"Since the two have discussed it! Then classmate Arman! You continue to practice swords!" the coach said, his mouth slightly raised.

"Okay! Okay! I practice!" He was a little reluctant, but seeing Siro's expression knew that he couldn't escape.

can only go to the middle and raise the sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Peter on the side of immediately prepared to come forward to practice.

Now that he sees Armans accomplice, Sillon, is so good, there are no other ideas, instead, he is ready to practice with Arman, maybe he can make friends, and he will benefit in the future!

But the coach stopped him when he saw him going up. He smiled and said: "Peter, you go back and continue training with Tom, classmate Arman will leave it to me to practice!"

Seeing this, Peter felt a little helpless and had to return.

And when Arman saw the other's smile, he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

Facts have also proved that something bad has indeed happened!

The coach did not give in to his training at all!

The back of the iron wood sword slapped Arman's body around, and the name said: This is to make you learn faster!

Silo didn't stop seeing this, as long as he didn't get killed or seriously injured!

the next day.

Shillong and Arman were preparing to go to the General Sword Academy and walked to the gate.

The demon dog, who was supposed to be covered in red and majestic, looked at Shillong pitifully at his food bowl, and wailed in his mouth. Seeing his eyes, it seemed that he had something to say, but he was forced to say something. Long forbade him to speak, so he could only whimper.

The food bowl is all black bread that has been shredded and soaked in hot water!

"Why are you so poor?" Silom asked.

"Woo woo woo..." Zhan Shiqi looked down at the food bowl and began to call again.

There is a guard watching him, but he dare not speak.

"Do you think things are bad?"

"Woohoo..." Zhan Shiqi raised his head, nodded, and looked at Shillong pitifully.

"You guy! I kindly take you in! Give you something to eat! I even dislike it! Do you know how to report?" Silom said.

This dead dog, I spend a dozen copper coins every day to buy you black bread. Is this not enough?

Several days ago! It cost me dozens of copper coins!

"Woo woo woo..." Zhan Shiqi called again.

He secretly said in his heart, let me eat black bread and soak in hot water every day, can't I change the pattern?

will eat dogs! Understand?

He feels that his mouth is full of rough rye and sand now!

This is how he can hold on and change to a normal dog! I was raised to death by you! Bastard!

He didn't dare to say it, he could only use hum, pretending to be pitiful, and constantly suggesting, but Silom was not moved at all.

Your uncle! Taking in you this **** dog is already showing kindness, and still want to eat good food?

White bread? Sausage? Barbecue?

Save you!

Siro Li ignored the dog, and went to college with Arman as usual.

The two guards next to looked at this scarlet, extremely handsome wolf-like dog, unconsciously showing a trace of pity in their eyes!

These two guys were really stingy just now! As a distinguished guest of President Andre, his status will not be bad, and he will not be short of money if he wants to come!

But I didnt expect to have pets like this!

This dog is really unlucky!


Zhan Shiqi looked at the back of Silom leaving, his eyes full of despair.

Is this kind of guy worthy of calling himself a metal dragon? Could there be such an evil metal dragon?

Five-color dragons can't be so evil, right?

I remember I heard from my compatriots who worked for Five-Colored Dragons, that although those Five-Colored Dragons have a bad temper, work for them, at least they are full of meat!

And where am I now?

Nibbling black bread every day! I'm so difficult!

He silently ate a few bites of black bread, savoring the sand inside. Swallowed silent tears.

Am I going to run away?

He couldn't help but come up with this idea, but it was immediately rejected.

He has signed a master and servant contract under the persecution of the other party! For the rest of my life, I can only be the other's dog!

I need to strengthen myself!

I need to take a closer look at this human world outside, and then look for the possibility of turning over!

Zhan Shiqi thought so, took a few bites of black bread, and then left Andres house.

began to wander the inner city.

The buildings in the inner city are very beautifully decorated. In the morning, many nobles and wealthy businessmen will get up for a walk.

These people are either holding their pets, or strolling leisurely in pairs.

Those dog lovers who led the dog, after seeing Zhan Shiqi, couldnt help but admire in their hearts, good dog!

Some people even wanted to tease him, but when he stared at him, they were shocked, and then left quickly.

Zhan Shiqi strolled around and came to a food store unconsciously.

The food stores that can be opened in the inner city are all very high-end, specially prepared for the wealthy businessmen in the inner city.

The store doesn't look very big, but there are a lot of things.

cheese, white bread, as well as various meat products, seafood products, each is very sophisticated, placed on top, occasionally a passing wealthy businessmen will stop to buy.

Zhan Shiqi looked at these things and couldn't help but stop. He stopped in place for a long time, staring blankly at the barbecue on it.

I really want to eat barbecue!

miss me three-headed hellhound, noble canine demon in hell, superior race! It would be so downhearted!

Really the devil is blind!

He unconsciously began to recall the past.

What a happy day that is!

lives near the volcano. The ethnic group is the strongest in the area. When tired, he sleeps and eats when he wakes up.

There are all kinds of **** monster meat, that meat is so delicious! So chewy!

Occasionally go to the human world to beat the autumn breeze, fish a few souls, and eat a few humans with fresh skin and tender flesh! Really is the joy of life!

Look at now, it's miserable!

The dog staring at the barbecue showed longing in his eyes. How much he wanted to change back to the original, and directly ate this human selling barbecue and those barbecues!

"Hey! Stupid dog! Go!" Just as Zhan Shiqi was thinking, a voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

The vendor who was in the house walked up to him and kicked him lightly.

Maybe its because there are no customers for some time, which makes the vendors a little boring, and feels that the dogs outside are a bit annoying.

came out and wanted to drive away.

Zhan Shiqi was a little annoyed by the vendor's kick. He wrinkled his nose, exposed his fangs, and showed a vicious expression at the vendor.

This trader is just an ordinary trader. He was taken aback by the death gaze of the **** dog, Zhan Shiqi, and returned to the store in anguish.

Then Zhan Shiqi was fascinated by the barbecue again, and the saliva in his mouth fell to the ground unconsciously.

"Woo woo woo woo..." I want to eat! Want to eat! I want to eat!

"What a mighty and cute dog! And it's red!" Suddenly a voice sounded.

Immediately after this voice, he said, "Cute little guy, do you want to eat?"


Hearing this, Zhan Shiqi finally couldn't help turning his head and looking towards him.

This is a beautiful woman in red and gorgeous clothes, she is only in her early twenties.

The figure is outstanding.

looked at him at this time, his beautiful face was full of smiles.

"You must want to eat it! The ground is all your saliva!"

The woman said with a smile. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Then she said to the vendor, "Give me a copy of this barbecue and this one!"

"Okay, Miss Julia!" The vendor showed joy, but he didn't expect this dog to bring himself an extra income!

It seems that this dog will come again in the future and don't have to drive away!

The vendor happily handed the woman Julia's food to her.

Because Zhan Shiqi's favorite food has changed owners, he unconsciously focused his attention on Julia's tote bag containing the food.

"Want to eat?" the woman asked.

"Woo ..." Zhan Shiqi nodded.

"Come on! Eat! These are all yours!" Julia put the handbag on the ground and opened it to reveal the meaty food inside.

"Woo!" Zhan Shiqi's dog eyes brightened, and in an instant he stepped forward and went to the front of the food, gnawing frantically at the food!

The whole head is fully inserted into the handbag!

There was enough food for two people, and he only took a few minutes to eat it all!

The depression for several days seems to have disappeared! It turns out that the human world is not as vicious as I thought!

I swear! Never eat people anymore!

"Huhuhu..." He stuck out his tongue happily and showed a kind expression at Julia.

"Good dog! Really good!" Julia seemed very happy, and smiled and touched Zhan Shiqi's head.

And Zhan Shiqi did not refuse the other party because of this meal.

After rubbing for a long time, Julia stood up and said, "Okay! Good dog! I have something to leave! See you tomorrow!"

She said, blinking at Zhan Shiqi, this eye seemed to contain some deep meaning, and finally waved her hand and left.

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