"Are you so confident? Okay! You can practice against Arman first, let me see your strength!" said the coach, and handed his iron wood sword to the opponent.

Julia took it and waved it lightly, looking extremely relaxed.

The coach nodded slightly, this woman is indeed strong!

Maybe there are blood of other races.

slightly hind legs, to make room for the two of them.

Arman and Julia stood face to face.

"What a coincidence, aren't you the gentleman who stood next to Shillong in the morning?" Julia suddenly smiled and said.

"It's a coincidence, the woman who feeds the dog in the morning." Arman also said.

"I use a sword for the first time, don't make me too embarrassed!"

"..." Arman did not speak, but looked at each other quietly.

Julia went straight to Arman, without fancy, slashed at the opponent!


The two swords intersect.

Arman's eyes widened at once, and he felt a huge force attacking him.

His hands holding the sword loosened, and the big sword flew out!

Then Julias sword was placed on his neck.

There was a slight silence at the scene.

A student exclaimed, "Hey, hey! You don't put water like this, right? Just a sword can be shot?"

"Arman this guy! Too much water! Seeing that other women are beautiful, it's not like that!

is too shameful! "

"At least you have to fight dozens of rounds, right?"

Obviously, a group of people think that Arman is releasing water! I don't believe that his strength is only this, a woman can defeat Arman in an instant.

After all, Arman is almost the strongest in the temporary class now!

At this time, Arman's complexion turned red, and he didn't expect that he would lose so easily.

The coach seemed to see the true strength of the two, so he personally went off the court and compared his strength with Julia.

is really big! Bigger than him!

But it is much worse than Shillong.

but it is also enough to be called a talent.

The coach was in a complicated mood, and then began to teach the other party.

The morning passed quickly, and when it was time for lunch, Arman was leaving alone.

But then Julia stopped him.

"After you were defeated by me before, you seemed very angry?"

"No! If you lose, you lose, what's so angry about!" Arman said blankly.

This **** woman said before that I asked her to order, but it turned out well! Kill me directly!

**** woman! Lies in the mouth!

"Don't be angry! How about I invite you to dinner? Julia said.

"Huh?" Arman's eyes lit up: "Okay! This is what you said!"


"Okay! Let's go! Call my brother Silom by the way too! Do you mind?"

"Of course not! This is an apology to you! From now on we will be friends!"

"Okay! I'll be friends from now on!" Arman said cheerfully.

The two soon came to Shillong's sword practice site.

knocked on the door, and Shillong came out.

He glanced at Julia, slightly surprised.

How did Arman get upset with this woman?

"We met again! Hello! Mr. Shillon Soderberg." Julia smiled, a little flush appeared on her face, and her breathing became a little quicker.

"Hello!" Silom replied.

"Hey! Shillong, Julia said to invite us to dinner, let's go! Have a great time today!" Arman was full of joy.

Silo glanced at the other person, then thanked him.

free lunch, dont go to white, dont go!

It happens to be a bit light-hearted after eating black bread these days.

Two dragons came to the second floor to order.

In fact, Arman wanted to go to the third floor, but was stopped by Shillong. After all, the third floor was very expensive. In addition, Arman looked like he was going to kill someone. gold?

This is a bit too much.

Shillong can't do this.

In the end, I decided to be on the second floor. Even if I eat it open, I can get a few gold coins at most.

Two dragons and one person ordered thirty or forty dishes, which cost a total of 5 gold coins.

It was mainly Arman who ordered them. Shillon and Julia only ordered a few, and Julia didn't say anything about eating 5 gold coins for a meal.

Julia is a very talking woman. Through today's lunch, Shillong also has some understanding of her.

is the daughter of a wealthy foreign businessman. She had learned rapier since she was a child, but she realized that she was very powerful. Recently, she wanted to learn the big sword. Thats why she met today.

In the days after , Julia often came to invite Alman and Shillong to dinner. Of course, the money spent could not compare with the first meal.

Under the friendly attitude of the other side, the two dragons alone are considered friends.

Shillon's view of the other party is that this woman may want to befriend Soderberg, and he himself does not reject this situation.

Soon, another month passed.

The two months agreed with the crew have also passed, and Shillong left the temporary shift with Arman.

By the way, after leaving, Arman, in the words of the coach, is completely capable of rivaling level 8 professional fighters.

Shillon notified Princess Lucia, and the crew prepared to restart. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

This time, a group of actors have absolutely obeyed Shillongs words!

That's how good it is!

is so good that you dont hesitate to take off your pants in the crowd!

And Julia also joined the crew, and she learned about the big sword. When she graduated, she was able to compete with teachers, leaving another legend of genius in the academy...

The progress of a group of people shooting is very fast.

Everyone is a relatively high-level professional.

In the first plot, Shillong only managed to defeat the plot and never return to the village.

This plot can be said to be the essence of the whole drama.

The duel between the two elite Shangnin, the average person really couldn't meet Shillong's requirements for this duel.

In the end, Andre transformed into Kakashi, and Julia transformed into Kakashi again.

Julia, this woman is really strong.

How to solve the large-scale water run ninjutsu involved in ?

Siro directly used his abundant magic power to summon more than 20 water elements!

I'm totally a local tyrant who doesn't lack magic power!

Let the water elements spray water as soon as the water escape is activated!

Not to mention, the scene is definitely big enough, it can definitely achieve the original effect!

The first part was completed, and Shillong settled everyone's wages.

and invited everyone to have a meal, and then quickly copied the film, and then quickly passed it to other branches of the Chamber of Commerce, for the nationwide screening of Starland Kingdom.

was released soon and achieved very good results.

As a film with the lowest level 7 professionals, it is enough to bear the title of big production. Especially in the end, Kakashi did not cut the duel, and the two men's physical skills and spell duel were very brilliant and extremely high.

