However, after ten years of development, the new film industry has reached maturity in Xinglan Kingdom.

Films appeared in Hailan City for a month, but their quality was so low that they could not compete with Shillong's films.

After another year of development, Andre has opened movie theaters in the surrounding three cities, and the profit model and profit of the movie have initially entered the public eye.

Other chambers of commerce were jealous of this kind of profit, and naturally some people moved in, and the film industry immediately ushered in rapid development.

After another year, the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce is considered to be an opponent, and the directors trained by other chambers of commerce are basically close to mature.

In the next few years, Xinglan Kingdom movies entered the whole country.

The competition has become fierce, but Shillong's film still has an advantage.


Because his film is a big production!

there is a dragon! A high-level warrior turned into a dragon! Senior mage!

This kind of senior professional, ordinary people really can't invite them to make movies!

Even if it is a large chamber of commerce, at most it can only invite high-level professionals such as high-level fighters and mages, but these high-level professionals are also expensive.

And their shooting efficiency is far from comparable to that of the dragon.

The dragons can be filmed in two to five days.

Ordinary teams need more than ten days, and some have stricter requirements on the surrounding environment, which takes longer.

This makes their shooting cost more expensive!

And in the film of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce, metal dragons are on you one by one!

Brass dragon, copper dragon, silver dragon, golden dragon, bronze dragon!

Five metal dragons! An existence that most people have never seen! How can other chambers of commerce compare to this compelling standard?

So in the film industry, the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce, even now, is still the leading industry in the entire Starland Kingdom.

No matter how many other movies, it's hard to compete with Soderberg.

There are many crazy people in the middle who want to invite dragons to do some big productions!

But the result was rather miserable. These guys couldn't find the good dragon, so they went to look for the evil dragon. As a result, there were no people and no money.

At this time, Shillong, Arman, and Andre are all considered the richest of the Shanglong clan.

Shillong has gold coins provided by the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce, plus the money earned by playing movies on Long Island, and he has nearly two hundred thousand gold coins.

Arman had fifty thousand gold coins, all of which were given to him by Shillong.

Andre also has close to one hundred thousand gold coins.

After Shillon awakened, when he met Andre for the first time, Shillon discovered a strange situation.

There seems to be some problems with my own consciousness!

He has become a little concerned about gold coins!

After receiving the dividend at the time, he originally wanted to distribute a batch to Arman directly, but for some reason, he suddenly felt reluctant.

At that time, Shillong looked at the gold coin dumbfounded for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to suppress this reluctance, and gave a part of the gold coin to Arman!

After , Siro was not shooting a movie, so he just made an expansion plan for Andre.

First of all, he asked Andre to shoot the movie himself, and set up a team to train some directors, which would help blossom everywhere, after all, Shillong's film was almost played.

Every time I sleep in the future, it may be longer and longer. With Shillong alone, problems will occur sooner or later.

Regarding this proposal, At first Andre expressed his desire to take Shillong to the mainland and let him film directly in the mainland.

and said he can protect Shillong.

But this proposal was rejected by Shillong, kidding! He is only thirty now!

I'm still young! The size is similar to Karma, and if there is a dragon similar to him, there is still danger!

Maybe Dragon Island was out, but a group of five-color dragons came to besiege him?

Each or Kama level?

Isn't it sorrowful or auspicious?

You Andre is not even a legendary dragon, who do you protect?

Have you never read a certain novel? As long as the protagonist appears on the stage, there will be someone who is stronger than him or almost as strong as him to confront the protagonist!

So I am not safe yet!

At least ten years!

Only then, Siro felt that he could make waves on the mainland for a while.

Regarding Shillong's caution, Andre expressed his understanding. In the end, the two dragons talked about development for a day, and then they separated.

Shillong's days seem to have become boring again, and Arman is never boring.

He is very happy every day. He learned a fire spell from his mother Viola a few days ago, and then hides in his nest every day to melt silver coins!

Why did you melt the silver coins? Of course it was to put the highlights on your scales!

Which scale is a little dull, just wipe it out. Now he is really shining silver, and the sun shines, reflecting so much!

From then on he fell into narcissism.

And his lair, perhaps because of too much money, this guy Arman was very extravagant, spent thousands of silver coins, melted the silver coins into silver water, smeared it on the wall, and then placed it in the hole. There are several exquisite chandeliers bought by Andre from outside.

The entire chandelier is on 24 hours a day, and the cave is shining with silver.

can almost blind people's eyes!

Arman, this guy, is now in his lair all day long.

Shillong, this will be a bit boring.

He wants to develop games.

But technology does not allow it!

He hasn't had any clues yet, because he hasn't been out before, and he still doesn't know what the outside world is like.

It is impossible to effectively understand the outside world only by inheriting memory and Andres narration. ~wuxiaworld.online~ The game is something that Shillong must do. In a world without games, is there a need for it?

This is a boring world, and a dragon must stand up to change it.

And obviously, Shillong is the dragon.

He decided to be a wise research dragon.

For this, he asked his mother Viola, who is the best arcanist on the island?

The answer got was Kama Don.

The most ancient dragon-level golden dragon I have seen before.

Shillong expressed to his mother that he wanted to take Kama as a teacher and learn arcane arts.

Viola listened and said he was very happy, and took Shillong to see Karma.

The apprenticeship was smooth, and Kama was pleased to accept the disciple Shillong.

And make up your mind, while teaching, continue to do ideological work for Shillong!

Studying is boring and long. After that, Shillong has been studying with Karma.

has been studying for several months. On this day, Shillong was on the edge of the beach on Central Island.

humanoid, he stared at a lobster by the beach.

This lobster is the size of an adult's slap, and there is a faint red light flashing on its body. The big pliers clamp a wooden stick with thick fingers and apply a little force.

The stick was pinched off with a click.

This lobster didn't stop even after breaking the stick. It seemed to have mania. The two big tongs danced randomly. Many small gravels were scattered by it.

"That's right! As expected, it is a lobster who has applied the giant force technique and fanaticism technique. The wooden stick that was originally clamped on was suddenly cut off!"

Siro squatted and looked at the lobster boredly. He was doing experiments to test what kind of performance a lobster would behave after getting a spell boost.

