"Well then! It feels very good!" After Neferu listened, his eyes were glowing.

It feels like it's back to twenty years ago, when the dragons were making a movie together, no one thought it would be popular in the human kingdom.

"Let's go! Let's find all the actors first. Our Chamber of Commerce should have a special recruitment location, right? The film I made this time is very important for fighting, and the requirements for actors are very high!"

A group of dragons made up their minds and prepared to go to the recruitment site.

But before going, Andre stopped Shillong and Arman. He said: "You two will live here in the future. It is inevitable that sometimes you can't be with me. At this time, someone needs to protect you!"

At this point, he shouted: "Beverly! Harman!"

"Yes! Sir!" Two strong male voices immediately responded.

Two "little giants" wearing armor and taller than 2.1 meters walked towards Andre.

Their skin is gray-brown, and the two are warriors with the blood of rock giants.

After they arrived, they glanced at Shillon Arman, and then said to Andre: "Sir."

Andre nodded, and pointed to Shillong and Arman: "You two, from today onwards, you will protect my two friends every step of the way, understand?"

"Yes!" the two replied.

then walked silently behind Arman and Shillong.

Seeing this, Andre nodded and said, "Both of them are warriors with the pedigree of the rock giants. They are level 8 warriors certified by the Warriors Association. They will be responsible for protecting you two in the future!"

"Huh? We need two humans to protect? Andre what are you kidding?" Alman was surprised.

Siro secretly said in his heart.

are two bodyguards again! How much did these two bodyguards cost? Is the annual salary 10 gold or 20 gold or 30 gold?

Andre, this **** must be a bodyguard recruited with public funds!

I have to beat and beat back!

"Mr. Elf!" a bodyguard said, with a little uncomfortable emotion in the words, he looked at Arman and said: "You may not understand! We are professional bodyguard fighters! We are level 8 professionals! You know What does this mean? It means that we can defeat hundreds of ordinary people alone! Twenty or thirty soldiers!"

"Can you fight twenty or thirty soldiers? That's too weak!" Arman said.


The bodyguard stared at Arman silently for a while, then suddenly squatted down, stretched his face in front of Arman, pointed his face and said: "Come on! Hit here! Hit hard! I want to tell you! What is a level 8 fighter!"

"What? Want me to hit you?" Arman was surprised.

"That's right! I want you to know what a level 8 fighter is! I don't allow you to underestimate us!" The bodyguard resolutely said.

"This..." Arman hesitated a bit. If I hit him with this punch, I won't kill him, right?

He looked left, looked right, and finally looked at Andre.

motioned to stop this guy with a brain problem.

Andre just smiled.

Arman, this little dragon, has just entered his teenage years, and his strength is only 8-9.

Although it is a real dragon, it is enough to defeat a human at level 11.

But Arman's human form strength has been greatly weakened, and it is not bad to compare with human level 6 fighters.

Compared with the 8th level Haman who has the blood of the rock giant? That's a lot worse!

The warrior with the blood of the rock giant is definitely the top level in the 8th level, and his own defensive ability is extremely good, comparable to the 9th level fighter.

The face is definitely thick enough!

So Andre didn't worry about the other party.

"Hit, Arman, you can't hurt him! He is the bodyguard I found for you. If it's not as good as you two are now, then what kind of bodyguard?" Andre smiled.

"Huh? Look down on me?" Arman raised his eyebrows.

immediately turned his gaze to Harman: "You asked for this!"

He gritted his teeth.

then punched the opponent in the cheek.


The fist hits the face, but it looks like a ball of old bark, very tough!

Alman looked at each other blankly.

"You can push harder!" Haman said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The attack just now has only a little feeling! This feeling is like an ordinary person, being punched by a three or four-year-old child! superficial!

"You fellow! What a cheeky!" Arman was a little depressed.

"Do you recognize my strength now? You should not object to me being your bodyguard!" Haman stood up straight and believed.

"The strength is good! But I have my brother Siro, I don't need it at all!" Arman glanced at Siro.

"Huh?" Haman smiled helplessly: "It seems that you still don't understand our strength! It doesn't matter!"

At the end, he squatted down again, facing Shillong: "Come on! Hit me!"


"Are you sure? You want me to fight? I think I should forget it?" Silom reminded me kindly.

"Hit me! Don't think that you have the dragonborn bloodline to be very powerful! There are many dragonborn in the entire Starlane City, and not many of them are stronger than me! Come on! Fight!"

"...you...ok!" Shillong looked at the other person's confident look, and finally agreed.

The right hand waved like lightning!



Boom! ! !

Everyone only heard a scream, and with a loud noise, Haman's figure disappeared in place.

After everyone has a closer look, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Haman has been inlaid on the wooden wall!

The whole head pierced through the wooden wall, the body stayed outside, the sawdust in the sky was flying everywhere.

The maid and the servant who were working looked at Harman with his head stuck in the wooden wall in surprise.

Even Andre, Neferu, and Beverly were a little dazed.

It wasn't until a faint cry came that everyone's silence was broken.


Harman with his head stuck in the wooden wall made a difficult voice.


Beverly came back to his senses and ran to help, trying to dig out Haman.

But as soon as he grabbed Haman's body, this guy screamed again: "Light! Be light! Broken! It's broken! Break the wall! Break!"

Beverly did not dare to neglect, he quickly drew out his big sword and chiseled it against the wooden wall.

Xilong waited for the dragon to surround him.

Andre looked at the chipped wooden wall with extreme distress, and his heart was bleeding!

He stared tremblingly at the sword that was piercing the wall, and as long as he pierced it, he screamed.

Until Haman was dug out, Andre choked and said, "I...my agarwood...repair it is a hardware coin again! The hardware coin is gone!"

"Send me...to the temple! I! I need treatment!" Haman's neck was trembling and trembling at seventy or eighty degrees.

Every time he pulls his neck, he is afraid that his neck suddenly breaks!

"Okay! Haman, you have to hold on!" Beverly lifted Haman lightly, and wanted to run out.

"Wait! No need to go to the temple, let me treat him." Shillon stopped him.

Although he didn't learn much healing spells, he learned it from Jones and Karma anyway. He was still proficient in general low-level healing spells.

