Continue shooting after the person who goes to the toilet comes out.

This scene was NG several times before it passed.

A few days later, the story of Shillong stealing Naruto into the Book of Seals was over.

is divided into classes, and then there are survival drills.

The shooting of survival exercises made everyone gather in the forest again.

But it hasn't been long before shooting, the sky of this forest suddenly changed color, and something strange seemed to float on it.

The gravity in the sky becomes abnormal!

"This is a forbidden air field!" Andre frowned and looked to the sky.

It looks like something is coming! Forbidden air domains generally appear on the battlefield, mainly banning the opponent's air forces.

Flying creatures like the griffon, once stepped into the field, they will be overwhelmed by the sudden pressure and fall from the air.

Even if it is a giant dragon, in the forbidden air domain, its flying speed will be greatly reduced, and the physical consumption during flight will be doubled!

A group of uninvited guests soon came to this forest.

A group of people dressed in cloaks.

There are at least twenty people, some of them look very tall even if they are wearing cloaks, and the whole body is faintly entangled with blood.

These guys have killed a lot!

There are some people who are much shorter, and they wear different cloaks, and the darkness on their bodies is very strong.

Seeing these people, the people who were still shooting immediately stopped shooting and looked at these people one by one.

"Who are you?" The Griffin Rider squad leader couldn't help asking, his sword tightened.

is shouting bad in my heart!

These guys look like an evil lineup one by one. This group of stunners are the most brainless. No matter what your status is, you will be caught!

You must know that after several days of shooting, a group of Griffin Riders had long been dressed lightly. There were no Griffins nearby, and no armor on them, only a sword was still on them.

In this case, if the opponent is stunned and launches an attack, then they will definitely be out of luck!

Combat power has decreased too much! If the original Griffin Rider had armor and Griffin in it, he could have level 8 strength.

With so few armors and griffins, they can only play against level 6 fighters at most! The outcome is not yet known!

For a fighter! Equipment is so important!

Regarding the question of the Griffin Rider squad leader, none of the cloaks paid any attention.

A short guy standing in front slowly raised his head, revealing his true face under his cloak.

straightly shocked everyone including the princess!

That is a skull!

There is a purple-black flame in both eyes!

A purple gem is inlaid on the forehead.

The rich dark magic is as real at this moment!

Princess Lucia held her breath unconsciously!

Is this a lich? Or half-lich? ? ?

In this world, the Lich is a very scary creature!

Most of them are legends!

Because most of them were legendary mages during their lifetime!

Until their lifespan is approaching, the wizards who are unwilling to die will do everything possible to extend their life!

Transforming into a lich through the power of darkness and death is undoubtedly a known shortcut!

Although they lost their body and senses, they retained most of their strength!

In addition to a few light spells, their darkness and death spells will be enhanced!

The legendary lich is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying monsters in this world!

Their appearance represents death, disaster, terror, and unknown!

Legend! That is a power that an ordinary person can't even think of, alone is enough to destroy tens of thousands of elites in the kingdom!

There are two types of demi-liches. One is the mage who has not completely transformed the lich, and the other is formed by other lich gang leaders.

These two are weak against impossible in terms of strength!

According to historical records, no demi-lich is below level 15!

Hope that the skull head in front of you is a demi-lich! And there is no evil intentions!

"This great lich lord! I am the third princess Lucia of the Starland Kingdom. If your lord needs to use this forest, we will let you guys right away!" Lucia said.

Although there are legendary powerhouses in the kingdom, and there is not only one, these powerhouses are not by her side, so Lucia is very sensible!

After saying these words, she turned around with a group of people and wanted to leave.

But the cloak group in front of me, how could it be so simple to let Lucia go?

Several cloaked men with strong builds rushed out and stopped in front of Lucia and the others.

Because of getting closer, Lucia finally sees the other person's appearance, that is a rather rough-looking man.

There is a blood-stained beast claw on his face!

a tyrannical look!

"You! All prey! Must hunt all!"

"Damn it! A follower of Mara, the hunting god!" Lucia realized that it was not good when she saw this pattern.

Mala is a weak **** of chaos and evil, also known as the beast of black blood.

To admire the original pleasure of hunting, drinking the blood and meat of the prey is the highest honor!

Once the madman who worships Marathon focuses on the target and considers the valuable creatures, he will kill the opponent, and then sacrifice the other party's blood and meat to Marathon to request the power to hunt stronger prey!

That guy just now! Actually say that he is their prey?

I'm afraid today is not good.

All the knights raised their swords one by one, leaning silently towards Lucia.

"You're right! I feel it! A lot of dragon breath!" The existence of an unknown lich or demi-lich looked in the direction of Silom and others, UU reading www.uukanshu.com's eye sockets There was a beating: "Four-headed! Four-headed dragon! It's really good! None of them are older than the prime of life!"

Skulls head opened and closed, and there was no sound, but the sound was clear to everyones ears!

This is the sound from the soul!

"Four-headed dragon? We have four dragons here?" Lucia's eyes widened, scanning the people behind him back and forth!

Maybe there is still help! There are four dragons! There is no need to be afraid of the enemy in front of you!

"Hahahaha! Are you happy? Zoro! Your church will have three more dragons and liches soon! But don't forget the deal between us! Their blood and flesh are dedicated to our lord!" The leader of the tall cloak, Said the man who had been standing next to the lich creature.

"Of course! I won't forget your deal!" said the Lich creature.

then turned his head and said to Shillong and others: "Four respected dragons! We are from the Dragon Lich Church! I have the most sincere wishes, and I hope you can join our church!"

Neferu could not help but stand up and curse: "What are you talking about! You want us to be a dragon lich! It might as well die! What a bunch of disgusting guys!"

"!?" Lucia on one side was slightly surprised, Neferu was a dragon?

What about Andre and Shillon and Arman?

Lucia's thinking became clear!

I knew before that the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce had a close cooperation with the dragon, and many dragons appeared in the early works!

I didnt expect that this is a dragon chamber of commerce!

The background is really big enough!

Many people also figured this out, and looked at the four Neferu in amazement.

