Seeing the black and gold monster disappear, the alarm bell in Tulio's heart did not stop.

The bad premonition in my heart is getting stronger.

Suddenly, he stood up, rushed to the seat of His Highness, and quickly pressed the blue button on the left hand of His Highness and shouted: "Listen, everyone! Open the protective cover immediately! Maximum!"

As the sound fell, a blue protective cover appeared on the outside of the spacecraft. The thickness of the protective cover was far more than normal, about one meter full.

This kind of protective shield is extremely strong, there are no twenty or thirty legendary mages, don't want to easily break it!

His Royal Highness looked at Tullio who gave the order with a slight irritation. He just wanted to say something. Suddenly, the whole spaceship seemed to be hit by something, and the sky was spinning around!

His Royal Highness staggered to the ground, the wine glass in his hand was also broken, and the red liquid spilled all over the ground.

The surrounding objects collapsed.

kept shaking.

His Royal Highness yelled in fright: "What the **** is going on? Turn on 360-degree monitoring for me!"

toot toot~

As the voice of His Highness fell, dozens of screens appeared in the void, reflecting everything outside clearly.

A red-gold streamer turned a turn, like a meteor, and slammed into the spaceship again.

There was another violent vibration inside the spaceship.

"Your Majesty! Something is not so good, there is a red gold meteor hitting us crazy! Our energy is declining rapidly! Now it is only 86%!"



Boom boom boom~

"81%, 79%...72%!"

In the sky outside, I saw a red gold meteor crashing frantically around the spaceship. The entire meteor was in a figure eight shape and hit the center of the spaceship. From a distance, the sky was filled with red gold trajectories. It was extremely beautiful!

"Damn it! We're going to be finished like this!" Seeing that the energy is getting lower and lower, the majesty became anxious, and shouted: "All the secondary artillery will attack me! Shoot me the black meteor!

bastard! What the **** is it! How dare to provoke the empire! "

"Yes! Your Highness!"

On the outside of spacecraft, holes were exposed one by one, and dozens of gun barrels of different sizes appeared inside, and then various shells were fired at the Chijin meteor, including live shells and energy shells.

For a time, the entire sky was covered by artillery fire.

"It's useless! These are useless at all! The Chijin Meteor is the previous black gold monster! [Titan Killer] can't deal with that monster. What use are these secondary guns?" Tulio saw everything. Here, my heart is extremely clear.

He is a 19th-level mage himself, how can his vision be comparable to that of ordinary people, and defeat is doomed.

The princes and soldiers of the empire are still sinking into the invincibility of the empire. It seems that there is no option of failure in life.

Turio clearly knew what he should do next, and he chanted the spell silently.


Shillon used his maximum speed to hit the spaceship for 20 or 30 times, but he still couldn't break through the protective shield, which made Shillon a little surprised.

He hit three or four times the speed of sound, even if it was just one shot! It's enough to crash a mountain!

And now that the protective shield can't be broken in twenty or thirty times, the defensive ability of this ship is too strong?

And it also has dozens of gun barrels. These artillery fires still look quite bluffing. The sky full of artillery fire is more than enough to deal with ordinary dragons, but it is far from enough to deal with him, and it is almost the same to tickle him.

Silo slammed into the gunfire a few more times.

At most, it just hits the airship like a ball and flies around, and I don't know when it will break.

, with a little irritability in his heart, he stopped at a distance of six or seven hundred meters above the spaceship, suddenly opened his mouth, spit out Arman inside and said: "Arman, you hide behind me!"

Arman heard this and hid behind Shillon obediently.

"It's the black gold monster!? He didn't die? And he didn't seem to be seriously injured! How is this possible? That's the [Titan Killer] who can kill the legendary monster with one blow!" His Royal Highness was shocked.

At this time, the spaceship's artillery fire finally hit Shillong, exploding in front of him like fireworks, but it didn't work at all.

took a deep breath.

Shillong's abdomen immediately bulged, and the scales opened unnaturally.

The red golden light shines through the chest and abdomen, illuminating the entire sky! Radiate to the surroundings!

The entire sky is covered by red golden light!

Shillong's neck slowly moved back, and the light from his abdomen slowly moved to his neck and mouth.

then suddenly opened his mouth, hush!

A very dazzling red gold light group with a diameter of two or three meters suddenly flew out of Shillong's mouth, and fell to the airship under him at a rapid speed!

The artillery fire along the way disappeared when it approached the golden ball of light for tens of meters!

It is like a small sun, dyed half of the sky red.

The red gold half of the sky, as if the sky was falling, pressed towards the spaceship.

The ordinary people in the spaceship could only close their eyes instinctively after seeing the light group, but Tulio had the next move. He quickly hugged His Royal Highness who was not far away, and then a burst of white light came from them. Flashed, the two disappeared at the moment the red golden ball of light fell!

When the ball of light hit the spaceship,


Tiandi lost its voice at this moment!

The endless white light burst out suddenly!

The protective cover of the entire spaceship is like thin paper, melting instantly, and the spaceship is vaporized in an instant!

In an instant, this ball of light burst into a high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees! Space is distorting!

rumbling, the explosion formed a huge two-way mushroom cloud.

The shock wave spread wildly around with the hot white light!

Shillong looked at the huge mushroom cloud and nodded slightly. It was clean now!

This breath is a new ability after ten years of advancement, and the power is more violent than ever!

If the previous breath was the fission breath, now it is the fusion breath!

Shillong called it nuclear calm breath!

Just let my nuclear pacify and bring peace to the world!

The world needs to change! Need salvation!

After Shillong's nuclear exhalation calmed his breath, his entire dragon flew farther away to avoid the explosion!

Arman's head stretched out from behind him. At this moment, he had become a dragon. He glanced at the white light, and suddenly felt very dazzling. He quickly closed his eyes and said: "Siron, you bastard! Do you want to be so big? "

"No way! That thing is too hard! I can't break it." Shillon said, and then left here with Arman.

The explosion continues to spread, but there is no need to watch it anymore!

Everything here is over!

Several kilometers away on the sea, Tulio hugged His Royal Highness and floated on the water.

The prince glanced at the white light of the explosion unconsciously.


Just one glance, he couldn't help screaming, his eyes tingling fiercely. Tears are shed without money.

That kind of feeling, it's like buckle down one's eyeballs and put them on the fire to grill!

"Your Highness, don't look at it!"

Tulio quickly covered the other's eyes, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com hugged and dived into the sea.

The shock wave arrived late at this time and swept across the sea!


The sea surface swept by the shock wave was instantly sunk by this terrifying force for dozens of meters!

The sea exploded! Roll up the huge waves hundreds of meters high, boom~~~

The sea is raging!

For a long time, for a long time, the sky and the sea finally gradually recovered tranquility.

But there are hundreds of thousands of marine creatures floating on the surface of the sea with a radius of several kilometers! Dense!

They rolled their eyes and lay on their sides on the sea, already dead in the impact just now!

Turio took the prince to emerge from the sea thousands of meters away.

"It's finally over..." Turio looked at the floating fish in the sea behind him, and the gray sky lingering in the sky, unknown and terrifying!

"It's really terrible! What kind of attack is this! This level of energy attack can only be launched by gathering the twelve spires in the main city of the empire! Its power is comparable to a legendary god-killing spell above level 12!"

"My eyes! My eyes! It hurts! It hurts! Tulio!" His Highness wailed, interrupting Tulio's thoughts.

"Your Highness! Please bear with me a little bit! The old minister will immediately take you back to the Empire for treatment!" Tulio said.

"Quick! Take me back! Get out of here! That monster! It has such power! This is definitely a demigod monster! This time I planted it! I underestimated this lizard!" His Highness was very frightened.

Finally, Turio took out a huge round sphere from the space equipment, the two entered it from the top, dived into the water and disappeared.