"Come on!" Shillong said.

"Will you not return to your body? With your current size, how can you fight me?" The giant bear on the other side spoke with a deep voice.

He knew this was definitely not the other person's original body shape.


"Roar!" Seeing that persuasion is invalid, the giant bear no longer talks nonsense!

With a roar, he leaned down. At this time, he was still more than three meters tall, and when he moved his limbs, he strung towards Shillong.

Between the four legs moving, the whole ground is shaking slightly.

came to Shillong in three or two steps, and then raised his right front leg, trying to slap him.

The huge force caused the weeds around Shillong to be overwhelmed by the palm wind.


At the next moment, an invisible force suddenly hit him!

The body weighing more than 10 tons was overturned at once! Fly backwards backwards.

This kind of picture is very shocking. In the eyes of several elves, a giant bear of such a size actually flew upside down. The point is, you still dont know what he was hit by!

You must know that this giant bear is not an ordinary giant bear, but a giant gray bear, a giant grizzly bear with a steel rock skin!

Their weight, strength, are in the dominance of creatures of the same size.

Even a five-meter-high dragon will be shot to death by a giant limestone bear!

But the growth limit of this giant bear is far from that of the giant dragon!

What's more, this giant bear is deformed by a level 18 druid! Compared with the real giant limestone bear, I am afraid it is much stronger!

The huge body of the giant bear is like a ping-pong ball, flying backwards, flying out 50 or 60 meters in an instant, breaking two big trees!

Seeing that a big tree was about to be broken.

The light on the giant bear flashed.

"Deformation! Hurrying leopard!"


The giant bear disappeared, replaced by a huge blue leopard with a shoulder height of 2.5 meters. This blue leopard was extremely agile. When he was about to hit a tree, his body turned sideways in the air. At the moment he was about to hit, he backed away. The kick, unexpectedly removed the power of recoil!


In the next instant, the green leopard turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

He is very fast! It was much faster than the barbarian believer of the black blood beast that Shillong had encountered before.

And his running method is very special. Wherever he runs, there will be an afterimage which will confuse Shillong's sight. The afterimage will disappear after at least 3 to 4 seconds.

The blue leopard has been running wildly around Shillong, and soon, Shillong was surrounded by afterimages!

The next moment, the blue leopard suddenly strung out!

In just 0.1 seconds, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and crashed into Shillong, who was still in place!


Once again, the blue leopard was hit again!

He is a little dazed! I am so fast! Can't get close yet!

But his combat experience is extremely rich. The rhythm of the battle does not stop at all. He continues to roll over and kick his legs. After he breaks a big tree, he can take off his recoil, and then the Green Leopard will attack again.

The elves present only saw the blue leopard turning into afterimages and being knocked into the air by invisible mysterious power again and again, and then continued to run and hit! inverted flight!

"What the **** is going on? Is it magic?" The marksman who was watching the battle couldn't help asking, she was really curious: "Zola, do you know?"

"This seems to be a repulsion spell! But if it is a spell, it is too fast to cast, right? And it is too powerful! Normal repulsion spells can't get rid of the giant rock bear of that size! The most important thing is me Didn't see him chanting a spell at all, could it be a magic item?

If it is, it must be an extraordinary legendary item. Zola frowned and guessed.

After probing for more than ten times, the Elf Druid also found that the cheetah form could not help the monster in front of him.

After being knocked back again, he fell on the ground and turned into a black wild boar with a height of 2.5 meters at the shoulder.

This wild boar is covered with thorns that are half a meter long and looks like a hedgehog.

The wild boar shook his body, and several half-meter-long steel needles burst out of the air.

shoot at Shillong in the distance like a flying arrow!

The invisible force shot the steel needle flying again.

The wild boar did not have the slightest surprise, he leaped sideways, and the steel needle on his body shot out again!


Once again, the steel needle was knocked off!

is really difficult!

Elf Druid secretly said in his heart.

The test just now, the power of the giant limestone bear can't break this invisible force, and the speed of the wind leopard did not make the opponent react. It turned into a steel pig, and the long-range high-frequency strike also failed!

Is there no limit to the ability this guy uses now?

The opponent's ability is too incomprehensible, right?

has continued until now.

Three consecutive transformations can't help each other, Sillon's strength has been recognized by the Elf Druid.

is very strong! There is no doubt about this, but the opponent we face tomorrow is stronger! Only these skills are not enough!

So the Elf Druid in the state of steel wool pig shot steel wool while provoking Shillong: "Your lord dragon! If you can only defend, even if I can't defeat it, that's nothing!"

"Shillong! What are you doing? Get down that pig! Look at this guy, you dare to look down upon our brother!" Arman shouted.

He is underestimating me, not underestimating you!

This weak chicken ~wuxiaworld.online~ It doesn't stop watching!

If you dont speak, are you afraid of being used as a chicken?

Shillon just glanced at Arman.

This kid doesn't know what pretends to be!

I dont understand the fun of acting!

Without letting the opponent do everything possible, and then defeating the opponent lightly with strength, how can I highlight my strength?

However, now that the other party begs me to beat him, then this competition is almost over!

Silom glanced at the steel-haired pig tens of meters away.

shook his paw lightly at him.


A huge gravitational force suddenly fell on the whole body of the steel wool pig.

With the steel-haired pig as the center, the entire space within ten meters in diameter becomes viscous at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Steel-haired pig couldn't prevent it even more. With his legs bent, Peng fell to his knees!

Roar! He roared, his whole body was overwhelmed to the ground, and his breathing became extremely difficult!

The entire ground was crushed by twenty or thirty centimeters!


The Elf Druid roared, but he couldn't escape the gravity.

"It looks like it's over." Xilong calmed down.

"Roar! Transformation! Sword Blade Tiger!"

The elf druid who was overwhelmed to the ground roared and turned into a huge tiger.

The size is not under the steel wool pig.

The tiger looks a bit like a saber-toothed tiger, with blades inserted in its back. Looks very strong!


The sword-blade tiger roared, a red glow appeared on his body, and he stood up slowly while holding the gravity belt.

"Isn't it all right if you fall down obediently? The ending won't change after you exert all your strength!"

Shillong's figure swelled slightly, and his height became about three meters.