shot 10 in a row, and the plot goes directly to Shippuden.

Time has passed like this for more than half a year.

Because it is a series of films, there will be more audiences in the future.

The influence of the fire war is huge.

In cities all over the world, related products from its movies have appeared, as well as some people wearing the costumes of certain characters of Fire Demon War!

is that.

These are all produced by Shillong's contact with the Garment Chamber of Commerce, and they have also brought a lot of profits.

These costumes, in fact, dont make people feel particularly strange in this world!

Many people feel that these clothes are very fashionable!

and said that the person who made the movie must be a master in the clothing industry. For this reason, many people come to Shillong specifically to design new costumes with him...

The profit of the movie is even more amazing.

Because the profit cycle is too short and too violent, it directly affects some people.

For example, in the palace of Xinglan City.

Now 46 years old, at the age of 35, he was promoted to the legendary King, Alio Xinglan.

is wearing his golden shirt, sitting on the throne of the main hall.

The entire throne is made of iron ore coated with gold, and its appearance is very shiny.

Two big swords are inserted in two paragraphs.

Below him, there are a row of nobles and a row of cabinet officials.

At the top of the nobility, he was an old man wearing a luxurious green robe and a flower crown. He stood with a vine and wood staff, facing King Alio and said: "My most beloved Majesty, according to statistics, Soder The movie of the Chamber of Commerce of Berry, after the return of President Soderberg, showed amazing profits!

There are a total of 10 Huomo War series movies, and their income is more than 150,000 gold coins!

I think the taxes on movies should be raised! The tax rate of 30% is too benevolent, and 50% is the most suitable!

This will help our treasury to be more abundant, which can increase the annual income by about 4%, and some of their peripheral products... After all the statistics are completed, it can probably increase the income of the treasury by 6%! "

"150,000 gold coins... It's an amazing profit. This is only the result of 10 films in more than half a year..." The king lowered his head in thought.

Compared with other industries, the tax rate of 30% of movies is actually not more or less.

But the cost of the movie, because there is no super high remuneration from past stars, and because of the fast shooting speed here, 30% of them still leave a lot of profit for the producers.

But to be honest, 50% is really too much, which will make those guys a lot less profit.

may cause unnecessary backlash!

The most important thing is that many nobles are making movies!

He is very excited, but he does not know how to choose.

"My dear Majesty! You are so kind! Even if it rises to 50%, they still have a good profit.

You dont need to hesitate so much! No one can resist your authority, you are the king of this country! All people must obey your instructions! "The green-robed old man said.

"The Duke of Omari! My old friend! What you say is always so reasonable, so for the sake of the country!" His Majesty the King praised, his heart moved, but he still asked others: "You think your Lords proposal how is it?"

"Your Majesty! I think this is too much! A tax rate of 50% will make everyone think that your Majesty you are an insatiable person!" said a man in his 40s with a mustache.

"Marquis of Mokley! As far as I know, you are also making movies, and your income has been pretty good. You should be very happy. In the past ten years, you have earned at least a hundred thousand gold coins?

I think you should learn to be satisfied! And for the sake of the kingdom!

Every gold coin you pay is for the strength of this country!

This is a very glorious thing!

Your Majesty the King and the people of the whole country will remember you!

50% tax rate can also make you profit a lot!

Why are you so greedy?"

The Duke of Omari seemed to face the Marquis Mokley angrily.

This old thing!

Mokley was secretly angry.

This old guy, relying on his cabinet status, does not know how much he has embezzled in secret, now he dares to pretend to be patriotic in front of a group of people?

I'm really going to throw up!

But this old guy's hands and feet are so clean, I don't have his handle at all.

"Your Excellency, the Duke of Omari, what you said is too much! Of course I love my motherland and the people. I am loyal to the heart of your majesty. Everyone here is not sure?

Your Majesty is kind, holy, I just dont want your Majesty to be stigmatized. "

"Your Majesty's Shengming is obvious to all, this is not reflected by the reduction of tax rates!

The tax increase money is used to increase the power of the kingdom!

The strength of the kingdom has increased, and naturally it can better protect the people!

This is what a kind and wise king should do! "Omari said.

Two people quarreled.

Soon their respective factions joined in and became a group of people arguing.

In the end, the palace was noisy, and the king couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted: "Okay! Alright! Shut me up!"

The sound fell, and the palace instantly became quiet.

But these quarrelsome guys are still fighting there.

glared at each other.

"Your Majesty! Please make up your mind!" Omari said.

"Yeah!" His Majesty the King said in a thinking state.

In my heart, I agree with Omari~wuxiaworld.online~ The power of the kingdom is the root. It is the most worthwhile thing to sacrifice the interests of some people in exchange for the armed forces of gold coins.

Omari is worthy of being an old friend of mine, who can always tell me what I feel!

It is worthwhile, I gave him the identity of a cabinet official!

In contrast to Molik, selfishness! Just make money for yourself! I don't know how to consider the country! In the future, if you have the opportunity, you will directly distribute the frontiers!

He made up his mind, and His Majesty the King said: "I think for a moment, but the Duke of Omari says the most reasonable thing. After the meeting is over, this announcement will be issued immediately, so that the whole country will operate in accordance with the new law!"

"..." Mokley looked at the king wordlessly, and then at Omari with a chrysanthemum smile.

Old stuff! Licking the dog!

In fact, for Omari, this result is destined, because he always makes the most correct choice.

will speak for him the deepest thoughts in your majesty's heart!

Some people are like this, hesitating, but as long as someone gives affirmation and tells the most true thoughts in his heart, then this hesitating person can go on firmly by self-deception!

For example, in a legendary guild in a certain kingdom, a guy named Mao Renfeng was originally a top fighter, but he was also the leader of the guild. After slaying a dragon, he was distributing treasure. At that time, when he was greedy, he was licked by a licking dog and lost his mind. He made a very frenzied distribution and swallowed up 80% of the treasure alone! Finally, a generation of legendary unions fell...

And Mao Renfeng himself has become a shame in the mercenary world! It was killed on the spot by a legendary hunter!

For this reason, the mercenaries of the whole kingdom celebrate more than one month in a carnival...

