Enduring the severe pain, the dagger turned into a cold light as soon as the arm was pressed, and it pierced Shillong's neck.


Siro shook his head very quickly, avoiding the blow, and the sharp dagger directly pierced the bed board, with only the handle remaining outside the bed board.

Carduo? Dan's palm suddenly turned black!

His palms are already poisonous, and his nails are special, sharp and long! This was maintained by him using secret methods, and it was as hard as steel!

Enduring the severe pain, he twisted his wrist and pointed his nails to the opponent's wrist.


Another sharp pain in the fingertips!

because of excessive force! His fingernails just broke off!

reveal the tender meat inside! Bloody.


Seeing the situation evolve to this point, Cardo Dan was shocked.

Click it~

Comminuted fracture of right arm!

Then the wrist of the left arm was also shattered!

I want to escape!

His heart is roaring.

The body quickly goes into shadow.

He wants to enter the world of shadows!

Wow! ~

A huge force hit Kado Dan's body! I saw the arm of the dragonborn on the opposite side lightly lifted it.

His whole body was pulled away from the shadow world!

At this time, he was like a fish out of the water, and a great sense of fear hit him instantly!


There are two soft sounds again, and both legs are broken!

over! It's all over!

"What's the matter, Shillong? Why is it so noisy?" Arman also woke up at this time, this guy can always really fall asleep...

glanced at the man with irregularly bent limbs being held by Silon, Arman casually asked, "What does this guy do? It doesn't seem to be a servant in the house?"

"It's an assassin." Shillong replied.

"Assassin??" Arman trembled, his sleepiness disappeared.

jumped out of the bed, punching and kicking the assassin.

"Oh! Ah! Ah! Stop fighting! I have something to say! Whatever you want to ask or what you want, just ask, I will tell you all!" the assassin begged for mercy.

He has no assassin spirit.

"Asshole! Who told you to kill us! I'm going to tell my brother Sillon to kill them today!" Arman was fierce.

"I belong to the Brotherhood! You have to get revenge and find the Brotherhood!" the assassin said.

"Where is the Brotherhood?"

"I do not know."

"Asshole thing! Make me happy?" Arman was furious, and a captured assassin actually dared to be so arrogant, did he fart?

So he had a few feet facing the assassin's head.

"Don't fight! Don't fight! Fight again! I really don't know! Our brothers get their missions through special commissioners! Only commissioners can find us, we can't find them at all!" beg for mercy.

"Alright! Don't fight!" Sillon finally stopped Arman.

Look at the assassin's current appearance. His limbs were severed, his clothes were in tatters under Arman's beating, his face was bruised, and the corners of his eyes and lips were blood.

is a bit funny with the opponent's look of greed and fear of death.

"Since you don't know anything, then forget it, after all, I am not a demon." After that, Silom took the opponent's space ring.

pour down after opening.

What fell inside was not the pile of gold coins he imagined.

is a pile of sundries and daggers, clothing, food. There are only a few gold coins, which add up to worth dozens of gold.

"You fellow, you are really poor." Silom's expression changed slightly.

Dozens of gold may be a lot for others, but for Shillong, it is really not much.

There is only this gold coin, which obviously does not meet expectations!

"Is there nothing else valuable? Where does the family live? Is there a title deed? Didn't it put it in the ring?"

"Home is in Xinglan City, Inner City, No. 3 Baiye Road. Everything is there." The assassin replied.

"No! You are lying! This is not your home at all! And you don't have the title deed!" Silom's eyes became cold.

When he was questioning, he actually used polygraph spells all the time. Just now, the color of the assassin changed to red!

He lied!

Click it~

I remembered with a cracking bone.

Shillong's foot stepped on the opponent's arm, ravaged back and forth.

"Ah!!!~" Finally, the assassin shouted hoarse and screamed.

But Shiron didn't want the other party to make a sound anymore. He had been in the room before and had arranged a silence spell. It didn't matter if the sound in the room was loud.

In other words, this assassin broke his throat and no one would pay attention!

"Tell me the truth!" Silom's face was cold.

Sometimes Alman is very afraid of Shillong, especially when he is mad, at this time he thinks it is better to be a little behaved...

"I...I said..."

Sweat dripped from the assassin's forehead.

"I don't have my own house... I usually... live in high-end hotels in the inner city..."

"Oh, it's the truth this time."

Siro said: "What a pauper."

He has already started to kill.

This cold killing intent stimulated the assassin, and he did not care about the pain~wuxiaworld.online~ He hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me! I am a level 17 professional assassin! I can do things for you! You have Anyone who wants to kill! Tell me! I can kill them for you!

You are welcome! Just ask me! "

"Level 17 assassin?" Silom glanced at the opponent unexpectedly, but he didn't expect the level of sillyness to be quite high.

But what he said, Shirong couldn't believe it, and he said it was unprovoked. Can you just leave him alone?

Using the devil contract to control the other party, Siro had never thought about it.

Mainly because he is unworthy!

My name is Cardo? Dan, I didnt expect that I would die in the end!

That dragonborn does not need my effectiveness at all.

took away my only space ring and treasure.

Then kill me without hesitation!

I regret it a bit. Why do I waste money every time I finish a task and get gold coins?

It didn't take long for me to take a task?

Then finally the car overturned today.

glanced at the corpse on the ground, Silom took away the dagger and leather armor from this guy. This piece of equipment might be worth some money.

In a pile of debris, he found a book.

The Shadow Walk

seems to be a secret technique?

This guy was pulled out of the shadow by him just now, this book may have recorded this skill.

seems pretty good.

Shillon turned around and looked at the previous page.

We are walkers of the shadows, predators of life!

All life in the world will fear us.

Walking in the dark, walking on the other side of reality, in the gap between the bizarre world and the real world.

There is nothing in the world that cannot be killed!