"If the summoning fails, or if the summoning is too weak, what shall we do?" asked the wizard Zola.

"Then retreat! I am the queen of the elves! I am responsible for the entire clan! The clan land can be lost, but the clan's lives can no longer be lost!"


There was another silence.

"I see!" Zola agreed.

She began to draw the magic circle on the ground.

Because of the particularity of advanced dragon summoning spells, it must be assisted by magic circles.

used the hand of magic to engrave, with the blue magic light, and quickly drew a beautiful six-pointed star pattern on the ground, which also contained various complicated texts and weird patterns.

Until the end, the other three elves retreated a bit later.

Zola began to chant the spell, when the last syllable was finished.

A portal appeared in the magic circle, and then Zola told his request: "Dear metal dragons! Please listen to our prayers!

We are the natural elves of the blue and white forest, the believers of the goddess of the forest, Elona. Now, we have been attacked by the evil green dragon and the black dragon. We need your help!

For this, we will certainly offer you a satisfactory reward! "

please! There must be a powerful legendary dragon!

Goddess Elona again!

Please bless the Billy Elf clan!

Zola prayed in her heart.

10 seconds later...

20 seconds later...

30 seconds later...

Silence, dead silence at the scene.

Did the spell fail?

There is not even a metal dragon in this area of hundreds of kilometers?

The four elves present were a little desperate.

The Elf Queen sighed helplessly.

Just as Zola was about to close the portal, a black and gold claw protruded from the portal.

The scales of this paw are so dark that they seem to absorb all the light!

Just looking at it makes the sensitive elf feel very uncomfortable.

Strands of golden streamers passed through the gaps in the scales, beautiful, but with a strange sense of ominousness. Several elves instantly got goose bumps.

Before they thought about why such an evil and unknown creature appeared in the portal that summoned the metal dragon, the monster's head also came out of the portal.

On the dragon head covered with black scale armor, a pair of horns extend back, and a pair of black almond-shaped pupils outside the golden particles flow together, beautiful and dangerous.

When this monster completely appeared from the portal, the hearts of the elves present jumped wildly!

is not good!

is definitely not good at first sight!

regret it! They regretted why they had to activate the higher dragon summoning spell!

I didn't expect it! Forget it without summoning Shanlong!

You have also made me a dragon that is related to the black dragon no matter how you think!

Tonight seems like a sleepless night, and a fierce battle is inevitable!

The elf queen's hair suddenly began to glow, and it rose automatically without wind.

The elf druid roared and wanted to transform.

The elf marksman has stepped back several tens of meters, bending his bow and shooting arrows.

Only Zola looked pale because of the consumption of magic power.

step on.

Another dragon claw appeared from the portal, this time it was the silver they were familiar with!

Soon, a silver dragon that they were very familiar with appeared in front of them.

"What are you doing?"

Arman, who was just emerging, noticed that something was wrong.

These guys seem to be too alert, right?

Do you want to go back?

Still saying that these elves have problems?

Summon them and want to kill them, cramp and peel?

After the previous raid, Arman's brain supplement ability has been much stronger.

He instantly became vigilant, hiding behind Xilong quietly!

"Your Excellency Silver Dragon, who is this next to you?"

The Elf Queen said, looking at Shillon with some caution.


Arman got it! Shillong is the fault of this skin!

This **** guy! It doesn't matter if you ask you to grow up, you're black, like a dragon!

"Don't worry! This is my brother Silom! After hearing your prayers! The righteous are naturally bound to come to help!

bring it on! Where is the enemy! Our brothers will destroy them! "Arman is confident.

Silom was silent and did not speak.

I am a good dragon, but I am always misunderstood...

Heart tired.

"Brother?" The elves looked at each other, their brains filled with many things.

But I knew it was not good to continue to ask, so he said: "Thank you for your help! Our enemy this time is very powerful. Not only is there a legendary green dragon, but also a legendary black dragon!

Tomorrow they might attack us again. "

"Don't worry! No matter who they are! Elder dragon or cologne! My brother and I will defeat them!" Alman raised his head and his neck straight, with a look that Laozi was very powerful.

Several elves glanced at each other, and the queen couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency Silver Dragon, although a little rude, can you ask a question?"


"I look very young when I listen to your voice. How old are you and your brother now?"

"Four..." Arman paused as soon as he said a word: "How old are you, don't worry about it! Anyway, you are so busy, my brother and I have helped! You depend on our brother's performance!"

The four elves all feel so unreliable!

Elf Queen continued: "Your Excellency Silver Dragon! Please be serious! There is a war here! The enemy is still two legendary dragons! And their thousands of evil servants!

Please look over there! "

Speaking of here~wuxiaworld.online~The queen points to the battlefield.

A group of elves are busy, they are carrying the bodies of their compatriots.

The blood-stained ground is full of corpses, looking full of sadness.

"This is war! Just tonight's war, we lost thousands of compatriots!

also left more than two thousand enemies!

The righteousness of the two is beyond doubt, but if we dont have enough strength, we may not be able to continue fighting. "

"Then let's talk about it, just let you know our strength." Silom finally spoke.

The fairy queen breathed a sigh of relief.

This is good, I can finally understand the strength of these two dragons! if not! Then they will retreat directly and give up the blue and white forest!

Then she looked at the elf druid and motioned to him.

The Elf Druid naturally understood, he stepped forward and said: "Let me verify the strength of the two!"

Immediately, with a roar, the elf druid changed from an elf with a height of 1.75 meters to a huge gray bear standing upright and about five meters in height!

The color of the skin of the giant bear is like a gray rock, giving a sense of solidity.

"Roar!" He roared, and his two arms banged his chest.

"Are you going or me?" Shillon smiled, tilted his head and asked Arman.

Arman rolled his mercury-like eyeballs at him: "Humph! Of course you are on it!"

"All back!" Siro said.

The three elves all retreated, leaving enough space for the two in the field.

