Speaking of the end, His Majesty the Kingdom laughed, and after a while, he stopped laughing in Lucia's puzzled eyes and said: "The metal dragons will only act under my rules! They pride themselves on being kind, absolutely Will not do things that break the rules.

You know, I didnt target them!

didn't grab their gold coins! I'm just making new rules!

They can only accept my rules! After all, they are Shanlong!

Do you think they will conflict with me because they are dissatisfied with my policy?

That is absolutely impossible!

This is an unspoken rule!

So, my dear daughter, relax!

As long as they want to earn gold coins in the kingdom, they can only bear it! "

The king knows these metal dragons very well, and the old **** is there.

"But... just in case..." Lucia stopped talking.

"Humph! Take a step back ten thousand steps, even if they are like the five-color dragon, our Starland Kingdom will not be afraid!

We are a kingdom with more than ten legends! The entire kingdom has millions of armies, and there is a [Dragon Annihilator] who specializes in dealing with dragons!

Such a powerful kingdom, without fear of any enemy! "His Majesty said proudly.

"Is there no possibility of tax reduction?" Lucia asked at last.

"Impossible! The extra gold coins collected will become the arms of the kingdom and make the kingdom stronger."

"I see." Lucia finally left.

Watching the opponent slowly leave the weapon storage, closing the door, the king snorted coldly on the seat.

secretly said in his heart.

My stupid daughter!

Increasing the tax rate for movies will just allow me to buy Master Jamets next year's [Blade of Fury]. How can I transfer it back?

Lucia dignifiedly returned to Shillong and other dragons.

Arman hurriedly asked: "How is it? Did your father agree to transfer back?"

"It looks like it was unsuccessful?" Shillong knew by looking at the opponent's expression.

"Yes! Father, he is not willing to lower the tax rate, I am sorry." Lucia apologized.

"Damn it! Damn it! The king of this country dared to bully the dragon!" Arman was furious.

swearing, Lucia was a little embarrassed on the side.

Julia, who has been familiar with Shillong and other dragons, was there at this time. She shook her head a little and said: "The king of this country is too greedy! This may cause him to lose more."

"Alright! Arman, Lucia can't do it, let's think of other ways." Sillon finally stopped Arman.

"Then you say, what shall we do? It is impossible to fight directly, right? Or give him all the gold coins by the end of the year?" Arman said.

He was just too addicted, and he really asked him to call Shillong to kill this group of people. That was really impossible.

is a good dragon after all.

"It's impossible to raise tax for him! 30% is already my bottom line!

I made movies on Shillong, but I didnt work for someone else!

This time the king of Starland City did so, so we dont have to be polite!

There is still half a year before the end of the year, dont give a penny this time!

I want to see what he can do with us?

However, the Fire Demon Battle's Shippuden can only be released temporarily, and I am not in the mood to continue shooting after this issue. "

Silom frowned.

He is in a very bad mood right now. Anyone who gets more money from others for no reason will be like this. What's more, Shillong, who is gradually becoming a dragon?

As a dragon, when has he been bullied like this?

This is Yangmou! Others adjust the tax rate in their own country, you like to shoot or not, he is right as a king.

is at most just a faint sentence accused by others!

I can't solve the problem with force at all. If I use force, it is my fault!

After all, he is a good dragon, a good dragon! If you do too much by yourself, it will be passed on to the elders of Shanlong on Dragon Island, but it will be bad!

It is impossible for him to get angry at every turn, destroy the crowd, go up and grow mushrooms for them!

So what should I do next?

This is a problem.

Go to other countries to continue developing movies?

In that case, the development here will be deserted. The original land deed will be sold, the leased lot has not expired, and the established relationship will have to be renewed in a new country.

Starting from a fresh start is not a simple sentence. It takes at least one to two years to recover.

But these are not the key points. What I am most afraid of is that the next king will still be like Xinglan City. Then my efforts will be repeated again?

Why should I be subject to these ants-like people?

This thought came into Siro's mind unconsciously.

In fact, he already knows his strength very well now.

Although I dare not say that the world is invincible, but excluding the gods of the stars, the particularly powerful demon lord in the abyss, and the particularly powerful devil lord of hell, he is not afraid of any opponents.

Moreover, none of the above enemies can actually land on this continent!

This makes him almost invincible, as long as he is not particularly dying, he can definitely live to death easily and smartly.

With such strength, do I still need to cringe?

Maybe, I should build a city by myself, an ideal city for me!

He first thought of the evil dragon servants who had been subdued after helping the elves before~wuxiaworld.online~ Although these servants are mostly evil by nature, as long as they are strictly disciplined, I believe they can still be converted to the righteous!

I am Shanlong after all! They should be given a chance!

As for those who are stubborn, they can only be killed on the spot! This is especially true!

made up his mind, Shillong disbanded the team and let Lucia and others go back.

Then he told Andrei Sanlong his thoughts.

Sanlong was a little silent upon hearing this.

Nefir is even more distrustful: "This... can this be done? Our metal dragon family seems to have no such precedent."

Yes! The metal dragons are all righteous, and most of them are willing to help the weak.

But they have never built their own city in the human kingdom.

This will first disgust humans. Humans are a very self-contradictory race. Some people worship the power of giant dragons, and some people fear the power of giant dragons.

But there is one thing, most of them cannot accept being led by non-human beings!

And the high level of human beings are naturally hostile to hostile alien forces!

This is their pride as the overlord of the mainland!

"Why not?" Shillong asked back, looking serious: "Five-colored dragons can! Then so can I! I want to build a peaceful country! There are hundreds of races, no war! Unity and love! All life can be fed. Eat, wear warm clothes! Live a happy life!"

This is not a joke!

Now Shillong really has this idea, maybe only in a peaceful environment can he quickly develop his own entertainment route.

There are too many restrictions on other people's sites!

Make the dragon uncomfortable!