The baronial territory has the highest taxes, because the taxes they receive must be handed over to their superiors, layer upon layer, and finally handed over to the kingdom.

As soon as these words were spoken, few actually heard them, after all, they were still in a state of fright.

But they soon felt the change in their lives in the following days!

is indeed better than before!

First, Shillong let them live in the newly constructed house.

These houses are all built by Shillong using earth-based shaping magic.

Although it is a one-story bungalow, there is no furniture in it, which is relatively primitive in his eyes, but for the people in these small towns, it is much better than before!

The daily food has also improved!

Those green-skinned beasts actually provide them with a small amount of meat every day.

This is meat!

High-quality delicacy that you will never eat twice a year!

almost made them swallow their tongues!

There are also some good-tasting fungus plants, which taste great too!

life here.

How many times stronger than they didnt know before!

Also, on the open space outside the fence, where signs are inserted, it really divides an open space for every family.

specially distributed seeds for this purpose.

These seeds are potatoes, tomatoes, and wheat, all of which were purchased by the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce in Shillong a few days ago.

Then let these civilians plant them. Of course, these seeds are not sent, but borrowed. After the civilians plant them, they can sell them to him to pay off their debts when they grow fruits.

Generally speaking, Shillong was broken to take care of these civilians.

But this is necessary to build the city!

The money spent is not too much, although it is still very distressing.

But Shillong is also looking to the future!

For Shillong, it is fine to spend money, but it is worth considering whether it is worth it.

Just like the dragon is willing to spend a lot of money to watch movies, they think that movies that can improve their mental cognition are worth watching!

Shillong believes that it is worthwhile to build a city of its own and develop an ideal country based on it!

one after another, all the servants who had protected the transport team returned.

brought back dozens of people again.

Without exception, they dont know who actually posted the task to them and hired them.

These people were demoted to slaves, and then sent to their hometowns.

Since he didn't know who did it, Shillong couldn't help it.

is not the time to go deeper, anyway, with his current strength, confidence can crush all conspiracies,

At the moment, building a city is the most important thing, and the rest will be released first.

But if those guys are against him, then they will definitely be sent to make trouble in the future, and they will naturally have a chance to catch them!

a total of one month.

Those who were sent out to pull people also returned one after another.

brought more than 1,200 humans to Shillong! The population of two or three Baronies is already low!

The humans before, in order to get rid of slavery, they also desperately put the folks to death.

But after the pit came, they slowly felt that it didn't seem that bad.

But there were still a few unlucky ones, and they didn't return, and the perception magic Siro had used on them also disappeared.

This represents the disappearance of their lives!

They were attacked and killed on the way!

This is also normal!

After all, relatively speaking, there are still some criminals and a small number of monsters in the wild.

The city built by Shillong is also considered preliminary.

The houses are all one-story bungalows, covering an area of about 50 or 60 square meters to hundreds of square meters.

has built thousands of them!

Ordinary humans, if the whole family comes from young and old, it will naturally be given to the largest one, and the one who is the only one, or the husband and wife, is given the smaller one.

These houses are relatively ordinary, in his opinion.

If you want to build a gorgeous house, you still need to hire a professional.

The newly built city, Shillong was named City of Tomorrow.

Looking forward to the city of the future.

The servants living in the forest, Sillon also let them move out!

Although they disagree a lot, Shillong does not need their consent!

forced them to move out, each divided a section of life.

all live together, and the total population has reached more than 7,500.

The rules will naturally be more perfect.

He divided the creatures he controlled into four levels.

Slaves are generally people who have made serious mistakes. This kind of people will be paid attention to by the residents of the whole city. Once they violate the law, they will be punished severely and may be put to death. In most cases, they stay here. In the prison, but there are prisoners in Shillong.

Ordinary citizens, living here, their lives are guaranteed, others are not allowed to strip their lives wanton, and they can live comfortably in the newly built City of Tomorrow.

There are also urban law enforcement teams, which are actually similar to ordinary citizens, but they have certain law enforcement powers.

Ordinary citizens have an obligation to cooperate with them.

Of course, they cannot act recklessly, otherwise they will be investigated by their superiors.

The most senior is naturally Shillong's relatives.

can also be regarded as a "royal family" at the level of the earth emperor.

However, these people are basically metal dragons~wuxiaworld.online~ they can't do anything bad if they want to.

A group of different races live in the same city. Although they are separated, the problem is not small.

For example, in the area near the Harpy, there are complaints about these disgusting guys defecating feces and making them smelly.

For this reason, these female demons are naturally not convinced, this is the preference of their ethnic group!

What's the problem?

But Shillong finally forced them to make corrections!

After going to the toilet, you must go to the public toilet and take a bath at least once a week!

and arrange a supervision team for them.

If a harpy who has a slave status dares not to do it and just kills half to death, who has already done meritorious service, becomes a citizen or becomes a law enforcement team because of good strength, citizen points will also be deducted. If it is a negative number, it will become a slave.

These citizen points are naturally only available for doing things for Shillong. Like the previous pull people, they are all recorded with points.

It seems that these systems are not very fair and fair, but they are necessary! These brutal chaotic teases are too difficult to discipline.

And when dealing with this kind of guy, Siro will not be merciful!

is like Blue Star. He always felt that Xia Guos laws were too generous to certain "beasts"!

made a mistake, because it should be punished heavily!

Shillong did the same, such as theft.

As long as theft, ordinary theft value is less than 1 silver coin is an administrative case, 1 silver or more is a criminal case!

Administrative cases start directly off you from 1 month to 1 year!

The criminal starts 3 years to the death penalty.

There will be no good days when they are locked up in it. Needless to say, the daily labor reform is nothing but rye bread every day!

Persons sentenced to death must hang them at the gate of the city to announce the sins committed in his life!