finally came to Xinglan City.

This city has a very large exterior wall.

surrounded the entire city, this is also because this is in the magical world, with the profession of mage.

Xinglan City, as the main city of the Xinglan Kingdom, naturally possesses strong magic power.

Its not surprising that there are walls surrounding the entire city.

At the gate, there are seven or eight soldiers in black iron armor holding the gate strictly.

The arrival of the two dragons of Silom and Arman just made them take a look.

In Xinglan Kingdom, not only humans live in it, it can be called an international city.

There are humans, dwarves, elves, dwarfs, and naturally dragon descendants.

However, dragonborn belong to a rare race, and most of those who enter the city are good dragonborn.

And the black scales that Shillon now covers on his body look like the black dragonborn.

Therefore, one of the guard captains looked at the two dragons with a slight gaze, and said: "Black Dragonborn! And this elf! Starland Kingdom welcomes the arrival of any race, but the premise is that they must abide by the discipline here! If you dare to disrupt the order of the city, the Starland Kingdom will never let him go! Please remember!"

Of course, he said this to Shillong. Arman, who appeared as an elf, would be welcomed no matter where he was.

"Of course! I will definitely obey the discipline." Silom replied.

The guard quickly put two dragons inside.

At this time, the sky is already dim, but the inside is much brighter, and the outside is completely two worlds.

There are many street lights on the side of the road.

The streets are full of pedestrians and roadside stalls.

The whole city is full of voices, and it is peaceful.

This is very different from what Sillon had imagined. He thought that the Starland Kingdom should lean towards the level of the European Middle Ages, but he did not expect it to be so prosperous.

In the memory of the dragon clans inheritance, there are not many countries with advanced magic technology. Most of them are medieval scenes. At least they have the kind of technology empire with airships that wont be damaged by dozens of hits. Shillongs inheritance memory Does not exist.

Maybe there are other dragons, but the inheritance memories of the dragons are not the same. The ancestors are not all the same, and the memories passed down are also different, and the inheritance memories will only be passed down. For the dragons, a very small part of them makes their memory especially new Memories.

Arman was also dazzled by the sight before him, staring blankly for a while.

The arrival of the two dragons will not attract the attention of too many pedestrians on the street, but there will always be some people with ulterior motives who notice the two dragons.

A blond beauty with a prominent figure and beautiful appearance in leather armor, about 20 years old, noticed Lianglong, and then walked towards Lianglong with a smile on his face.

"Did the two little brothers come from outside?"

she asked, in a very gentle and kind tone, like a patient older sister.

"Yes! Hello, little sister!" Arman said with a smile.

He is forty this year, and the woman in front of him seems to be in her twenties, so there is nothing wrong with it.

"Little sister...?" The woman was taken aback for a moment, then she glanced at the other's earlobes, and she was clear in her heart. Just now, she only looked at the outfits of the two of them, almost forgetting that the elves are longevity species. Although the elven boy in front of her looked only fourteen Five years old, but the real age must be thirty or forty years old!

"Brother Elf, and this little brother of Dragonborn, should they need a guide for the first time in Xinglan City? How about I take you around?" the woman said.

"We are here to find Andre!" Arman said.

"Andre? Sorry! The population of Xinglan City is too large, and I dont know the person you are looking for. Lets go shopping first! Tomorrow morning you can ask the sheriff in the city to help you find what you are looking for. Andre."

"Andre! Andre Claudius! Don't you know? That **** told me that he is very famous now! The entire Starland Kingdom knows him!" Arman said angrily.

"...Sorry, I don't really know Andre." The woman apologized.

This shameless bastard! Sure enough, it's not reliable! The **** Shillong shouldn't work with him! Give him so much money!

Arman cursed in his heart.

"We are here to find the Saudberry Chamber of Commerce." Shillong changed his explanation.

"Soldberg Chamber of Commerce!" The woman exclaimed, looked up and down the two dragons, and finally glanced at the two dragons' clothes and fingers.

seems to have made up a certain resolution.

She smiled and said, "Of course the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce knows! But their address is on the west side of the city. Ours is the east side of the city. The distance is too far. Even if you take a carriage now, it will take more than half a day. It may not be there.

Why dont you go shopping with my sister, my sister invites you to eat delicious food! "

"Please eat something delicious?" Arman's eyes lit up and he nodded and said: "Okay! Then please lead me to the trouble!"

Woman: ""

"Let's call my name! My name is Anna, my little girl's name, it feels so strange, you two are so young after all." The woman Anna laughed.

"Well then! Anna! Take me to eat delicious food! I don't know how your human food is." Arman said.

Regarding Armans request, Shillong did not say anything to stop him. Someone had a treat, so why not do it? You can save a lot of money again!

Damn! Why do I care more and more about these foreign objects?

Two dragons followed Anna for a while~wuxiaworld.online~ and entered a "mercenary tavern".

The area inside is not particularly large, only about 70 or 80 square meters.

There are only three or four of the seven or eight tables sitting in twos and threes.

These people are the kind of men who look quite strong, wearing leather armor, and carrying various weapons, like the name of the tavern outside, these people should be mercenaries.

mercenaries are a group of people with a higher income who lick their blood.

Most of them will go to the mercenary union to pick up tasks, or go to the nearby wild to hunt for supplies.

Because it is to make money by fate, the annual income of ordinary people is three or four gold coins, so the mercenary will at least increase by three or four times.

Most of the food on their table is grilled meat and a barrel of beer. The food is very generous.

Everyone paused slightly after seeing Anna taking Shillon and Arman in, and then continued drinking and bragging nonchalantly.

Anna grinned and said to the two dragons: "It's here, two little brothers, don't see how bad this place is, but the chef here is definitely a master, and the meat is the favorite of nearby mercenaries! As long as you have tasted wine, there is no one that is not good!"

"Then give us a taste!" Arman said anxiously.

"I'll let you taste it right away. Go and sit down first. I'll order a few wines and dishes and come here right away!" Anna said.

"Okay! Anna, thank you! You really are a good person!" Arman said.

"Haha! It's all because of our destiny! I saw the two little brothers and found them very kind! After eating this meal, we are friends!" Anna smiled especially friendly.

