"Didn't you say you want to play the leading role? You can't stand it at all? You are also worthy of being an actor? Let me tell you..." Shillon was not to be outdone, and caught Arman just like a blow.

This kid! I gave you so many gold coins for nothing! Give me a joke when you act?

"Oh...Alright! Alright! I change! I can't change! But others are not allowed to watch! You let the onlookers turn around!"

"Mother-in-law! You won't be naked, what are you afraid of! Hurry up! Everyone is waiting!"

Shooting continues.

"Next, Naruto!" After Iruka's words fell.

Arman, who played Naruto, stepped forward, chanting a spell quickly.

Ok! That's right! It was a spell, not a knot, the mouth closed quickly, and then Peng gave it a click.

A puff of smoke passed, and a handsome man, with only the "woman" hidden in key parts, appeared!

This woman's face looks good, at least a neutral face, but the body structure is rather strange!

It's too flat!

Even if something is changed to block the chest, the smoothness of the chest can be seen.

There is also a waist, no curves at all!

The whole person is a tablet! From the waist to the lower body, it is completely H-shaped!

, he has to put on an enchanting look, doing a charming posture.

"Puff...hahahahaha!" In the classroom, the actors who played the students together couldn't help laughing.

Some directly broke the transformation technique!

A group of actors who turned around, how could they bear this laughter? They turned around and looked at the court.

saw the tablet on the court, and laughed one by one.

"You guys! What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" The Seventh Princess was looking at these unidentified smiling guys at this time, and she couldn't help but frown and asked.

"That's not funny? How can a woman be so flat? Is this body three or four years old? Obviously his face is twenty years old! And the waist! The legs! It's too strange! Hahahaha !" A Griffin Rider said instinctively.

Seven Princess Lucia: "..."

She glanced at her chest and replaced her armor. The original female armor had no bulge, and the noble costumes were really flattering!

Lucia's complexion was a little unkind and said, "Is it weird to have a flat chest?"

"Of course it's weird! How can a woman be so flat? My lover's chest, I almost can't hold it with one hand! Hahahaha!" The knight stared at Arman casually, without looking back. laugh it out.

The surrounding knights stopped laughing at this time, and looked at the knight in admiration.

"Bastard!" The princess screamed, interrupting the atmosphere, and everyone else couldn't help but turn their eyes to Lucia.

The knight who spoke before was no exception, he turned his head and looked at Lucia, his complexion suddenly changed!

stubbornly said: "Gong... Your Royal Highness... Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I was talking nonsense just now! Don't take it to your heart!"

At this time, Princess Lucia seemed to be shrouded in darkness, her expression extremely gloomy.

"Go! Run twenty laps along the street outside!"

"No...no! Your Royal Highness!" The knight wailed.

"I order you as the leader of the Griffin Rider team! Immediately! Immediately!"


The knight showed a Sima face and ran out.

Lucia glanced at the other knights, and scared them straight up, not daring to say a word.

"Alright! Everyone, don't look at me! Keep shooting!" Lucia said.

Shillon turned his gaze back to Arman. This guy had watched Andres film with me before. How could it seem like he didnt understand anything?

But thinking about it carefully, the woman in that movie seems to be of poor shape.

Forget it, let me change it myself!

"Okay! Everyone is back! This scene is over! Arman, you can just do the spell at that time! I will cast you polymorphism, remember not to resist!"

"Asshole! In the end, you weren't asked to cast spells! Then why would you refuse to change someone else!" Arman said.

"Hurry up! Just make a simple scene! Don't grab your gold coins, what do you want to do!" Xilong's face was stern, not showing face to his brother at all.

"Next! Naruto!" The familiar scene came again.

When he came on stage to chant the spell until the last syllable fell, Peng!

The smoke appeared again.

A woman with blond hair and a bumpy figure appeared. The figure Bilie can be said to be extremely seductive.

This is different from the original, but Siro has changed it to him based on his own human aesthetics.

Because he has experienced the baptism of the Internet Mito era, the beauty he transformed is absolutely perfect here, and his figure has caused a great impact on the male compatriots present.

The first person to bear the brunt was Beverly who transformed into Iluka. He directly broke the Transfiguration technique, and his whole body bowed slightly, his face flushed red.

The others were no better than Bevley, bowed and bent over.


What greeted them was a wink of Arman after the transformation.

Although there are clouds and mist covering the key parts, but the slight exposure is enough to stimulate.

A few knights who were still wearing armors before it was their turn to appear suddenly felt bad!

Brother topped the plate armor!

so hard! It hurts!

"Hell~" The knights looked uncomfortable: "Ah~I~, my stomach is sick! Go to the toilet first!"

The knight's words seemed to have opened a head. A group of people felt sick. Soon, there were only a few people in the classroom, Alman, Shillon, Neferu, and Andre.

"What's the matter with them? Did they have a bad stomach? Everyone went to the bathroom?" Neferu asked curiously.

"I don't feel well in my stomach! This is also a common occurrence!" Lucia replied casually.

Both eyes stared at Arman's deformed woman.

**** it! Why is the breast so big! The figure is so good!

Can a person who learns magic transform his body so arbitrarily?

Damn it! I should be a mage back then!

Which **** told me to be a **** rider?

Turning to look at Neferus chest, Lucias mood finally improved a lot. She walked to Neferus side and hugged the others waist. Neferu just looked. Lucia ignored it.

"What are these guys doing? I finally got through it, and there was a problem! Damn! Do you guys don't want me to go through this paragraph today!" Arman said excitedly, pouting, his chest swayed.. ..

Fortunately, the poor-willed person has already got sick in his stomach and left temporarily.

"Okay! Filming, it is inevitable that there will be some bumps! It will be over soon! Don't be so anxious!" Shillong comforted.

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