He snarled frantically: "That evil dragon! That evil dragon! How dare to deceive me like this! Take my border! Kill my soldiers! Destroy my legend! I haven't found him to settle accounts! He dare to make such a request!

rude! Really rude!

Damn it! Who does he think he is? Who does he think he is asking for!

My Aleio Xinglan will never agree to such a rude request! "

"Your Majesty! If you don't agree! The dragon said that he would come and fetch it himself! I am afraid that the entire kingdom will be destroyed by that time! Everyone will be killed by him!!!" The soldier was anxious, he knew very well Shillong's strength .

In his impression, Shillong is already an existence that mortals cannot match!

"Hahahahahahaha!!!!" The king laughed frantically!

"Kill me? Kill all the people? Okay! If he has this ability, let him try it!"

He laughed angrily.

In addition to him, there are four legends in the entire Star Lan King City!

The strength of these legends is all above Troy and Robert!

A total of five legends!

There are more than 200,000 troops left in the royal city!

Twenty or thirty dragon annihilators, he dare to come! I dare to kill!

The king is almost mad!

"No! No! Your Majesty! If you don't agree to the evil dragon's request! It will die! Everyone will die!

No one is immune! No one can fight him! "The soldier said with a look of fear.

"Bastard! Do you think the ancient dragon is invincible? It's just a forty-meter-high lizard! An arrogant who has just entered the stage of the ancient dragon! He just has to dare to come! I will let him come back and forth! "The king roared.

"No! Impossible! We can't beat him!" the soldier cried.

"Idiot! Get out of me! Get out! From now on! You are no longer a soldier of the Starland Kingdom! I don't need a useless soldier like you in my kingdom! Get out! Coward!"

The king was angry and angry. He slapped him again and slapped him several meters away, his entire left cheek was swollen.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You have to believe me! Mortals can't compete with monsters! If you defy his orders! Everyone will die!" The soldier cried, moving his knees to the king's side, to death. Holding thighs.

"Go away! Fool!" The king kicked the opponent angrily!

"Guard! Get me out of this idiot! Let him leave the palace forever!"

The two guards heard the king's roar and immediately came in and took the soldier away.

The soldier was being held up and crying: "It will die! It will die!"

"Damn bastard!" His Majesty the King cursed. He glanced at the other soldier who had been fanned to the ground and was still talking madly on the ground at this time. He hurriedly asked someone to carry it out.

The king stayed alone in the armory for a while, the more he thought about it, the more angry he got!

Think of him as the master of a country, only he bullies people! Ever been bullied so much?

Soderberg Chamber of Commerce!

The king gritted his teeth and hated him.

Suddenly, he thought of Andre of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce, who seemed to be living in the inner city!

This made him feel revenge!

Although he already knew that Andre was a grown-up golden dragon, as a legend, how could he be afraid of a grown-up golden dragon?

He put on a suit of armor, and took the people in the palace, a 19th-level mage, and the two immediately moved towards the inner city!

You Sylon Soderberg is not very arrogant, I am going to capture your friend today!

He has completely ignored the consequences of offending a pure metal dragon like the Golden Dragon!

The whereabouts of the king and the mage were relatively secret, and the two of them hurried past, wearing large cloaks.

But it was empty!

Except for the original servants, Andre, Neferu, the two known dragons are actually gone!

The king and the mage stayed nearby for one night without seeing the two dragons coming back, knowing that the other party had escaped!

For this reason, he had no choice but to return to the palace.

At this time, after a day, the king sent all the troops to death! The news of the death of the two legends has spread from the palace.

The entire Star Lan King City was in panic!

The two patron saints of the kingdom actually died in the battle against the dragon

How can this make them not panic

The evil dragon is still on their land!

At today's morning meeting, all the nobles and cabinet officials were discussing this matter, but nothing was discussed at all.

It is obviously impossible to continue sending people to attack!

There is also the issue of compensation, which has also reached the ears of all nobles.

Some people want the king to pay compensation, but they don't want their city to be stared at by a terrifying dragon, because they are not paying the money.

And some considered for the country, all rejected this rude request!

Shillong Lions really opened their mouths!

Compensation for this million people will kill people!

There are only 7-8 million people in Xinglan City!

Although the entire Starlane Kingdom claims to have over 100 million people, they are all scattered in various places. Where will they get it out?

How to divide each of them

There are 2 million gold coins! One million people have food for half a year!

These two are enough to empty half of the savings of the national treasury!

In the end, the meeting ended.

Having said that, the two guys who were frightened by Shillong did not stay in Xinglan City in the end. They looked at Xinglan City and kept muttering: "They will all die! Rebelling against the Doomsday God! The one who destroys the dragon. , Will die! Destruction is bound to come, and all beings will die!"

The two of them are already full of fears about Shillong~wuxiaworld.online~ are crazy...

Finally, they disappeared.

Near General Sword Academy.

Next to a tombstone.

At this time, there were seven men and women in expensive clothes standing here, each of them handsome and beautiful.

There is an extraordinary power on him.

Everyone dare not peek at it.

A one-handed sword was worn around his waist.

There are a lot of flowers on the tombstone, and the sky is a little gloomy, but dark clouds cover it.

The atmosphere at the scene was very heavy. These seven young people with outstanding temperament stood silently looking at the tombstone in place, silent for a long time...

Among the seven young people, one is William, and the other six are of the same class as William.

They were all the apprentices of Troy. As I said before, there were more than a dozen apprentices in Troy, but many of them had traveled outside, and there was no news of Troy's death.

Although this tombstone belonged to Troy, there was nothing in it. Those who died in the hands of the dragon must have no bones?

The seven apprentices remained silent. I dont know how long it took. A young man broke the silence and said angrily: "Teacher is dead! I will avenge him! All of us together!"

"Will you die together?" a woman said coldly.

"Are you scared?" The man who spoke before glared at the woman.

"Yeah, I'm scared!" The woman said lightly, not at all angry at the other party's words: "Two legends, 20,000 soldiers, and five dragon destroyers cannot kill the dragon. Of course I am afraid! I'm afraid to die..."

The woman's expression was extremely cold.

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