Xilong carried Arman "slowly" towards the main city of Xinglan Kingdom, Xinglan City.

This is already the base camp of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce.

Flying all the way for seven or eight hours, the sky was already dim, and Silom had only arrived near Xinglan City.

Taking advantage of the dim sky, Silom landed outside the forest seven or eight kilometers away from Xinglan City.

When he landed, the surrounding earth was shaking.

The beasts in the forest sensitively felt the overwhelming ominous aura, and fled in all directions.

The forest is full of chaos. Many low-level adventurers suffer from unexplainable disasters, encounter some high-level monsters, and then are killed by groups of monsters that fled in panic...

Shillon and Arman who landed on the ground quickly turned into human form.

Shillongs current human form is a child about ten years old. Twenty years ago, his human form was a four to five year old child.

A ten-year-old child is dressed in an aristocratic blue and gray costume.

looks quite handsome.

The type that Arman becomes is an elf.

looks like a human being about fourteen years old.

He looks very handsome, and he is wearing a very saucy silver armor!

Ok! Real silver! His coat was originally a noble costume, but this kid likes silver.

So let the alchemist on Dragon Island do a favor, melt hundreds of silver coins, make these silver coins into small scales, and then inlay them on the clothes.

The whole piece of clothes and trousers, if under the noon sun, can reflect the dazzling light!

After he became an elf, he cast a contemptuous look at Shillong, and said triumphantly: "Shillong! Now know who is the brother and who is the younger brother?"

"You kid! Who is the eldest brother and who is the younger brother? Do you think that being human can beat me?" Silom said.

Arman chuckled. When he walked to Shillong, he gestured his height with his right hand. At this time, Shillong was only as tall as Arman's neck.

Two dragons, one in their sixties and one in four.

"I only saw reality," he said.

"You idiot!" Shillong didn't bother to pay attention to him, this kid always had some problems with his brain.

The two dragons ran towards Xinglan City.

The speed is also extremely slow, maintaining a speed of more than 20 meters per second.

But he didn't run far, Shillong stopped for a moment, and Arman looked at Shillon questioningly, "What's wrong with you?"

"Danger! Too dangerous!" Silom said with a solemn expression: "It is too dangerous for us to become humans! The spaceship I encountered before is powerful enough, and I hit it dozens of times without breaking it! What a high-tech this is! This fully demonstrates the power of mankind! It is too dangerous for us to become human!"

Shillong becomes a human form, and his strength will be reduced by more than 90%, possibly reaching 95%!

This degree of weakening does not mean that the human-shaped Shillong can fight against the dragon-shaped Shillong as long as 20.

This is strength and all-round weakening!

Make an analogy.

If he has 10% of Shillong's all-round power, he can naturally not only defeat 2 5%!

but at least a dozen!

Then 15%? What? How many 5% can you beat? This value may be three digits!

The difference between 100% and 5% is definitely the difference between heaven and earth, maybe hundreds of thousands? Millions? Tens of millions? Still hundreds of millions?

Because of this gap, Shillong is a little uneasy. Although his human form is still very strong compared to ordinary humans, he has always been accustomed to the invincible power of the dragon body, and his current power is too weak!

He thought for a moment, and finally his eyes lit up.

Since the human form is weak, lets change it!

His body was slightly distorted again, and when he was shaped again, he had become a boy with a height of 1.5 meters and all parts of his body covered with black scales.

There is a pair of folded wings behind , and golden light flashes occasionally between the gaps between the scales.

His pupils are just like that of a dragon.

The pair of dragon horns on his forehead were bent and stretched towards the sky.

The nails on my hands are thick and black!

He became a dragonborn!

Dragonborn is the product of the combination of giant dragon and humanoid species.

Metal dragon and five-color dragon have ancestors combined with humanoid creatures.

The difference between the two is that if the five-color dragon does not have a giant dragon object during the estrus period, then it is very likely to find a species to combine at will, and this species may be human.

Generally speaking, this human being will be more miserable, because the five-color dragon never looks at the "low-level creatures" like humans.

The general five-color dragon descendant is a role that the father does not love and the mother does not love.

This kind of dragon descendant is more tragic. It is very likely to be stunned, and if lucky enough to survive, most of them will become an individual that is extremely harmful to society, generally called the devil dragon descendant.

The metal dragon and the dragon descendants born of humans are happier, because the combination of the two is because of love, although human life is relatively short.

But as long as the metal dragon falls in love with this human being, it will remain loyal to this love before the end of human life.

They will also treat this dragonborn properly, and the dragonborn will be loved by his parents in his childhood.

But the metal dragons will not bring their dragonborn children into their own metal dragon society.

But let them continue to stay in human society.

Because the metal dragons believe that human society is more suitable for the survival of dragon descendants ~ wuxiaworld.online~ Over time, the dragon descendants of metal dragons have also become a huge ethnic group.

are collectively referred to as good dragon descendants.

Shillong looks like a dragon descendant in no way.

Arman looked at Shillong and asked, "What are you?"

"Safe!" Silom replied, "You also become the dragonborn! This way our power will be stronger than in other forms."

At this time, Shillong is about three times stronger than his human form!

is close to 15% of the dragon shape!

"This..." Arman hesitated. Finally, he said: "Forget it!"

he refused.

The silver dragon seems to have a special love for creatures like elves.

This seems to be passed down from inherited memory.

This may be because the elves are the most beautiful creatures among the humanoid creatures.

Of course the most important thing is that the human form of mother Viola is an elf!

"Siron, you guys are there anyway! You will protect me, right? Mom told you this!"

"Now I know who is the eldest brother? Who is the younger brother?" Siro smiled.

"Of course I am the big brother! You are half a head shorter than me now!" Arman said.

"Let's go! Riding on the sun before it sets, let's rush to Xinglan City to speak."

After Shiron finished speaking, the two dragons continued to run quickly.

ran all the way to Xinglan City, it took almost 17 or 18 minutes. Originally, at a speed of more than 20 meters per second, it only took seven or eight minutes to reach Xinglan City.

But Arman, a weak chicken, became even weaker after he became an elf. More than 20 meters per second was his highest speed. After a few minutes, he became sluggish and his speed was greatly reduced.

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