"Are you...serious?" Andre asked.

"Of course!" Silom said, "I already have a force of 6000 people, and they are the first people of my kingdom!"

"..." Andre looked at Shillong: "Where do you come from the 6000 troops?"

He still doesn't know what Sillon and Arman did the night before they left.

Silom immediately told the two dragons about the matter.

The two dragons glanced at each other. Why didn't they return all night, so there were 6,000 more troops?

Impressive! Amazing!

But Andre is still a little hesitant: "Our metal dragon clan has never been such a pioneer. If you insist on doing this, it may cause the kingdom to rebound!

They are very concerned about their territory!

The blue and white forest happens to be on the border of the Starland Kingdom...

Unlike those elves, we are most prone to human nervousness. "

Although the elves have lived in the blue and white forest for many years, everyone knows that the natural elves have nothing to do with the world and there is no need to care too much.

The previous five-color dragons, although they are also within the border of the kingdom, although these five-color dragons are a bit mixed, they are actually very clear-headed. They can only wrestle with the elf version, and the two forces will consume each other and the human kingdom. Right, I don't have the guts yet.

Both of these two men and horses only live in the blue and white forest.

But Shillong is different this time. He focuses on building the city! The nature is quite different!

is simply challenging the nerves of the Starland Kingdom!

"Their laws can only govern themselves, and the dragon is free! No one can bind! I only respect the goodness of my heart!" Shillong was determined.

Andre was helpless, and finally said: "Okay, then try it!

In fact, if a city can be built, it belongs to a foreign power and re-enters the Kingdom of Starland to play movies. There will be a preferential national policy, as if only a 15% tax rate. "

Finally, he made a joke.

He knew that by then, the Kingdom of Xinglan might hate Shillong!

"Oh?" Arman heard this, with a glance: "This is good! Then we must build a city!"

Shillong is also secretly happy in his heart, since Xinglan Kingdom is like this, it must be the same in other countries!

After the city was built, he was a foreign capital!

If you want to accumulate funds to build a country, you still have to rely on these human kingdoms! As for his servants? It is really impossible to expect them to go to the movies.

Because these guys have no money at all!

Their social structure is very backward.

Basically do not use currency, what do you want? Go grab it!

What to eat? Hunt yourself! Go kill!

Use your own hands to get what you want!

An extremely old social system.

goes against the mainstream core of mankind, and goes against the word kindness.

So they are evil.

Now that I have made up my mind, I have to implement it naturally.

The four dragons soon left Xinglan City and headed to the border of the kingdom, where the servants were located.

came here again.

It was noon at this time, and a group of aliens were grilling by the fire.

Dozens of plump wild boars, wild rabbits, wild dogs and other prey were grilled with oily light, making the sound of frying.

looks very good, I didnt expect these guys to have such skills!

At this time, Silom, Arman, and Neferu are sitting on the back of Andre, who has restored the prototype, and are quietly staring down from the thousand-meter sky.

"Is that this? The servant you subdued after defeating the Green Dragon?" Andre asked.

"Yes." Silom replied.

Below is the place where these guys originally resided, a forest clearing near the water source, all above are wooden houses built with wood.

A group of orcs, small dog heads, harpies, lizard people, demons, etc. are all around the fire or gnawing some plants.

"These guys are doing well! The food is so good!" Arman sighed.

"Go! Go down." Shillong's voice fell.

Andrei's huge body fell downward.


hundreds of meters away, the servants below spotted the golden dragon above his head, and he flapped his wings and landed slowly.

The expressions of the servants on the ground became tense, and they were no longer eating, and quickly picked up the weapons next to them, stood apart, and waited for them.

The orc leader took a deep breath and tightened the giant axe in his hand.

The muscles on his body swell up unconsciously.

But at this moment, a figure fell from the sky.

This figure, or dragon shadow, the orc leader Cusk Tomahawk will never forget it for a lifetime.

It was on the previous battlefield that hundreds of orcs and thousands of other alien black and gold dragons were burned to death in just tens of seconds!

is also his current master!

Shillong Soderberg!

The terrifying dragon that killed the legendary old black dragon and scared away the legendary old green dragon with unmatched power!

Kusk quickly lowered his head and fell on one knee: "Dear my lord! Kusk salutes you!"

When the other aliens looked at Shillong, they knelt down quickly. There was a lot of darkness. About 6000 aliens were kneeling on the ground. The scene was really not small!

Shillong is a dragon at this time, but his body is reduced, and his height is only about five meters.

After he landed, Andre landed slowly.

The hurricane brought out by the wings slapped several small dog heads that were close by.

These little dog heads are too small, they will not reach one meter in adulthood.

screamed in mid-air.

Then he fell to the ground...

Shillon glanced at all his servants~wuxiaworld.online~ and then asked Cusk, "How many did you run?"

In his pitch-black pupils, the red light flashed slightly.

"..." Cusk said after a moment of silence: "The orcs did not escape, 8 harpies, 3 demons, 15 small dogs, 6 ogres, 14 goblins, 7 gray dwarves... "

Silom nodded slightly, he had confirmed with the detection spell, Cusk did not lie: "Fortunately, there are not many running, but some people still ignore me, which makes me very unhappy!

Every tribe must pay the price for its own disadvantages. "

At this point, all the aliens who are still kneeling on the ground are playing drums.


There was a sudden roar, followed by a scream of screams, and the people kneeling on the ground turned to look at the source of the screams.

I saw one person from each clan, squeezed to the ground by invisible forces, and the ground was sinking!

The sound of cracking bones continued to sound, and with the screams, it looked terrible!

Until tens of seconds later, the screams ceased, leaving only a few messes of meat on the ground...

"This is a punishment that is detrimental to your care! From now on, if one of the races appears to escape, I will randomly execute one of those races! I have all stared at each other! If you want to escape, you can all Cusk reports, the person who reports will get citizen points!

As long as you accumulate certain points, you can be promoted to citizenship!

Remember! In my case, slaves are a bunch of bugs that can be trampled to death at will! Only citizens! Only have dignity! In order to live well! I will not be executed at will! "Siron glanced at the rotten meat coldly, and said cold words.

The red light in the center of the pupil flashed by again.