The skeleton frame began to collapse instantly, cracking every inch.

"Hmm~ A powerful gravity magic, much stronger than the previous dragonborn form."

Skeleton Face knew that he might be "dead".

But there was no panic at all.

This is a racial characteristic. The emotions of the skeletons are always extremely calm, and their emotions do not contain fear.

There is another kind, they wont really die!

Being a demi-lich life!

Skeleton Face has a phylactery. He has divided his soul into several points before he is alive, and put them in several boxes in different positions.

As long as the soul gem inlaid on the skull's forehead shatters, then the soul fragments of his body will automatically return to the nearby box, and the consciousness will be pluralized again.

They also seem to have "eternal life".

Skeleton Face is now very calmly comparing the gravity spell that Siro has cast at this time, comparing it with the previous cast on the black blood beast believer, gravity is far better than before!

"What a powerful spell! The last time it was at level 9? I really want to learn it!" said his soul voice.


Gravity has been increased again! At this time, even if his skeleton body has magical protection, it can no longer bear it!

was pressed into powder instantly! The gems on the forehead were also split into several pieces!

In a short time, a purple-black illusory soul floated out of the gem.

The three-headed **** dog who turned into a husky, opened his round eyes and glanced at it, and he let out a few breaths in his mouth.

As a **** creature, he has the ability to look directly at the soul.

And Shillong obviously also has this ability. He looked at the floating soul, several steps, and flicked his tail after approaching the opponent!


The huge tail swept across the illusory soul, and hit the ground heavily, moving again.

The illusory soul slowly floated out and appeared in Shillong's vision.

He seemed to take a look at Siro with a little surprise, then his face was mocking, a soul with a skull face, Siro didn't know why he felt mockery on his face.

He began to drift backwards quickly.

Seeing that his physical attack was ineffective, Silom took a breath of dragon.

This is just a very ordinary dragon's breath, similar to an ordinary dragon.

The stream of red gold flame spreads forward in a cone shape!

cover 100 meters ahead!

Shillong's flames are extremely powerful, even if it is not for nuclear silence, the power is stronger than the average red dragon!

When this red gold fire encounters the ground soil, it is like a flame encountering foam, and the ground soil instantly melts.

turned into a ball of fiery red lava, rolling.

The flame covered the group of souls, and in an instant, a stern sound, a roar from the soul sounded, and then annihilated.

The flame stopped and the soul disappeared.

"Whirring whirring...."

The demon dog was lifted on its paws, and the lower body was unconsciously cold, and a few drops of urine fell.

As **** creatures, if they die during the summoning, they are not actually dead. Instead, they will return to the abyss and become demon eggs rebirth in the abyss, but this is not much different from death. Their memory is very It is likely to be eliminated, and the strength has been over.

As a high-level three-headed hellhound, he was afraid to come again, so he surrendered when he was threatened with death.

But he was even more afraid of dying directly, so that there would be no chance of rebirth!

Is the monster dragon in front of him a certain level of abyss lord? There is actually a way to directly destroy the soul!

is really scary! Fortunately, I was wise before and chose to surrender!

The dog can't help but think.

With the death of the skull head, those hostile alliances instantly collapsed!

They turned around and wanted to run! But his legs couldn't move anyway, and his body was already weakened by the terrible Longwei, and he collapsed to the ground with a slight movement!

But Shillong won't let them go. The precise gravity control instantly appeared on their heads, covering all the enemies!


In an instant, more than twenty human-shaped pits appeared on the ground!

A scream of sorrow and screams made people creepy.

They clearly and slowly felt the process of their bodies deforming.

Squash, shatter, smash, and die!

Even though this time lasted only a short two seconds or so, it made them terrified to the extreme. At the moment of death, they felt a sense of relief!

All enemies are wiped out!

Speaking a lot, in fact, after Shillong showed his true body, although it was slow, it was only a few dozen seconds!

Even if there were two giant dragons before, the team of twenty or thirty soldiers who were invincible disappeared.

There seems to be an exceptionally unreality.

Lucia and others still stayed where they were, dare not to speak, and fled.

"Hahaha! Finally knocked them down! Shillong you bastard! It should have been this way! Look at Andre, this bastard, and Sister Neferu are both injured!" Arman felt relieved on Shillong's back. Laughed.

"Are you Shillong?" At this time, Neferu's body was full of scorched black colors. This was lightning by the lightning element, and there were still many places with blood and blood, and many scales were broken.

Fortunately, the vitality of the dragon is extremely powerful, but there are not many obstacles.

At this time, Neferu looked at Shillong's true body with a little surprise, and his words were full of disbelief.

"It's me! Sister Neferu! I'm sorry for hurting you and Brother Andre." After Siro said, his body shrank for a while, and he became the same as the dragonborn before, and he was still there. Behind him, Arman, who was holding him tightly, pulled it off!

"It doesn't matter, these injuries are nothing." Neferu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some relief: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful! This is really great!"

"Shillon! How old are you this year? Why are you pretending to be a child! It's a bit embarrassing to me! But fortunately, you are here today, otherwise it would be really dangerous! These guys are quite prepared!" Thinking of the past, UU read www.uukanshu.com and underestimate each other, feeling embarrassed.

What kind of kid is this! Obviously a monster above the very old stage is pretending to be tender!

The most irritating thing is! We dragons still believe it!

"What does Brother Andre mean by this?" Shillon didn't know why.

"Let's talk about it! How do I call you from now on! Is it Uncle Silom or Uncle Silom?" Andre Long grinned.

However, he immediately got involved with the injury on his body, and he gasped in pain.

His injury is much heavier than Neferu because of the contest with the **** dog and the occasional magical attacks of the demi-lich.

The dragon blood on the ground is out of a big piece!

"Brother Andre! You misunderstood! I am the Shillon you know! Arman's brother! Forty years old this year!" Shillon said.

looks serious.

"Huh???" Andre and Neferu looked at each other. Didn't this guy laugh?

Then he looked at Arman again.

Seeing Andres suspicious appearance, Arman laughed and said: "Hahaha~ Andre! Of course Sillon is my brother! This is 100% of the matter! We are the same father and the same mother. Born in a batch of eggs!"

He was very proud when he spoke.

With two hands in his back, as if it was him who had just shown his power.

"Brothers of the same father and mother, the same batch of eggs? Then why is Shillong so big? And you are only so young?" Andre couldn't help asking.

Arman: "..."

how to talk! This bastard! Shillong and I are brothers! Dear!

This is my normal body shape! That guy grows so big, I am also desperate!

