"Hey! Shillong! Have you seen it! This world is really interesting and scary!"

Arman's voice came from around, this guy's heart is really big.

He turned his head and looked, Arman smiled at this moment.

"What the **** is the shadow you just now?" Silom couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. I did it according to the book of Journey to the Shadows. As long as I stick to the real world ahead, I enter the real world and become a shadow. It feels really strange..." Alman Tao.

"Oh?" Silong responded.

Then let Arman demonstrate that as long as he walks to the barrier of the real world in front of him, a silver shadow will appear outside.

Silom also stood at the barriers between the real world and the aisle, but nothing happened.

"You didn't inscribe a spell, of course it's useless!"

"Forget it if it's useless!" Silom replied and turned to look at the terrifying world behind him: "Have you been in there?"

Arman shook his head repeatedly, and said: "No! Just look at it and scare the dragon! The journey of the shadows also says Do not enter, saying that it is the world of the King of Terror, and mortals will be lost forever if they enter."

"Hmm! It seems that you have firmly remembered what I said before! Safety first!"

"That is! I won't go if you are not here! Now you are here! Go! Our brothers go in and see!" Arman said as he wanted to walk towards the weird world.

But Shillong quickly grabbed him.

"You kid, just praise you, you are going to die? Why should we go in such a weird world?"

"?" Arman was taken aback: "Uh...I'm just a little curious, after all, it's a novel world, besides you are so powerful, how could we be in danger?"

Armans current thinking mode is very simple, as long as Shillong is by his side!

My Arman is invincible!

In his cognition, no one is stronger than Shillong!

What legendary dragon? Wasn't it beaten by Shillong?

It was still when Shillong didn't even show the body!

"I'm not even sure of myself, do you have confidence in me again? We don't understand this world at all! There is no need to venture in!"

Silom said cautiously.

The main material realm is protected by the enchantment of the gods, and there will not be a series of powerful to terrifying monsters such as gods.

Not necessarily in other worlds!

The most important thing is that he Shillong is only 40 years old and he is still young, so why did he take risks?

"Shillon, you are so scared! If I have your power, I won't be afraid of these!" Arman looked at Shillon with some contempt.

"How many times have you said it! This is cautious! You idiot, you would have been beaten to death without me by my side!" Silom cursed.

"It's not expensive, although you won't go in, but you can try this weird world first."

said, he took out a copper coin from the space ring and threw it to the strange world.

The copper coin seemed to penetrate a circle of ripples, and then disappeared.

It did not fall to the ground five meters away from where it should have fallen!

seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

looks very strange.

Shillong's almond-shaped pupils slowly shrink, and finally become the size of a needle eye.

His visual range has been greatly lengthened! You can see hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers away!

As long as there is nothing blocking the view!

There are bigger monsters here, and compared with those before, there are all 20 or 30 meters!

Some monsters that look like tyrannosaurus, with several heads on them, and six or seven legs that look like pillars, are all strange.

He scanned the entire field of vision frantically, but couldn't find the copper coin that had fallen.

The two dragons looked at each other.

Silom took out a handful of copper coins and proceeded to experiment, a total of more than a dozen coins, and finally saw the whereabouts of the copper coins in the last second!

At a distance of at least fifty kilometers, next to a nine-eyed rabbit with a wolf head, this rabbit gently sniffs the breath of copper coins.

In the end, the wolf head opened his mouth, swallowed the copper coin, and chewed...

Silom frowned slightly, and he returned to the real world again, easily, as if piercing a layer of the gray world ahead.

I looked at the room as usual.

Soon, Arman also followed.

did not say anything, he asked Arman to take him back to the aisle of the two worlds.

Just now, he confirmed the need to return to reality.

very simple.

Then try to experiment with the weird world behind you, what the **** is it!

This time it's something amazing! Didnt that rabbit eat my copper coin just now? Let it taste the big guy this time!

He directly showed his body!

up to forty meters! It is six to seventy meters long.

In this dark aisle, a giant suddenly appeared.

opened a huge mouth slightly, sparks surging between the sharp serrations!

The red golden flames began to overflow.

Shillong's neck moved forward slightly.

The flames are gushing forward!

also disappeared after passing through the boundary of the strange world!

But within a few seconds! Shillong used his super long visual range to discover something different.

A horrible house with a height of two to three hundred meters and a distance of fifty to sixty kilometers suddenly began to melt.

The terrifying house monster seems to be roaring, his mouth grows up, his tongue is spitting out, the house begins to melt like a candle, and finally the scarlet flames burst out! Add a touch of color to this off-white world!

This is the flame from Shillong!

It started to burn the gray earth~wuxiaworld.online~ Everything around seemed to be afraid of this flame, and some strange creatures began to evacuate.

sprayed for a few seconds, and Shillong stopped breathing.

then spit out again.

a dozen times in a row, sometimes far beyond Shillong's visual range, unable to see at all, sometimes it can be seen, burning a lot of strange creatures.

Just when Shillong was about to stop.

The tentacles one after another in that weird world actually moved!

It suddenly pulled out from the top of the sky. A meat hole appeared on the top of that day, and it was dark.

Some densely packed creatures clinging to the tentacles were thrown off by the huge kinetic energy, and I saw the tentacles suddenly blasted towards the site where Shillong erupted!

Shillon and Arman seem to be watching a mime, only to see the tentacles fall.

The whole earth began to shatter.

One after another huge cracks appeared!

At least ten tracks, and the cracks in each track are tens of kilometers long! The widest place is about one kilometer!

A plume of gray-white gas appeared from the crack.

Shillong's flames spilled on the tentacles.

After he is fully physical, the temperature of the flame is four to five thousand degrees, but the tentacles are not afraid of Shillong's flames!

The flames of Chijin were completely blocked by the off-white protective touch of the tentacles!

is like being separated by a world!

The grayish-white mist in the crack is getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, hundreds of kilometers away, Shillong and Arman disappeared from the aisle!

silent and silent!

Shillong only felt a flower in front of him, and when he saw the front again, he was already inside the strange world, next to the tentacle!

The grayish white mist is getting bigger and bigger!