zmanger Gang members came around the first time. Then, the mastermind would have proceeded with the next step of their plans.

"Well, there is no point in worrying now. Everything worked out for the best. I should try my best to bury the Zmanger Gang in problems, to make sure that they do not have the time or energy to retrace me through the time I got the Sword of Dominance. Maybe after I deal with the Spectre, I can use its Beyonder characteristics to set up a trap" thought Alvin.

"Here is the information about the person you asked me to investigate. Ennoru Matterhorn. A native of Blue Cliff Village on the edge of Awwa Country. He has no job, but he lives a rich and outrageous life. He has 3 mistresses, and frequent most of the brothels in Backlund" said Frank, handing him a report as soon as he walked in. Alvin started browsing the report after receiving it.

The report was of the guy who seemed to have sold at least 3 Beyonder characteristics during one of the gatherings Alvin had attended. He followed him on a whim last time and found his information. He did not place too much importance on him a first, but after some investigation, he realised that the Beyonder Characteristics he sold belonged to a Midnight Poet!

Alvin did genuinely like the Nighthawks, both due to his current circumstances and Klein's experiences. So he wanted to investigate the guy very thoroughly now.

Plus, he was drooling for the huge number of mystical items, potions and formulas with the Nighthawks. He had recently redeemed the Pyromaniac Potion and taken a mystical item from the Nighthawks, but he had wiped out all his contribution, and even owed some contributions now. If he managed to track down the source of these characteristics, he could use it to get a lot of contribution.

Ennoru looked like any of the many people from Loen who came from their hometown, to Backlund hoping to develop on the surface. According to his neighbours, he seemed to be hardworking, leaving at dawn and returning at dusk, sometimes the next day, looking exhausted.

But outside, Ennoru Matterhorn was an absolute novea rich playboy like character. He always seemed to have money, and generously spent it on himself, mostly on booze, prostitutes, and personal comforts. He maintained 3 mistresses, each believing a different backstory of him.

His character did not seem to be a pleasant one. There were rumours of him beating up people, nearly to death and forcing himself on poor people, but with the power of money and some connections he had developed, he managed to stay out of trouble.

Also, Alvin noticed a peculiar trend in the collected information. In the 6 months he was here, money lenders had confronted him 4 times due to him not paying off their debts. He would delay and give excuses, and then book a ticket back to his hometown on the train. Just when his debtors thought he had run away, he returned a couple of days later. Then, he would repay all his debts and start over. The last time this had happened was a few days ago, coinciding with the time Alvin had paid him 600 pounds.

Other than that, he seemed unusually lucky. Once or twice a week, he would go to a random gambling den, and win tens of pounds one sitting. But he would quickly cash out, and not revisit the place for a long amount of time. Thus, he remained undetected. Alvin couldn't figure out what Beyonder Pathway he was. He did not have the power of a Robot, so he definitely wasn't a Lucky One. Alvin suspected he had a mystical item with that effect instead.

"Any instruction boss?" asked Frank.

"Well, this guy is too comfortable. So let's give him some things to worry about. Collect information about his crimes, and with witnesses, send them to the police station. Alert the bigwigs of the casino to this guy who has a surefire way to win. Finally, convince the money lenders who know him that his fluctuating cash reserves are due to him having a large fortune stashed away somewhere. Give him solutions involving money to as many issues as possible whenever you can. And simultaneously, investigate Blue Cliff Village, with a special emphasis on Ennoru. And alert me as soon as he buys a ticket from Backlund anywhere near his native place" said Alvin.