After experiencing the three-phase breath in the strange space, the color became lighter.

The whole world finally began to tremble and collapse. Like melting snowflakes.

finally disappeared completely!

And Shillong was also pushed by a huge thrust at the next moment.

disappeared instantly.

When he came back to his senses, he had returned to the aisle of the two worlds, and the strange world disappeared, leaving nothing but darkness. As if there was nothing, everything I saw before was an illusion.

Arman was still being held by him, his mouth was full of white foam, his eyes rolled, his mind was blurred, and he kept muttering something.

An ethereal, hoarse, mellow, multiple voice combination sounded in Siros mind: "IGiveYouWorldEndPowerYouBecome IServant

You willdestroyrestartthisworld"

The voice reverberated, as if in the ear and in the sky, disturbing Shillong!

"Go!" Shillong growled.

The sound like thunder directly stunned the hapless Arman first.

But the voice in my mind never stopped.

"Get out!!!"

He put Arman aside, and red gold flames ignited on his body. These flames overflowed from the inside out!

There is also flames in his mouth and nose!

The eyes are so bright!

Every cell in the body is being burned by the flame.

He is burning every cell of himself with flames! Burn the will of the owner of that voice in his body!

The voice that had been whispering in my mind finally changed. After a short pause, he said: "You will become-my perfect servant-the seed-has been planted-just waiting for the harvest... ...."

The voice disappeared, and Siro's mind finally calmed down.

He hurriedly walked to Arman and treated him. This guy has passed out in a coma now, but he is still whispering.

Silone treatment took a long time, and it lasted for nearly a day.

just finished treating him, and then asked him about his condition.

This guy is very confused, he can't tell at all, he feels that there are voices echoing in his mind all the time, but he can't remember what he said specifically.

Every time he recalled, an inexplicable fear swallowed him, causing him to shiver fiercely.

Regarding this, Siro didn't force him anymore, let him cultivate well.

Alman's abnormality was also seen by Andre and Neferu.

The lively little guy used to be hiding in the door of the room and cant come out recently.

Siro often enlightened him in it and healed his soul.

They inquired about the situation, Siro did not hide it, and roughly talked about the situation.

But he didn't say that he would feel comfortable with the air and energy of that world.

Among them, Andre pondered for a moment, and said: "About that world, I have a bit of an impression. It is a dream world created by a very scary existence."

"Dreamland created a world?" Siro was surprised.

Such a terrifying world, if it weren't for him to absorb the gray mist to restore energy after killing the enemy, he would be trapped in it!

There is no way to count the specific number of those monsters!

Moreover, the strength of the last few monsters is far beyond ordinary legends, and the last octopus monster. This powerful monster is just the product of a certain existence dream?

placed on the main material plane, this power is enough to easily destroy a human kingdom!

and it is an overwhelming destruction!

Silom was shocked, and at the same time he was in awe of the gods of this world.

"This is the power of the gods? What level of gods have such great power?" Silom asked.

As we all know, gods are divided into levels, from low to high, namely weak and other divine power, medium divine power, and great divine power.

"This is not a god, but an ancient evil god! I don't know how strong they are, but they are definitely not weaker or stronger than the great god!" Andre said.

As a mortal thing, he still knows too little about things of this level.

is just a few words and pictures, and a certain one-sided in ancient memory.

All mortals will fear gods, because they are extraordinary existences that mortals cannot imagine!

Although from ancient times to the present, there have been news that mortals killed gods.

But in the eyes of some understanding people, they are just jokes!

Mortals cant kill God at all! Can only defeat the incarnation of God!

For example, a certain magic goddess with great power, mortal legends have killed her by a genius mage!

That genius mage invented a 12th-level god-killing spell, which is infinitely close to 13th level, and has the right to temporarily replace a **** and perform the priesthood.

But a mortal cannot perform the priesthood. At the moment when this genius mage seized the priesthood, he realized the knowledge that a mortal could not comprehend in his lifetime, and understood his own stupidity.

The world has suffered tremendously because of his arrogance.

The goddess of magic must not "sacrifice" herself in order to save the world.

This is a stupid rumor, because the goddess of magic is still alive, God! Will not be killed by mortals!

Compared with the great supernatural power ~wuxiaworld.online~ and even the ancient evil **** above it, it is even more immeasurable!

"Ancient Cthulhu?" Shillong said to himself: "Is really strong enough!"

At the same time, he asked himself in his heart, after a few years, can he really match God? Or fight against the evil god?

He doesn't know how strong he is now and how strong he will be in the future.

"But you can actually run out of it, which is really amazing." Andre exclaimed: "You deserve Shillong!

But even so, you still don't want to enter that corridor of the world in the future, that would be too dangerous. "

Siro did not say that he had destroyed that world.

just nodded.

A month later, Shillong had been treating Arman's trauma.

The effect is also good, a month later, this guy seems to have returned to his nature.

He knew that Shillong had destroyed that weird world.

So he tried to use the Shadow Walk again and entered the corridor of the two worlds.

As a result, the world destroyed by Shillong appeared again!

Shillong entered the watch again.

The world did reappear after the destruction, and nothing seemed to have happened.

Those weird creatures wander aimlessly in remote places.

Only then did Shillon remember what Andre had said!

This is just the dream of a certain evil god!

When the dream is destroyed! Just make one!


Shillon quickly pulled Alman out, and told him not to use the Shadow Walk in the future!

He was still worried, and wiped all the magic patterns carved on Arman's body!

Then life returned to normal and continued to film movies.