This is all about death! No other meaning!

But this also sounded the alarm for them, a 17-level assassin, really not a joke, Andre is not afraid of it, but Neferu will not work, and finally Andre proposed that Neferu share a room with him.

Ok! Andre swears to Dragon God! He has no crooked thoughts!

But, Neferu doesnt believe it!

What's the joke, people are still a beautiful young dragon, how can you live with an adult dragon?

The key is that this adult dragon is still the famous wretched dragon on Dragon Island!

In the end, Neferu decided to move to Shillong's room. For this reason, there was an extra floor in Shillong's room.

Nothing else.

Shillon had no idea about Neferu.

Or he has no idea about all other females, maybe it's because the body is still too young.

According to the age of the dragon family, although he is the same age as Arman, he has only experienced two sleeps and can only be regarded as a young dragon.

Alman has just entered the juvenile dragon stage. Although "development" is more mature than Shillong, I don't know why, and he has no idea about the opposite sex.

Originally, Shillong is still going to school as usual today to practice swordsmanship. The money has been paid, so why can't he give up halfway?

As for the shadows that let Arman learn to sneak in the night, let him practice by himself!

The kind that doesn't sleep!

As a real dragon, it wont matter if you dont sleep for a few days!

But when he left, he found that the stupid dog at home was gone.

then asked the guard: "Have you seen that dog?"

The guard glanced at Shillong and said, "The dog has gone out, don't worry! He is very smart and will definitely be back by night."

"This stupid dog!" Shillon glanced at the food bowl in the kennel, and didn't eat the brown bread in it. Is this guy protesting against the poor food? Did you go out looking for something?

Shillong wants Arman to go to school first, but when the assassin incident happened, how dare he leave Shillong?

So followed Shillong to find the stupid dog.

According to the signed devil contract, Shillong can sense the location of the stupid dog.

He is nearby, no more than seven or eight hundred meters!

turned a bit, he was outside a food store and saw the stupid dog.

and the woman beside him.

A woman in a red dress, red hair, a little charming face, and a very good figure.

The woman is squatting, feeding the stupid dog.

The food that feeds is also a relatively high-level monster barbecue, which is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma is overflowing.

The woman tore off piece by piece, and then sent to the stupid dog's mouth.

Every time a stupid dog eats a piece, it will make a flattering cry.

'S voice is full of joy, and then she rubs her head against the woman's hand to express joy.

"Cute good dog! Eat more if you like!" she said, and stroked the stupid dog's red fur with her free left hand.

Silo watched this scene quietly, and Arman said: "Stupid dog! Good food!"

"Woooooo~" When the stupid dog Zhan Shiqi. Jingba turned around and saw Shillong, the tail that had been wagging before suddenly went down, hidden between his legs, and wailed pitifully.

"Eat it! I won't stop you from the food you want by your ability. After all, I'm not a demon." Silom said.

Stupid dog heard that, he was relieved immediately, and started to eat the food fed by the woman again.

The woman just stroked the dog's fur, then turned around and glanced at Shillong, after that.

Shillong obviously felt her breath a little messy, her face became a little flushed, and a faint smile appeared on her face. She said to Shillong: "Are you the owner of this dog? I didn't expect the dog to be so handsome and the owner even more Majestic and handsome!

I have liked Dragonborn since I was a kid, strong and handsome. "

"Uh...Hello! You are also very beautiful." Shillong felt that the other party was a little strange, but he couldn't say anything strange.

"My name is Julia Hongyan, can you tell me your name, sir?"

"My name is Silom Soderberg."

"Sudberg? This is really a terrific name, is it from the Saudberg Chamber of Commerce?" The woman who called herself Julia seemed to chat with great interest.


"It's an honor to meet you, did Mr. Saudberg come to see Jue Yan?"

"Who is Yan Jue?"

"Yan Jue is this dog, look at his hair, red and red like a flame, really beautiful!" Julia praised the stupid dog while softly touching her fur.

It can be seen that she really likes red very much, otherwise she would not wear red dresses and boots.

"Yan Jue? The name is good, but this dog's name is Zhan Shiqi."

"That's pretty good too."

"Well, now that I found this dog, then I should also say goodbye to you." Silom finally bid farewell to the other party and went to the academy.

Red Julia looked at the back of the other person leaving, took a heavy breath, covered her chest with her hand, then smiled slightly and touched the stupid dog's head: "Shiqi, I have to go too, see you tomorrow!"

"Woo "

The stupid dog raised his head~wuxiaworld.online~ and he called out, and seemed a little bit unwilling.

"Don't be so reluctant, we will have a chance to play together in the future..." At the end, Julia's voice became lower and lower.

stood up slowly, gently smoothed the squatting skirt that was a little wrinkled, she ordered another barbecue for the stupid dog, and then left.

And the direction she left was the same route as Shillong left.

Siro, who came to the temporary academy, went to learn his swordsmanship by himself.

And Arman was still being beaten, but not long after he was beaten, he saw the woman in red he met this morning.

She is actually not short, about 1.75 meters tall, she looks very heroic.

She was led in by a guide.

While walking, Arman clearly saw that the trainees who were training slowed down, and from time to time they used the corner of their eyes to sneak at the woman.

is obviously attracted by the opponent's posture.

Although Arman doesn't think there is anything good about this woman.

The leader brought the woman to the coach who was still practicing with Arman, and said, "Leo, another student is coming to learn swordsmanship. Please teach them well."

Leo is the name of the coach.

"Oh?" Leo stopped beating Arman, turned around and glanced at the woman, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, then nodded.

"Honestly, you are a woman, come here to practice the big sword, it surprised me."

said the coach.

"Don't look at me like this, in fact, I have been very strong since I was young." Julia said.

For this reason, she has a stronger posture.

Looking carefully at her arms, she is indeed thicker than the average woman, but this thick one does not affect the appearance, mainly because her figure is very good.

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