Arman didn't speak, and just stared at Andre quietly, his eyes full of resentment.

Andre couldn't bear the look in the other party's eyes. He smiled awkwardly: "Okay! Okay! You are the Shillong brother I know! Are you mutated? I heard that the Five Colored Dragon appeared recently. After a few mutant dragons, I didn't expect to have such a strong one."

He was a little emotional.

"Yes! That's what Teacher Kama said." Silom replied.

After chatting for a while, Andre focused his gaze on the demon dog who was still being carried by him. He said, "Just take this **** dog by your side? You know he is a **** creature!"

"......." Seeing that Andre, the bastard, brought the topic to his side, the magic dog was shocked!

This guy must be revenge! I bit him before revenge!

Damn golden dragon! Is this trying to kill me?

"Huhuhuhu~" Erha thought of this and stared at Shillong with two round eyes.

"..." Silom glanced at him silently, then threw him to the ground!

"Don't be cute in front of me! You know?"

"huhuhu~" The dog turned over and nodded quickly.

"The strength of this dog is pretty good! It's a shame to kill!" Silom said, "And I have a way to control him!"

Shillon said, taking out a sheepskin scroll from the space ring.

The scroll is full of unknown aura.

"This is! Devil's contract?"

The dog was shocked when he saw it.

As an abyssal creature, is naturally very familiar with the demons living in hell!

These **** were created by the gods to grab jobs with them!

They also need soul! And it is different from the demons arbitrarily killing the enemy and taking the soul.

The demons are good at seduce humans and sign contracts with each other. As long as the content of the contract is completed, they can harvest their souls.

And the credibility of the devil is pretty good among humans. There are always desperate people looking for the devil and offering their souls.

For this reason, the abyss that originally owned this business was completely violent!

They really can only rely on killing to get their souls!

The devil's contract has a magical energy-binding nature, and a devil can only sign five contracts at a time.

Hearing the words of the magic dog, Andre and Neferu both looked at Shillong in amazement!

"This is what I learned from my teacher Karma, don't be so surprised!" Silom replied.

Andre: "..."

Since it is the meaning of Elder Kama, that's it! The dragon uses the devil contract, no problem!

"Come on! Sign it!" Shillong said to the enchanted dog, his eyes flickering, and obviously the consequence of not signing is death.

Zhan Shiqi didn't dare to think about it, and quickly bit his paw and signed his name.

Then a devil with goat head inside the sheepskin roll flew into Zhan Shiqi's chest.


He clearly knew the content of the contract and he must be loyal to Shillong, and Shillong's contribution was simply to fill his stomach.

From then on, he is really Shillong's dog...

The kind that can't resist.

Unless you can reach the top of the legend, maybe you can terminate this contract.

"That's right! To subdue this dog, there is another advantage! That is to allow him to work for us for free! How to say it is also a high-level beast, let him shoot movies for free, isn't it great?" Xilong said.

"Huh???" Andrei's eyes lit up when he heard this! Yes indeed! This obvious master-servant relationship.

Shillong can completely avoid paying the employment gold coins! A magic dog with a monster level of 13-14, even if it becomes a human, its power speed will be above level 10!

How expensive is it to hire a person like this? This is actually free!

Shillong is really amazing! Will do business! I have to learn more from him!

Andre immediately set his mind right, his 20 years of business, compared with Shillong, is still somewhat inadequate!

did not expect this!

These evil creatures, as long as they are recovered, there is no need to pay for them!

No wonder those five-color dragons like to subdue evil family members!

It turned out to be because of this!

No need to spend your own treasure! If you feed at most meals, you can make these silly people grateful!


Suddenly, Andre felt that these evil creatures became so cute!

He looked at the magic dog with a weird look, and unconsciously trembled for a long time when he looked at the dog's leg!

Is this guy thinking of any way to frame me?

"That's right!" Silom looked at a few hundred meters away, and Lucia, who was standing still, said: "His Royal Highness has other actors, can you come over?"

He used the sound amplification spell, and the voice clearly reached Lucia and the actors' ears.

These people nodded quickly and ran to Shillong.

More than two dozen actors and actresses. Because of the lack of equipment, the knights did not have the griffon by their side, their combat power was low, and basically all of them were wounded, and some were seriously injured.

Even the left side of her waist and abdomen was slightly scratched.

Fortunately, Shillong took time out of the battle to add buffs to these guys, otherwise many people will definitely die!

He glanced at these guys, ran to the seriously injured person, and started to treat them.

Among these guys, there is not a priest. At this time, Shillon has to rely on an arcane mage.

Arcane Mage also has a lot of healing spells, barely stopping the wounds of these seriously injured people.

began to treat several minor injuries.

Treating more than 20 people at a time. This kind of continuous treatment is very magical and lasts for more than an hour.

If you change to an ordinary person, the magic power has long been exhausted. At least a priest of level 15 or above can afford it.

But these mana consumption is nothing but trivial to Shillong.

After he finished the treatment, he said to Andre, who had transformed into a human form, "Do you need treatment?"

"Forget it! We don't need treatment." Andre and Neferu refused.

The healing spells are not particularly top-notch. In fact, they cant be fully recovered. The previous knights have been healed and they need to be trained for a period of time, and they will also reduce their lifespan!

These lifespans will not be too much, severe injuries will be reduced by one to two years, and minor injuries will take a few days or months.

At least level 8 spells are required to reduce the consumption of these lifespans.

Andre and Neferu, as giant dragons, are extremely resilient and do not want to recover from their injuries at the expense of lifespan.

Even if the dragon's life span is long enough! They dont want to spend their life!

This is as important as their treasure!

Next, Silom apologized for this incident. In his opinion, these guys were completely unjustified. He gave 30 gold coins for minor injuries and 60 gold coins for serious injuries.

can be regarded as comforting them a little bit, this time the gold coins paid are really a lot, and it almost makes Shillong's heart start to twitch!

He can only hold back his regret! The memory of the blue star in the previous life made him feel that he must compensate ~ wuxiaworld.online~ even if these guys don't compensate these guys, they dare not complain, but this is not what he wants, he is a good person! Good dragon!

So Shillong compensated these guys.

This moment makes these guys happy!

There is such a good thing!

was a little injured, but he didn't die anyway! One or two years of wages for nothing! Cool!

Is the dragon originally such a generous creature?

Which fool wrote the Dragon Magazine! It says they love gold as life?

I bother! These idiots don't understand dragons at all!

Good metal dragon! I praise you all!

These Griffin Riders, if they are injured at work, although there are compensations, they are actually very rare!

Shillong compensated so much! He used Blue Star's experience to give benefits to these guys!

Andrei, Arman, and Neferu on one side covered their chests with their distressed hands, and they couldn't even speak!

But at this time they dare not say much, after all, they still have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, these guys are indeed the poor people who have suffered.

"That's right! There is one more thing to tell you!" Shillong said to the ordinary people.

"Just say it!" The Griffin Knights, the original youth captain, had always looked at Shillong a bit uncomfortable, and now he nodded and bowed, seeing the true face of the other party, he didn't dare to be hardened at all in front of the other party!

Drop it any way you want!

This is something you can't afford to provoke!

That strength is legendary for the most time, right?

The Griffin Rider Captain doesnt know much about the strength above the legend. Anyway, they are all big figures in the legend. There are only two words to describe them in the impression, and I cant afford to offend them! Can't afford to offend!

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