"Do you still heal?" Zhonglong asked in surprise.

Harman heard that, although his neck could not move, he still cast a glance at Shillong from the corner of his eye, with a trace of horror in his eyes: "Can you do it? Don't make any accidents!"

He is scared!

"You thought I was not good just now, so you became what you are now."

Harman: "...Okay! Okay! Come on."

Shillon nodded, and then he treated Harman.

A soft white light emerged from Siro's hand and fell on the opponent.

Harman's whole body was wrapped in a shining white light, which lasted for 20 to 30 minutes, and Shillong needed to slowly correct his neck in the middle. In the end, he fully recovered.

"Okay! Really good!" He exclaimed.

Then he bowed to the dragons to express his gratitude, and then said: "I really underestimated everyone before. Since you are so strong and don't need bodyguards, then I will leave Beverly. "

After said, he was about to turn around and leave.

But Shillong stopped him: "Wait! Although your strength is a lot worse than mine, you are still good! I happen to be making a movie. You can join my crew."

"Make a movie?" Harman and Beverly glanced at each other, and finally nodded.

The group began to head to the recruitment site.

The recruitment location was in the outer city, mainly because there were more people in the outer city.

After all, there are more ordinary people in a city than wealthy businessmen, nobles, and powerful professionals.

Take Xinglan City as an example, the residents of the outer city absolutely occupy 90% of the number!

The inner city is only about 8%, not to mention the palace.

A large number of people have gathered at the recruitment location.

It's noisy, like a vegetable market, there are many tents here, and there are signs of XX movies outside.

is obviously recruiting actors.

After more than ten years of development, film is already a mature industry.

This directly gave birth to a large number of people who want to be actors.

Although the actor's welfare is incomparable with the stars of the Blue Star, as long as it is mixed with a role that has many roles, it is still much better than ordinary professions.

Especially the leading role, those little famous ones, which monthly salary is not more than 10 gold coins?

That's a hundred dollars a year!

is ten or twenty times that of ordinary people!

This is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is that as long as you are famous in Xinglan City, as long as you are a handsome man or a beautiful woman, you may enter the inner city! Become a guest of some noble and wealthy businessmen!

I heard that a handsome man named Hans some time ago, relying on his appearance and the popularity of the protagonist at the time, was directly taken by an inner city countess!

The countess was only thirty-two years old. Her husband died early, she had no sons and no daughters, and had a wealth of wealth.

After seeing Hans's protagonist, he was lost and couldn't find his way. Ask someone to call Hans home for a night, and then the two married directly!

This is envious of a group of people!

Step into the pinnacle of life!

There are people! Right! I have money too!

Now living in the inner city, and occasionally visiting the outer city, who sees the untitled Mr. Hans?

The scenery is infinite!

This is a role model!

Ok! Of course, there is also a slight flaw, that is, before Hans compares, he has lost a lot of weight! But this is nothing at all!

A group of young ordinary people just rushed on this road.

Andre waited for the arrival of the dragon, which naturally attracted the attention of most people, and they walked to Andre enthusiastically one by one to greet him.

Andre nodded and smiled.

Under the eyes of a group of people, the dragons came to the house of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce.

Thats right, its a house. Others use tents. Naturally, large chambers of commerce like Soderberg built houses here.

Many dragons enter, the interior of the house is actually very simple, a wooden table, a few stools, and a coffee table next to it.

There are already a few people in it, including the hottest crew of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce, and some auditioning.

As soon as these people saw Andre, the current president of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce, they immediately dropped their work and hurried over to say hello. The few auditioning members heard it was President Andre, and their eyes were hot!

is almost the same as a man who has taken an aphrodisiac sees a girl!

Andre just nodded, then pointed to Shillong and said, "I came here today to inform everyone about one thing. It was temporarily requisitioned by Mr. Shillon by my side! It will be his recruitment location from now on."

Everyone looked at Siro, all frowned slightly.

A dragon descendant?

All the people present are humans, so the eyes looking at the dragonborn are naturally abnormal.

Although there are many foreign races in Xinglan City, as a city dominated by humans, some people in it look down on other races.

But these people didn't dare to say anything more. They left a little thought and left, leaving a few daily staff members here.

Shillong arranged for these people to start recruiting actors.

This time Shillong's requirements are really high for all the actors here!

The main requirement is to have enough professional levels!

Professional level less than 7 or higher, basically can't even enter supporting roles.

This level of recruitment requirements can make people outside look dumbfounded. Are you looking for actors or mercenaries to fight?

What else says that the higher the level, the better?

There are extra rewards for level 15 and above?

I can go to you!

waited for two or three hours before Shillon recruited the first person.

Actually, he doesn't have high requirements for the acting skills of these guys. This stuff can be used a few times. The audiovisual stone is really more convenient than the previous life in terms of deletion and deletion.

After , it lasted for two or three days. Shillong stayed here for twelve hours every day to recruit people ~ wuxiaworld.online~ and eleven people were recruited.

Just when Shillong thought it would be a few more days, the arrival of a team made Shillong quickly accomplish his goal!

When Silom and the others sitting in the room were bored, suddenly there was a burst of exclamation outside, the voice was very loud, and the people inside heard clearly.

Xilong stood up and walked out. It was just boring at this time. Let's see what's going on!

When he came outside, Shillong looked up. A hundred meters above, a group of knights riding griffins was landing. These griffins looked very majestic, with a body length of three meters, a wingspan of six meters, and a name wearing silver. The knight in white armor sat on it.

Headed by is a female knight. Although he wears a closed helmet with a pointed top that only exposes the eyes, the two bulges on the armor make a good surface of the knights identity.


The female knight pulled the reins, the griffon flapped its wings and neighed and slowly landed.

The people around had all stepped back hundreds of meters to make room for this team of Griffin Riders.

The team of female knights landed very neatly, and at first glance they knew they were elite troops.

Stepping on the griffin's stirrups, the female knight turned over and lowered the eagle, and then took off the pointed helmet on her head, revealing a handsome face with sharp edges and corners!

That's right, he was wearing a female armor, but his exposed face looked like a man.

Moreover, the knight was not short in height, a full 1.8 meters. After he landed, he went straight to Neferu, came to the front, hugged Neferu and said, "Nefir! Several No see! Did you miss me?"

The voice was out, although it was a bit rough, it was still a female voice.

Many people around also recognized the identity of this woman, and they knelt on one knee and whispered: "Princess Seven!"