The more the kingdom thought, the more angry, and directly roared: "The Herald!"

One person in the hall immediately stood up.

"Declare my will and order the Kingdom Juggernaut, Troy Farm, to serve as the Legion Marshal, and the Kingdom Sage, Robert Varie to serve as the supervising army, order 20,000 elite! Prepare five [Dragon Annihilators]! Give me Kill that dragon!

Let them pull off the dragon's skin! And every scale armor comes to see me! "

"What!? Father! Please don't be so impulsive! Siro may not mean it! Please let me communicate with them!" Lucia was surprised.

"Shut up! Didn't he mean it? He did it deliberately! The dragon builds a city, and it has been a taboo since ancient times! He cares about the taboo in vain, and he can't blame me for dying for it! The metal dragons who have made friends with him will not blame me!" the king roared.

"But Silonta..."

Lucia wanted to say something, but the king wouldn't let her go on, and roared: "Come here! Shut Lucia back to the palace and take care of it! Don't leave half a step, lest you run out to give me a whistleblower! "

"Yes!" the guard on one side shouted, quickly came to the princess, and said: "Offended."

took the princess and left.

"Damn Shillon Soderberg! Damn Soderberg Chamber of Commerce! No wonder you don't continue making movies! So I want to **** in my turf! It's against me!

I will definitely let you pay for your stupidity! "

The king roared angrily

Speaking of this, a lot of information has been exposed.

A few smart people have already thought of a lot of things, and some who don't understand don't dare to ask the angry king at this time.

The will to attack the dragon on the border quickly flowed out of the palace.


General Swordsmanship Academy.

Inside a large driving range.

The sun shines in through the surrounding windows.

appeared very warm. In the middle of the practice field, two figures were in a fierce confrontation.

No, that's not all right.

Because of a figure, holding a sword in his right hand, standing still waving the sword in an understatement, it completely blocked the attack of another figure like a storm.

These two figures are one big and one small. They are the college's strongest genius William Morris, and his teacher legendary swordsman, Troy Farm.

William stared at Troy stubbornly, turned into a ghost with one hand, and danced the sword in his hand at an astonishing speed of dozens of swords per second, attacking his teacher.

The sweat on his forehead gradually slipped, but he didn't care at all, his eyes didn't blink, and he devoted himself to the attack.

Both attacked and defended for ten minutes.

William was exhausted, stopped the attack, supported the sword with both hands, the tip of the sword landed on the ground, breathing heavily.

He supported the body that seemed to fall down at any time.

Slowly recovering strength.

"Your attacks seem to have been particularly impatient these days. This is not like the previous you. Although the attack was equally quick, every attack will be just right...

And now... it's too messy. "Troy's expression was plain.

In this competition, it's better to point out, he didn't use much strength at all.

The breath of was very stable from beginning to end.

did not even move a step.

The 14th-level genius swordsman is far from the legendary!

"Whhhhhhhh..." William continued to gasp for a while, and then said: "Teacher, do you think I will surpass the dragonborn named Silom in the future?"

"Yes!" Troy smiled: "Why? Do you care about that failure?"

"Hehe... how could you not care." William laughed self-deprecatingly: "It's too ugly to lose...

I am known as the strongest genius in the academy and possess legendary assets.

The results of it

not only lost the face of the teacher, but also lost the face of the college, lost his face..."

"You think too much." Troy said: "You are not ashamed of losing. The other party is a super genius among the dragonborn. You must know that we humans can be said to be ordinary due to our natural blood talent.

can't be compared with Dragonborn at all.

You have to know that a human being does nothing. By the time he reaches adulthood, his combat power may not even reach level 1.

But where is the Dragonborn? Adults have almost human level 6 strength.

Not to mention those with outstanding talents.

If the mother of the dragonborn is a legendary dragon, then the talent of the dragonborn will be very terrifying, and it will have the strength of a 9th-level human warrior as an adult.

and like Shillong, his mother must be the best in the legend.

Under such conditions, the dragonborn is naturally more powerful.

But dont be discouraged!

You need to know that a dragonborn like Shillong, don't look at his tender face, but now he is 30 to 40 years old.

At this age, he has not reached the legend.

What is so depressed about you?

Or, when you are in your 30s or 40s, you still dont have the confidence to advance to Legend?"

After listening to Troy's words, William seemed to be in a better mood. He grinned slightly and said, "Of course I have! Before I turn thirty, I will advance to Legend!"

"Very ambitious! That's great! Keep this determination!" Troy smiled and patted William on the shoulder, making the opponent almost fall.

"Continue to rest for ten minutes, then continue training!"

hasn't rested for five minutes~wuxiaworld.online~The gate of the driving range was opened.

Two soldiers in silver chain mail rushed towards Troy.

attracted the attention of the two.

Troy glanced at the opponent's chain mail.

There is a simple star carved in front of the armor, and underneath is a blooming flower.

This is the national emblem of the Xinglan Kingdom.

Looking at the color injected in the carving, it is purple.

Troy raised his eyebrows unconsciously: "Are you palace guards?"

The purple national emblem, only the Kingdom Guard can engrave it.

"Yes! Lord Troy!" The two guards hurriedly put their right hands on their chests, and saluted: "Your Majesty the King has an urgent move. You and Robert Sage will lead an army of 20,000 and five [Dragon Annihilators]. Immediately go to the blue and white forest to fight against a legendary dragon!"

"Huh?" Troy and William's eyes widened slightly.

"What did you say? Fight against the dragon in the blue and white forest?

I remember a legendary old green dragon, and a legendary old black dragon...

Does your majesty want two to fight together? Send out such a strong force? "Troy was surprised.

"No! It's not these two, it's a black and gold dragon! This evil gentian is bold! It dares to build a city outside the blue and white forest! It arouses the anger of His Majesty!" the guard explained.

"There is such a courageous dragon..." Troy was stunned: "I know! You go back first, wait for me to change equipment, and set off immediately."

sent two guards.

William looked at Troy and said, "Teacher, this crusade..."

I haven't finished speaking, but the meaning is clear.

He was a little worried about Troy.

After all, the opponent is a legendary dragon!