"Now let's compare it again! But you can't use all your strength, or your strength will crush me. This will not exercise your skills. Come on, take your sword and face my sword. Slowly increase the force until I say stop."

When the coach said that, he raised the big sword in his hands with both hands and stood in front of him diagonally, while Siro stepped forward, stuck his sword on the two swords in an X shape, and began to add strength.

This is to let Shillong know how much power to use to fight.

Slowly, slowly, the coach stopped.

"Okay! Use your current strength and practice with me!" The coach said here, and then stepped back. After the two kept a distance of six meters, the coach couldn't help asking again: "You just used it. How much power?"

"I don't know! I didn't make much effort anyway!"

"..." The coach was slightly silent. Isn't this too depressing? What is no force?

Is this the gap between the Dragonborn genius and humans?

There is such a power without the use of fighting spirit, perhaps only a legendary barbarian warrior can compare it!

The coach took a deep breath.

"Let's get started! This time we will not use fighting spirit!"

As the coach's voice fell, the two rushed towards each other, and as they approached, both sides shot their swords separately.


When the two swords collided, the coach quickly changed his moves, and Shillong changed his moves almost at the same time.

clang clang clang~clang~

The swords on both sides fought more and more densely, and the sound was almost connected!

The fight between the two is basically invisible to the students.

Two big swords dance into afterimages.

There are more than a dozen changes per second.

But the coach who was competing with Shillong was shocked.

Generally speaking, ordinary swordsmen fight against each other, and their change speed is between 0.2 and 0.3 seconds.

And the temporary students he teaches now are mostly between 4 and 6.

The speed of changing moves is between 0.2 and 0.1 seconds.

Obviously, Peter is the student with a change speed of 0.1 seconds.

And he himself, as a 15th-level swordsman who is close to the general level, his change time is only 0.05 seconds!

But where is this guy in front of you? It's really equal to him, maybe a little bit, but this is also the reason for not being familiar!

The speed of changing moves will not be greater than 0.06 seconds!

This is different from the unequal battle just now. Try your best to attack, the opponent just needs to defend a little!

This is a relatively fair fight!

How did this guy do it?

You need to know that it doesn't matter that you need a very fast reaction speed, and you need to understand the swordsmanship he said before!

I only talked about it before. The match just now wouldn't have much effect on him, right?

can do it!

Are you sure you are here to learn swords?

At this moment, he felt suspicious of the Shillong thief!

I believe your nonsense!


Shillon's big sword bypassed the coach's big sword, and slashed towards the opponent.

This sword scared the coach directly. I was distracted just now!

almost finished saying, can't think about other things!

The coach used an ingenious force to shake Shillong's sword away and immediately confronted the enemy!

The two played against each other for 70 or 80 rounds, and the coach found that his advantage was gone!

The guy on the opposite side makes moves faster!

This guy has become stronger in the contest with himself!

Another 40 or 50 moves passed, and the coach gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Sweat gradually appeared on his forehead, and Shillong's pressure was a bit too great!

Until now, he has been unable to launch an effective counterattack, he can only do his best to defend!

The clanging iron and wood clinked into one piece, and dozens of tricks passed.

The sword in the coach's hand is horizontally in front, and the action is frozen! Shillong's sword was already on his neck!

"I lost!" He smiled wryly.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, it was in the case of the opponent's full strength, but now the competition is tightly only skill, and the opponent defeated him, which really made him a little unacceptable!

He has no idea whether the opponent is a master of swordsmanship, or whether the opponent is really a genius. As long as he has heard the essence of swordsmanship, he can fully control and defeat his peerless genius.

The surrounding students were silent. They also knew that Shillong was suppressing their power at this time, but the other party also said that he was a beginner before, which would defeat a 15-level master swordsman with the same power. ?

Does this really make them fools?

How can such a person exist?

The students glanced at each other. Although they didn't speak, the meaning was obvious.

This dragon descendant came to pretend to be forced!


Good talent, great power?

Isnt it a legend yet? What are you going to wear? ?

A group of students thought sourly.

Siro's current technical improvement is entirely due to his brain.

After became a dragon, his brain was much stronger than that of humans.

He feels that he is very ordinary at ordinary times, maybe just thinking more clearly than humans.

But whenever he needs to study something or calculate something, his brain will appear in another state.

It feels like turning into a computer. In this state, his memory will become profound, like looking at a tree.

There may be thousands of leaves on the branches, each of which has a different texture, but he can remember it completely.

It is precisely because of this that he can fully remember the essence of swordsmanship the coach said, and gradually integrate himself into the next battle.

"You did a great job...I have nothing to teach you." The coach smiled bitterly.

"? This is nothing to teach? Isn't there any powerful tricks in swordsmanship? Didn't you have been very good at fighting with me before? It flashed and flashed, and the speed was very fast." Silo said.

"Yes! But these are the stunts of those famous swordsmen, including me, there are also a few stunts, but these stunts can't be learned by paying!" the coach said.

"You can't learn even if you pay? Humph! I don't believe it!" Arman said at this time.

"Whether you believe it or not, the tuition you paid is only enough to learn what you are currently."

"Cut! I'll give you a thousand gold coins! How about you teach me stunts?" Arman said.

"A thousand gold coins?" The coach was blank, and shook his head after a second of silence.

"Two thousand!"

"..." The coach was silent for two seconds.

Two thousand gold coins, he has to save more than ten years before he can save them!

"Five thousand!"

"Okay!" The coach suddenly changed his words~wuxiaworld.online~ His eyes were full of righteousness. He looked at Arman with bright eyes and grabbed Arman's arms: "Classmate! I teach!"

"Oh oh oh ~ you let go! I was joking just now! What are you doing so seriously?" Arman retorted.

What a joke, who would spend so many gold coins to learn the **** meaning of swordsmanship!

Its not a good thing for me to hold a mattress, a fool would spend this wrong money!

"......" The coach took a deep breath, tried to suppress the urge to hack the elf, and slowly released his hands.

immediately faced Siro and said, "Your Excellency, you have already graduated, but will your brother stay here to study?"

The coach is very polite to Shillong now, and the opponent's strength has to make him like this.

"Of course, he should stay here to study." Sailong said.

"Hey~ why should I learn? I'm just following you! What else can I learn if you don't learn?" Alman said.

"Learn it, it's no harm to yourself, the big deal is that I will pay for your money!"

"What you said!" Arman looked happy, but then he was a little worried: "But, will you come here with me in the future? I'm alone, I feel dangerous!"

Counsel! Don't know who you are like? The courage is so small!

Siro was speechless. He asked the coach if there was a separate martial arts venue for him to practice.

The answer is yes, but an extra 1 silver coin is required for one day.

Silom gritted his teeth on this, and promised to come to the students with Arman. But he finally said to Arman: "You pay your tuition yourself! That's it! It's useless to object!"

He regretted paying Arman the tuition fee!

