The two dragons quickly came to Silom and landed beside him.

After ten years of growth, Arman's height is about five meters, and his mother Viola is close to twenty meters.

Viola, who was originally huge, was definitely a behemoth, but now he is standing next to Shillong.

Her size is nothing!

If there are external dragons here, I cant believe that these three dragons are in a mother-child relationship.

In the eyes of Wailong, it is definitely the relationship between grandpa, daughter and grandson!

The height of is thirty-five meters, which is basically equivalent to that of the Taikoo Dragon among the dragons!

Although he was prepared, Viola was still deeply moved when he saw Shillon's growth with his own eyes.

She said: "My child, you have grown into a powerful dragon. Mom is proud of you."

Arman is a little depressed, is there no limit to the growth of this big guy?

If you continue to stand with him, isnt it always the gap between the cat and the tiger?

"Mom, my strength has become stronger. This will allow me to better protect Arman and you, mom." Silom said.

"Mom is glad you can think like this, your heart will always be kind."

The mother and son Sanlong talked for a while, and Arman flew to Shillong's back, but as soon as he stood up, he felt a little uncomfortable.

sultry, irritable, restless, and unspeakable discomfort in his body, he frowned and said: "Shillong! What did you **** do to me? It makes me feel so uncomfortable!"


Shillon turned his head awkwardly and looked at Arman on his back: "I didn't do anything? What's the matter with you guy?"

"Huh?" Arman was taken aback for a moment, and then said his feelings.

Mother and son three dragons face each other.

"Mom, try it if you come close to me. Doesn't it feel strange." Silom said.

Viola nodded and slowly approached Shillong.

kept leaning against Shillong's feet, and Viola didn't feel anything special.

She frowned and said, "I don't feel anything at all."

"Huh?" Shillon looked at Arman in a puzzled way, isn't this kid acting in his heart?

"Hey hey hey! What do you think of me? Is Arman the kind of dragon that can lie?" Arman said unhappy.

"Mom, why don't you turn into a humanoid creature." Silom thought for a while.

Viola nodded and turned into an elf appearance. At this moment, she finally felt the symptoms Arman said.

She was a little uncomfortable: "Shillong, I feel Arman's state, and being around you will really make the dragon uncomfortable."

"This..." Silom frowned. He woke up from a deep sleep this time. It seemed that he had changed more than he thought, and these changes were not necessarily good!

"Child, this should be your domain." Viola said: "When our dragon becomes an ancient dragon, a special domain will be formed around itself. These domains will help improve our own combat effectiveness and be used for Deal with races with low combat effectiveness.

such as the burning domain of the red dragon, the withered domain of the black dragon, the lightning domain of the blue dragon, the burning domain of the golden dragon, the poisonous domain of the bronze dragon, and our own ice domain.

Your domain has taken shape, you have to learn to control it. "

Silo heard the words and nodded clearly.

"Asshole Silom! He is only thirty years old like me! I actually own the realm of the ancient dragon!" Arman was extremely envious.

I also want to be a strong and robust dragon!


Just as Arman was thinking like this, a golden spot in the gold scar of Shillong's scales splashed out and landed on Arman's scales.


With the falling of the golden spots, the snow-white scales instantly appeared a small black spot, and gradually expanded, and soon the entire scale became a black scale, as if it were charred.

Arman saw a black scale appear on his silver-white beautiful scales and his mentality exploded. He quickly flew away from Shillong's back and landed tens of meters away. !"

After he finished speaking, he quickly twisted his long neck, sticking out his tongue and licking at the black scales.

Siro is a little embarrassed on the side, this is really a good night's sleep, my health is too good!

The energy is too abundant, this splashing out will pit Arman.

Arman licked on the spot for a long time, and finally found that although his scales were cleaned a lot, they were still slightly black.

The blackness can't be removed no matter how licked it, and it can't return to the shiny silver before.

Arman yelled and cursed.

Viola hurriedly walked over and said, "Baby, don't worry, mom can cure you."

Arman listened, his eyes brightened instantly, and he looked at Viola with an expectant look.

Viola smiled slightly, took out a few silver coins from her space ring, and recalled with a face: "Our dragons will go through a lot of battles in their lives, and the battles will inevitably hurt our beautiful scales, but we cant repair them. , You are optimistic."

At the end, Viola used fire magic to dissolve a few silver coins in his claws into liquid, and then wrapped the liquid with his own magic power, slowly drifting towards Arman's dark scales.

The silver solution was completely covered on the black scales, and then applied evenly under the control of Viola. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com soon disappeared from the black scales, replaced by a shiny silver scale!

Arman saw this, and finally stopped screaming. He looked at Viola with admiration and said: "It's a mother! There is such a way!"

Viola smiled complacently.

Shillon thought blankly on his face.

Maybe this is dragon makeup? Beauty skin surgery?

Mother dragons love of beauty, dont peek at it!

After solving this small problem, Siro transformed back into his body. He still has a few questions that he has not solved!

Flying directly on Armans back, Shillon asked: "Arman, you were affected by my domain just now, what about now?"

Arman heard this, looked at Shillon with a disgusting look, felt it a little, and said, "No more."

Siro nodded, obviously when he was in the body, both his strength and ability were weakened.

He turned Arman into a human form again, and the power of the domain was still gone.

Then, he asked Viola and Arman to go back first.

He wants to familiarize himself with the power of the domain while in the dragon body.

He didn't return to his residence until the next day.

Everyday seems to be normal again.

After seven years of sleep, there are fewer dragons on Dragon Island.

There are only more than one hundred now, and the others have returned to the mainland.

Movies have basically no profit.

After a while, Andre also came back.

a total of ten years, because Shillong had shot a lot of films before, Andre played it slowly and persisted until now.

brought a total of tens of thousands of gold coins to Shillong.

The Soderberg Chamber of Commerce has also developed into a well-known large chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Starland.

