The long-abandoned concept of Mowu Shuangxiu has once again entered the public eye.

For this reason, there was a mage who went to Andres residence and argued with them!

Magic warrior is not desirable!

is a scum job wiped out by history!

In the distant history, there was once a class of magus.

But without exception, their results are not ideal.

After all, the life span and energy of human beings are limited. In these limited years, only by doing their best on a goal can they have a chance to climb the peak!

In history, there are very few demonic and martial arts dual cultivation and advanced legendary Liezi.

And the legend of single repair?

there are quite a few.

This ratio can reach 50 to 1!

Regarding this, Siro will definitely not say that there is a problem with the magic weapon class he shot, so what should I do?

Naturally, he used his own strength to open up the eyes of these mages.

Do you want to single out?

Dragonborn form, as long as the legend is below, Shillong can easily handle it!

He carried the 4-meter-long giant sword that he had made before and weighed about one ton! Directly beat these mages to the dumbfounded!

Have you ever seen a one-meter-and-five-meter small, carrying a super sword, can still be as swift as the Hayate Leopard?

Some low-level magic agents come, and he will shoot you away with a big sword!

Then go far away, use at least a dozen mage levels, and shoot with you spells!

shot almost, just run to you and chop you!

really stunned these old antiques!

There is a mage air said: "Mage is a noble profession! How can you use a sword to cut people? This is an insult to magic! Disrespect for knowledge!"

For this reason Shillong left a sentence: "Magic is a noble profession! That's right! But he is also a powerful pronoun! But look at you guys! Without protection, you can't beat even a single fighter. Dare to call noble in vain?

Those who can't beat a soldier in hand-to-hand combat are not worthy of being called a wizard!

can only be called a scholar at best! "

This simply makes them doubt life and start thinking that they are really just scholars?

The real mage should rush forward and defeat the opponent with magic and hand-to-hand combat?

The topic returned to the film, and the novel settings inside made the number of viewers of this film increase.

For this reason, Siro continued to shoot down without stopping, but he hadn't waited for him to finish the next one.

This morning.

Arman, who had just practiced the Shadow Walk at night, went straight back to the room. After he entered the room, whether it was Neferu on the floor or Shillon on the bed, they stood upright and looked at him.

"Hey! Shillong! Neferu! Look good!" Arman said, his expression a little smug.

He slowly approached the wall and his whole body turned into a shadow, completely blending into the shadow of the wall.

This shadow danced on the wall very coquettishly, and said while dancing, "How about Shillong! You told me to learn the Shadow Walk, I have completely mastered it!

Now I am sneaking in the gap between reality and illusion! "


Silom frowned slightly. After he got out of bed, he walked to the shadow that Arman had turned into and stroked it lightly with his hand. Afterwards, it was amazing that his arm was directly inserted into the shadow.

seems to touch some clothing on his hand.

There are also a piece of scale armor on it, it should be Alman's clothing inlaid with silver scales!

This shadow directly connects Arman from another plane!

gently withdrew his hand, he kicked in suddenly.

With just a sound, the shadow on the wall suddenly disappeared, and his original foot inside was also bounced out by a huge elastic force!

Waited silently by the wall for a while, Arman's shadow appeared again, he said anxiously: "Asshole Silom! Why are you kicking me?"

"You bastard! Tell me! Why do you use the shadow to sneak, the outside shadow is silver?

This is also worthy of a trip to the shadows?

Who do you dare to show to? Someone beat you to death, and you still dont know why you died! "Siron was furious and pointed to the extremely dazzling silver silver on the wall!

"This..." Arman hesitated: "What does it have to do with it, black is so ugly! The same color as you! Silver is good-looking... I like silver."

Then when he inscribed a spell on his body, he used a silver magic watermark. "

"Because your shadow is silver?"

"It should be..."

"You idiot!" Shillong cursed.

plunged into Arman's shadow.

When Silom entered the shadow, he wanted to clean up the boy Arman!

is a matter of life! I only know that it is beautiful! Do you think you are a woman?

Want to be pretty and not fatal?

But as soon as he got inside, the thought of doing something stopped.

Because this world is a bit abnormal!

He found that he was in a corridor, with no end in sight on the left and right sides. The corridor is one hundred meters wide.

And Arman was standing next to him, staring at him blankly: "So you can come in directly?"

He was a little dazed.

Shillong didn't respond much, and just tried it~wuxiaworld.online~ I didn't expect it to come in.

He glanced at the real world made up of gray and white.

His perspective is very strange, it is a God perspective, like looking down from a high altitude.

turned his head and looked behind him, the world there was even more weird.

seems to be a whole new world.

The color is also composed of off-white.

there are so many weird creatures.

Like an ant with eyes, a beetle with hailstones, and a cat with tentacles, the looks of these weird creatures are all challenging human cognition of living things.

They were at least a few kilometers away from the corridor where Shillong was, wandering aimlessly.

There are also some strange things like monsters in the house. They are huge, at least a few hundred meters high, with a big mouth full of jagged teeth! The long tongue sticks out, and once there are weird creatures passing by, it rolls the tongue and swallows them into the abdomen.

There are flocks of crows and strange birds in the sky. They are full of wings, flying back and forth.

On the sky thousands of meters high, there are huge eyes, which are several kilometers in diameter, without the slightest expression, like a dead thing, quietly watching everything on the earth.

Occasionally when a strange bird flies over a huge eye, a huge opening will open inside, sucking the flying strange bird into it, and finally close...

More distant places, there are huge tentacles connected to the zenith!

These tentacles are full of small eyes, small tentacles, and dense hail creatures.

Just looking at it makes people feel sick.

If Shillong is now a giant dragon, if he were an ordinary person, maybe he would go crazy if he just stared at this strange world...

