Let him stinks for thousands of years!

He wants to build an ideal peaceful country!

His system is considered a high-pressure system. At first, many foreign races couldn't stand it and wanted to resist, but it was useless. As the city lord, Silom's strength was overwhelming!

As long as he wants, he can wipe out all life in the city in one minute!

And there are many people who want to survive after all.

Although these alien races are chaotic and amusing, but they are not afraid of death.

After hundreds of aliens died, the citys security gradually stabilized!

These alien races and humans have initially accepted the new order and rules.

Then, Siro began to train the elite of the alien race every day.

want them to improve their combat power.

After all, they are defenders of the citys public order.

Also, Shillong still lets some people out every day, attracting humans everywhere to live.

and promised that those who are already citizens will reward 50 copper coins for pulling one person. Although not many, but as long as enough people are pulled, it will definitely make them rich!

The most important thing is that these guys have never seen the market. They are all from small places, and their annual income may only be 1 gold coin.

This makes many people happily devote themselves to the career of pulling people.

Of course, some of them are in groups.

Some have to hire foreign bodyguards. In short, it is not easy.

In the past month, the mercenaries who attacked the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce were annihilated and annihilated. The captured prisoners, and some of them estimated to have received news, and did not dare to show up.

The transportation team of the entire Soderberg Chamber of Commerce has once again restored peace.

Another month has passed.

Xinglan Wangcheng.

The palace hall.

His Majesty the King was listening to the report of the officials, and bored his right hand on his face.

An official was holding a booklet and talking: "Your Majesty! According to intelligence, many filmmakers have given up on making films. Among them, the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce is the most. Going on, by the end of the year, I am afraid that taxation will not be too ideal..."

"Huh!" After hearing the report, the king snorted coldly: "These stupid businessmen! Are you protesting against me? In my country, earning my money! Is this showing me a face now? Soderberg! Really brave!"

"My dear Majesty! If you are willing to return to the previous tax rate, I think the people in Soderberg are still willing to continue shooting movies." The Marquis of Mokley said at this time.

"Huh! As the king of a country, how can I go back and forth?" The king cast an uncomfortable look at the other side.

At this time, a general-looking person and Omari looked at each other and stepped forward: "Your Majesty! Our air patrol team discovered that when patrolling the Silver Moon Forest on the border a few days ago, there had been great changes! An evil dragon is building a city there!"

"What? Are there evil dragons who dare to build a city in my territory?" The king stood up, his face full of anger.

Holding the handle of the Golden Throne with his right hand, he unconsciously squeezed out a mudra.

This looks at him like nothing!

No matter which country encounters this, it is all the shame of being a king!

It's okay to have evil dragon forces in your own territory.

is just a local power after all.

is generally just a little trouble in the borders of the kingdom, forests, swamps, etc.

Unless they don't want their servants anymore, they generally won't take the initiative to attack the big cities of the kingdom, and they will be punished by the kingdom.

The evil dragon without servants, but the sweet potato in the eyes of the dragon slayer warrior!

Dont look at the dragons being so powerful!

But some dragon-slaying warriors are really not afraid, especially those from the noble family.

They all regard slaying dragons as an honor.

In order to deal with the dragon, they are willing to spend money!

Purchase a complete set of resistance equipment.

These guys even have a complete strategy to deal with a certain dragon.

This will allow them to deal with the dragon with extra effort.

The average combat power of the team increased by 2 to 3 levels.

Of course, there are very few such groups. In a kingdom of hundreds of millions of people, there may only be one or two such groups!

Therefore, ordinary evil dragons, the king does not take it seriously.

But building a city is different!

This is naked **** on his king's head!

No aspiring king can bear this kind of humiliation!

The difference between the two is that a sniper is like a thief who steals some gadgets from the yard while the owner is away. When the owner comes, he runs away.

And the one who built the city is like a thief who walks into your yard, points to this piece of land and tells you that it will be his from now on!

Who can stand this?

After , the speaking general directly took out an audio-visual stone and played it in front of everyone.

This video was shot from high altitude.

In an area where only half of a wall is built, dense bungalows are built inside.

All above are aliens the size of ants.

The most conspicuous thing is a weird black-gold dragon, his body is very large, much larger than a bungalow.

Even when looking down at a kilometer high, it is the size of a normal beast.

"This dragon..." The king looked carefully at ~wuxiaworld.online~ before continuing: "Why is this dragon so like the one in Lucia's mouth? It's all black, but there is golden light in its scales. Circulation...Looking at its size, it almost fits..."

The king didn't speak loudly, but it was very quiet now. Everyone heard it clearly, so they looked at each other with a little surprise.

The Duke of Omari said at this time: "Your Majesty, do you know this dragon?"

"I heard it!" The king replied, and then ordered the guard on one side: "You go and call Lucia! I have something important to ask her!"

The guards glanced at each other and left quickly.

About half an hour, Lucia only arrived.

She looked at the people who were in the gloom with some surprise, and saluted the king: "Father! You call me?"

"Not bad!" The king said as he waved to Lucia: "Come and see! Do you know the dragon on this audiovisual stone?"

Lucia was a little surprised, but she walked over and glanced at the dragon on the shadow stone. She was shocked, and immediately recalled the other's power at the time: "Father! This is the one I told you... "

said nothing in the last words, she glanced at the others in the hall, but the meaning was already obvious.

"Hateful! This strange dragon mixed with the good metal dragon dared to humiliate me so much! I must make him pay!" The king was furious, slapped his right hand, and directly slapped the golden throne under him. Smash!

"Father is calm! Where did he provoke you?" Lucia asked directly, not understanding the situation.

The king simply said the matter in irritation, and finally said: "This is your friend? Seeing the kingdom so as nothing! Such a wolf and ambitious man! I will kill him!"

