"Duel? Come on! I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?" Will Arman be afraid of this little human?

That's impossible!

"Very good! Let's go to the nearby driving range No. 3 to compete!"

Tom said, he wanted to leave here.

This duel does not contain any benefits, it is just a simple duel.

However, the result of the duel will definitely be broadcast in the mouth of the students, and the loser will generally suffer mental torture.

This mainly comes from the ridicule of others and the dwarfing of the self in thought.

There is no loser. After a duel fails, he can still show up in front of the winner.

They met the victor again, fearing that they would take a detour.

Hearing what the other party said, Arman said, "Wait! I haven't eaten yet! Are you guys trying to win when I'm hungry?"

"Huh!" When he stopped, Tom looked at Arman with an ugly expression: "Then eat your meal! Don't think about being able to escape! I want to teach you a lesson and let you know the gap between temporary students and formal students!"

"Gap?" Arman's complexion is not good anymore, he seems to remember the scene of being defeated by Peter before and beaten by the teacher again!

As a giant dragon, he is a little ashamed of being unable to beat humans!

gritted his teeth, Arman grunted: "You wait! This time I will want you ignorant humans to know how Arman is!"

His eyes were fixed on Tom, but his hands kept on, grabbing the food in the basin and stuffing his mouth.

The way of eating is not too heroic!

I looked at the aristocratic students next to me for a moment!

This seems a bit different from the elves in their impression!

quietly watched Arman ate for more than 20 minutes before he finished the food.

He wiped the corners of his mouth, patted his stomach and said, "Yes, 30% full! You can go!"


Just then, a student next to Tom suddenly screamed.

A group of people looked at him, and he blushed a little and said, "I trained too hard before! I was a little hungry..."

"Or, wait for you to finish it too! Are we trying?" Arman said indifferently.

"No need!" Tom grumbled to the student's stomach: "You eat first! You don't need to follow me for now."

Then he said to Arman again: "Come on! I can't wait to teach you a good elf who knows nothing!"

"Well then!" Arman agreed.

A group of people got out of the restaurant, came to the first floor, and headed for a nearby dojo.

was followed by less than twenty students.

This attracted the students below, and no matter what the reason, I followed them first, and then a group of people followed to the dojo.

Because of lunch time, there are no people in practice 3 at this time.

A group of people watching the play voluntarily gave up their position to the protagonist and watched.

Arman and Tom came to the center and each took their weapons from the weapon racks.

Arman's ironwood sword, Tom's ironwood one-handed sword.

Tom glanced at Arman, who was holding the ironwood sword, and sneered: "A elves who are only 1.6 meters tall? Actually use the sword? Are you trying to laugh at me? So that you can win this competition. How can there be such an arrogant, arrogant, and stupid guy in the natural elves!"

Hey! This bastard! If you provoke me, you dare to scold me!

I wont convince you today! I am not worthy of being a dragon! Just go to be a dragon beast!

With a little force in his hand, Arman stared at the other side firmly. In the end, the two sides were in a tacit understanding. When one side acted first, he also acted accordingly.

At the moment of approaching the opponent, Arman's great sword slashed at the enemy indefinitely!

Tom looked at the big sword that was cut at him. Although he looked down on him, he still didn't relax!

Because his strength among the students belongs to the bottom rank!

has only level 7 strength!

If this kind of strength is slightly relaxed, there is a real possibility of being turned back by the powerful temporary students!

One-handed sword wave!

Tom smashed Arman's offensive at a very fast speed, and the two quickly fought together.

After being abused by a 15th-level swordsman, Arman improved quickly.

This is mainly because he has a good foundation, and his brain responds faster than ordinary people. Now he is no weaker than Peter!

At the time, Peter was shocked!

Forget it if the dragonborn talent is good! Is Mao an elf talent so good?

Is there any reason? Is there a king?

Compare the two! When the difference in strength is not obvious, it is necessary to tell the victory or defeat outside the seventy or eighty rounds, and then both of them will consume almost the same strength!

Fighting for more than ten rounds, Arman gradually fell into a disadvantage!

This reassures the previous flattering group a little bit!

After all, if the challenger loses, it would be too shameful! This will make the flattering group who has been following Tom feel shame!

Although it's shameless to flatter people all day long, they don't want Tom to lose!

This guys eldest brother, William, is what they want to please.

It is ridiculous to say, in other places, students who are also considered geniuses, enter the [General Sword] Academy, but become flattering brothers!

This is all realistic persecution!

They, who were originally proud and confident, didn't realize how small they were until they reached the center of the entire kingdom!

The gap between genius and genius is bigger than the gap between ordinary genius and mortal!

is even more desperate!

Back to the fight~wuxiaworld.online~ The discerning student, looking at the two fighting people, guessed that after another thirty or forty rounds, Tom will definitely take the elf.

Tom in the battle can also see it naturally, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he has seen his opponent defeated by him, ashamed after being humiliated.

Arman also felt something was wrong, this time the competition, absolutely can not lose! He can't afford to lose this person!

thinking like this in his heart, there was a white mist all over his body!

With a mouth open, a puck will be sprayed at the opponent!

Watching the oncoming puck, Tom was shocked!

He hurriedly rolled around with a donkey, avoided the big sword and the hockey puck, and took a few steps back.

exclaimed: "Asshole! Cheating! Use blood spells!"

Tom's vision is not bad, and those who can enter the general sword student are not mediocre, and their vision is not low.

Naturally know about blood spells.

The so-called bloodline spell is an ability that inherits the bloodline of a certain extraordinary existence among parents, and thus extends it.

Generally, those who possess this ability are the kind of mixed blood, such as dragon descendants, such as humans with the blood of giants.

Of course there are purebred humans, but there must be a legendary powerhouse in the parents' generation!

Legendary powerhouses can be regarded as the evolution of ordinary human beings, and their life level has been improved, they will generally have a legendary ability!

This kind of ability is so strange that it is inscribed in the blood, enough to be passed on to future generations.

However, after the descendants inherit, the power will be greatly reduced, and even disappear directly after a few generations.

Alman, this **** elf, obviously only one of his parents is an elf, and there is another one who does not know what it is!