What is the concept of these 840 gold coins?

That's money that ordinary people can't make for a lifetime!

As the elite guards of the princesses of the kingdom, the Griffin Rider, each of them is above level seven!

But what is their salary? Thirty hardware coins a year!

This is already considered high-tech!

As a young man as a captain, his strength is in the tenth grade, and his salary for a year is only 80 gold coins!

The girl in front of you, Ho De, how can? Eight hundred and forty gold coins in a year?

Professionals who can get this salary in the kingdom must be at least level 16 or above!

This is an existence close to a legend, can the girl in front of me compare with this existence?

Obviously not!

The seventh princess was silent for a long time before she was a little uncertain and said, "You are not kidding?"



Princess Seven is silent again!

Although she is a princess, the money distributed every year is not particularly large. After all, the expenses of their royal children are issued by the royal family.

She doesn't own any business, and she doesn't raise the griffin group behind her!

If one hundred gold coins a year, she still took it out. Two hundred gold coins are fine.

Eight hundred and forty gold coins? Save it! When I never said anything!

"Ahahahahaha~" Lucia laughed, her armor trembling: "Today's weather is really good! Blue sky and white clouds! Clear sky! Neferu! Come to the sky with me!"

"Uh...I'm afraid not! We are very busy here!" Neferu refused.

"What are you up to? If you can help, I will definitely help!" Lucia hurriedly said.

Very good! Has escaped from the embarrassment just now!

"Our director Shillong wants to recruit actors and make a movie!"

"Make a movie...then I really can't help! Good luck!"

"No! You can help us!" Silom suddenly said, looking at Lucia with a hot expression.

"??? How can I help?" Lucia asked with a look of surprise.

Siro cast his eyes behind her and motioned.

"Do you want them to join your crew???" Lucia's eyes widened slightly.

"Yes! They are all quite good! It's just right to join my crew!"

"What are you kidding? They are the Griffin Guards of the royal family! How can they go to make a movie!"

Lucia instinctively rejects filmmaking.

Like Blue Star, the movie has a lot of negative rumors in Xinglan City, and the little white face is taken care of by a rich woman.

The greasy rich man raises a little girl.

These rumors disgusted the noble prince, and the knight behind her was the same.

Professionals are divided into three or six or nine grades. Joining the royal guard is obviously a high-level occupation!

The status is far above the actors!

"Why can't you take pictures? You can take pictures too! It's not that I don't pay any money!" Silom said.

"It's not a question of money or not..."

"Come on! I'll give you 10 gold coins every month, and your subordinates 2-5 gold coins per month. For every person you join, I will give you an extra gold coin every month! Additional allowance for injuries !

how about it! ? These are extra income! "

Shillong's words are like the whispers of the devil, with endless temptation.

A few knights couldn't help but swallow, adding 2-5 gold coins every month!

Even if they only have 2 gold coins, it is equivalent to their usual income!

This is all extra money! Can you not be moved?

Their eyes were a bit fiery looking at the youth captain and secretly leaving the Princess.

There is no high or low occupation! All for the prosperity of the kingdom!

And the princess is obviously a little moved. As a royal family, she is far from richer than others imagined.

The subsidy for one year is only 500 gold coins. One month is more than 40 gold coins. There is an opportunity in front of me to add more than 20 gold coins every month. How can I not be moved?

She saw the knights' gaze in her eyes, her left arm tightened the helmet in the tight arm, and the right hand with the hand armor gently stroked her chin, pretending to think, and then said: "Okay! For my dear My subordinates! Also for the prosperity of the movie! I promised you!"

"Happy cooperation!" Silom stretched out his right hand.

"???" Lucia didn't know why.

"When we reach an agreement, we will shake hands to celebrate." Silom explained.

"Oh? Hahaha!! Good!" Lucia showed a clear expression, and happily shook hands with Xilong.

Andre, Neferu, and Arman on the side looked at Shillong with a puzzled face. Does Dragon Island have this custom?

finally reached an agreement, a group of people went to the shooting location.

Xilong took out the script he had prepared and let everyone watch it.

Everyone looked at different expressions, a little puzzled, and some expressed interesting.

I waited for several hours before shooting started.

But before that.

Sillon first implanted the foreword.

Once upon a time, there was an evil **** at work. This evil **** had nine tails, and when the tail was moved, there would be landslides and tsunamis, and civilians suffered greatly.

Therefore, the demon war was assembled to fight against him, but the Nine Tails Cthulhu was so strong that the demon warriors were invincible, and only one person desperately launched the legendary seal technique to seal it!

This person is the fourth generation! Demon King of Fire Land!

At this point, Shillon made Alman a child, a yellow-haired baby, lying on a crib, engraved with a seal circle around him, making Alman cry a few times, and the first act officially ended.

Fire Fighting

Season one! Officially begin!

On the street, the Naruto that Arman transformed into? Uzumaki was laughing wildly at this time, holding the oil drum and brush while laughing, and fleeing desperately.

His speed is extremely fast, but the pursuers who have been chasing behind him are not slow, hanging tightly behind him.

soon came to a turning corner, several trackers lost Naruto? Uzumaki's trail, had to bite the bullet and chase in an unknown direction.

The wall on the side of suddenly lifted a roll of paper, revealing the laughing Naruto? Uzumaki, looking at the back of the pursuer and smiling triumphantly: "I won't be chased by you! Idiots!"

Just then a man wearing a whip to the sky~wuxiaworld.online~ with a scar on his nose and wearing a green vest appeared Naruto? Behind the whirlpool, he caught him!


That's right! This is the film Shillong is going to shoot, Naruto after the magic transformation!

In order to allow the residents of this world to understand Hokage more clearly, he modified many details.

such as ninja called magic war! Magic warrior, is it simple enough to understand?

Uzumaki? Narutos Japanese name is hard to understand?

Its okay, just call Naruto? Uzumaki will do!

In addition, this world has Transfiguration and their very convenient spells.

Shillong, who is already a 12th-level arcane master, is still confident to shoot this demonic Naruto!

Although the shooting was not fast and often NG, it still went on in an orderly manner.

Soon, came to Naruto? Uzumaki performed the art of change in the classroom.

When Arman learned that Sillon would not let his substitute pass the scene for him, his expression was awkward!

The other actors were smiling, waiting to see this guy make a fool of himself!

Especially those knights! They keep in mind how rude this arrogant guy was to his princess before!

"Shillon! You bastard! Such a simple scene! Call someone else to shoot! You just call someone up! Just cast him a transformation spell below! Why do I have to perform it myself!?" Al Man was extremely upset.

This guy has a very high arcane level now, and he can do it for others, why must he stare at himself?

We are brothers!

Watching my brother make a fool! Is this **** happy?

