Want to find it back?

That is impossible, because there are so many different spaces in the world that they cannot be calculated, and they can be regarded as infinite. Even the greatest gods cannot retrieve the space treasures that have lost their space keys.

That's it, after Arman learned, the whole dragon was in a bad mood!

I didnt want to say a word to Shillong!

Shillong was also depressed. Before, he only focused on fighting dragons, venting the violence in his heart, and actually forgot about it!

Isnt it hundreds of thousands of gold coins?

I don't care at all!

Gold coins are things outside the body! It's not worth my care!

woo woo...

After , Shillong arranged for these servants to return to the original residence of the Green Dragon, where they lived before.

then ordered them to survive here temporarily.

He is ready to return to Xinglan City.

He has no intention of being the king of the land here!

Keep this army, let them develop on their own, and call them back when they need it.

As for whether you are worried that someone in this unit will run away?

Sillon has already given orders to Cusk.

If there are people who run and run less, the race will be punished. If they run too much, the orcs will be punished. Therefore, I believe Cusk will try his best to look after his servants for his own life and the life of his people.

As for saying that the old green dragon is back for revenge?

That's bad luck for them!

Anyway, Shillong's attitude towards this unit is very indifferent.

He doesn't need to rely on this force to increase his strength, because he can easily destroy these guys in a few minutes with a single dragon.

Anyway, they live in the forest and can be self-sufficient. They don't need to worry about it, let them stay here.

In the future, if you make movies, you can also make some large-scale foreign films. Why not?

After , he was like elves asking the direction of the star Lancheng.

The previous high-level dragon summoning spells could only summon giant dragons within a few hundred kilometers. Generally speaking, they were not too far away. These elves understood the main city of the Starland Kingdom, the main city of Starland. Long took Arman back.

returned to Andres house, the adult golden dragon and the young bronze dragon did not ask anything.

To be honest, they found Shillong and Arman missing from the morning.

But do they both need to worry?

Obviously not needed!

What strength is Silom? The two dragons had seen it with their own eyes before!

Absolutely legendary level!

is not an ordinary legend!

Need to worry about this kind of dragon? Stop kidding!

So Andre and Neferu are still as calm as ever.

Now that the two little dragons are back, they will continue their ordinary lives.

Shillon and Arman returned to the temporary college to study.

But one night a few days later.

Andre's house is not peaceful again!

This night, it is the dark night, the wind is high, and the moon is dim.

A night watchman in the house was playing haha boredly, leaning on the fence of the gate, watching the night.

A black shadow appeared beside the surrounding street lights.

That's right!

There is only a shadow, you can't see the shadow of the body!

The shadow came outside the fence, was suddenly stretched, and then drifted across the fence into the house.

It is like a ghost, sticking to the wall, drifting upward, and then squeezing in through a gap in a window.

finally merged into the darkness of the house.

"My name is Cardo Dann. A level 17 assassin belonging to the Brotherhood, 35 years old this year, single!

Dont ask me why Im still single at 35! Because I have money! I think the rich should enjoy life!

I am a level 17 assassin! Level 17! Do you know the concept?

How many people I have assassinated, I cant remember! But at least there are five or six hundred.

There are humans, orcs, dragonborn, and elves, and their heads are getting higher and higher.

I am rich! Because being rich allows me to enjoy life, but I also strictly require and exercise myself, and I must never relax and exercise. If my strength drops, my quality of life will decline, which is not what I want!

Today is a good day!

I received a mission from the Brotherhood! Assassinate several targets living in the home of the wealthy Andre in Xinglan City.

But this time the mission requires me to bring a compass. At the request of the mission client, they said they want me to kill the guy selected by the compass.

There should be 4 "persons" in total?

I dont know who it is, but it doesnt matter!

Anyway, as long as I shoot, the ending is doomed!

Because I am a genius killer!

Master the super-advanced stealth skills like the Shadow Walk!

I have assassinated 5 19th-level professionals.

Level 17 kill level 19! This is something that only the world can do!

How long I dont want, can I try to assassinate the legend?

Haha! This is really exciting!

But I will not fail.

Ok! First, take out the client's compass. This is a good thing. There are many patterns carved on it. I just need to follow the direction of the pointer.

Okay, I'm here! This is what I want to assassinate!

Sirek, come on again! I hope they can become an assassin in their next life, so that they will not die. "

The dark shadow followed the crack of the door and floated inside the door again.

There seems to be something wrong!

Carduo Dan saw a pair of golden eyes, the owner of which is a dragon descendant!

There is an elf lying opposite him. He straightened his waist and looked at the door blankly...

What's the matter with this guy? Did you see me?


This idea was only at the moment when it appeared, UU reading www. uukanshu.com was denied by Cardo Dann!

My trip to the shadows is perfect!

is waiting! See what is going on with this guy!

After waiting for a while, the dragonborn on the opposite side suddenly lay back on the bed in a daze!

Was this guy sleepwalking just now?

In this dark room, the black shadow drifted slowly along the ground to the dragonborn's side.

Observing for a while...

After dozens of minutes.

Very good! This guy was definitely in a light sleep sleepwalking state just now, and now he's asleep!

Cardo Dann followed the edge of the bed and slowly floated to the side of the Dragonborn. Finally, an arm-like shadow stretched into the air, and an arm suddenly appeared in the void, holding a handful of dark jewels in his hand. The dagger, the cold light of the dagger brought a hint of light to the dark room!


My arm moved!

The tip of the dagger pierced Shillong's neck!


Carduo Dann seemed to have seen the blood spurting from the neck of the other party, as well as the horrified eyes!

His other arm has been instinctively poked out, wanting to cover the opponent's neck!


Dragonborn's eyes opened again.

The golden particle stream in his eyes is so dazzling.

Carduo? Dan's two arms were instantly grabbed by the opponent!

My wrist was pinched tightly!

Carduo Dann's expression changed suddenly, he wanted to struggle, but the next moment, click~

my wrist was broken!


strongly resisted the urge to scream, his brain was very clear that if there was too much movement at this time, it would only wake more people! The situation will become even more unfavorable!