Everything, simple meat, sausages and other items are cost-priced, and the price is between a few dozen copper coins.

The food on the second floor is much more exquisite, and there are a lot of monster meat.

These meats can provide more nutrients for practicing swordsmanship, and the price is naturally a lot more expensive.

The third floor is the place where the local tyrants of the Japanese group go, and the grade is naturally extremely high.

The food provided in is enjoyed by the nobles, which is comparable to the most upscale noble restaurants outside.

The minimum amount of each food is silver coins.

The more expensive ones are all gold coins!

Even ordinary day group students dont dare to eat on the third floor every day!

At this time, Arman, under the introduction of his classmates, came to the second floor to dine.

Because the family conditions of the temporary students are pretty good, most of them dine on the second floor.

Although the lunch on the second floor is a lot more refined, it is still a big pot of food.

A group of people need to queue for dinner.

Arman lined up for a while before it was his turn to order. There were still many kinds of dishes.

Pigs, ducks, cows, lambs and other meats are available, as well as a few monster meats of not low level.

He ordered one portion according to the appetite of five people. The whole iron pan used to put food was full. It cost more than one gold, which was quite expensive.

With the iron basin in his right hand, Arman went back to find a place to eat.

At this time, a group of students came towards Arman.

The student led by wore a decent blue school uniform with blond hair, not handsome in appearance, and a square face, surrounded by three or four people, all centered on this student.

Their faces have obvious pleasing smiles, and the man in the middle, with a full face of arrogance, wants to be a genius among the students.

This group of people talked and laughed and moved towards Arman's direction.

The two quickly approached.

One of the students suddenly saw Armans iron pan full of food, and was a little surprised: "Wow! This guy is too good to eat too! How many people are there? All together, this is for one person to eat. Is it? Its almost like a rice bucket."

Several other people looked at Arman when they heard this. One of them smiled and said: "You see he is still an elf! This is too edible! The elf I know eats very few, and prefers fruit. Kind of food! Isn't this a fake elf?"

"Look at his clothes! At first glance, they are temporary students. These guys have nothing but money! It is a waste to order so many good things at once!"

A group of people pointed at Arman, which made his mood a bit bad.

"Are you guys here looking for trouble?" Arman's expression turned gloomy. As he said, he put his left hand into the iron basin, took out a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and ate it.

The eyes are on those who are watching the talking.

"Huh? How do you talk? Are we wrong?" a student said.

"Yes! We didn't scold you again! What kind of attitude do you elves have! This is the King City of Starlane! Not in the forest of your elves!" a student warned.

"Get out of here! I don't have time to spend with you here!" The man in the middle also spoke. He frowned and looked at Arman very upset.

Roadmaster is used to it, and he really hasnt adapted to anyone who dares to talk back to him, especially the scum of temporary students.

"You bastards! You provoke me, but you still want me to make way for you? Impossible! Is there no way next to me? You want me to give way?" Arman was angry.

grabbed the food in the iron pan and stuffed it frantically.

"Don't let it, right?" A student muttered to himself, and then took a step, walked in front of Arman and pushed his body forward.

He sees Arman is small, and wants to use his size advantage to squeeze him away.

But he walked a few steps and found that the other party was not moving.

This makes him a little uncomfortable. He is learning one-handed swords in the academy, mainly focusing on agility, and strength is not his strong point.

is also relatively slim, only 1.7 meters tall.

Seeing that Arman couldn't squeeze, the man's face was a little red.

1.7 meters tall, can't squeeze one meter six? What a shame!

And the opponent is still an elf who is not good at power!

Arman just swallowed a mouthful of meat at this time, looked at each other contemptuously, and pushed his chest directly to the ground.

laughed and said: "Hahaha~ you are too weak, you fell down before I tried hard!"

"You!..." The student fell to the ground, his complexion even redder. Pointing at Arman, he didn't know what to say.

The students around obviously noticed the unexpected situation here. Some people walked directly to the front, while others looked at it from a distance.

This is the second floor. Most of the people who dine are the nobles in small places. They looked at the situation here with a sneer.

At this time, the square-faced man among the students was not looking good. He said with a calm face: "You spirit! Get out of me quickly! I don't need to investigate your fault!"

Arman glanced at each other disdainfully when he heard the words. Are these people really sick? It is obviously their fault, why did it seem to be my fault?

Are human beings so domineering?

He didn't understand, so he took two more bites of meat.

"Do you know who I am?" The Fang face on the other side suddenly said this.

"I don't know." Arman replied.

"I'm Tom! Tom Morris!" The square-faced man suddenly turned straight and said.

"Tom Morris?"

"That's right!"

"I don't know! Are you famous?" Arman asked.


"My brother is William! William Morris!" Tom Morris's cheek twitched slightly ~wuxiaworld.online~ Still don't know! "

"William Morris! The strongest genius in the academy with legendary resources! He is my brother!" Tom was furious!

"What does that have to do with you?"

"He is my brother!"

"Your brother is your brother, not you!"

"You!..." Tom furiously: "He is my brother! We are brothers! His glory is my glory!"

"Oh! The strongest genius in the academy? A legendary asset? It feels like that! When I grow up! It must be a legend! And it is the kind that is several times stronger than your brother!" Arman casually said.

As the silver dragon second only to the golden dragon in the metal dragon family, what he said is true.

As long as they live to old or extremely old age, how difficult is it to advance Legendary Dragon?

For the dragon, the legend is not something to show off.

I want to talk about brother! My brother Silom is also a dragon! Do you see me showing off! All the fuss!

"This elf is too arrogant! How dare to look down on William, who has legendary resources! Look at his tone! Even the legend itself is not even considered!"

"Are all the elves so arrogant now?"

A few students could not believe their ears, legendary powerhouse! There are only single-digit invincibles in the kingdom!

Even a strong man who must be respected by His Majesty, the elf in front of him, why do you look down on it?

"Fuck! Asshole! I want to fight you!" Tom was also mad!

He feels that his elder brother has received the biggest insult in his life!

Because of this, he roared very loudly, and the students around were all attracted.

duel? It seems interesting.

These local nobles all showed interest in their faces.