"Coward! Teacher Lose has been treating you very well!" the man scolded.

"What about the coward? I'm just a woman. What's wrong with being a cowardly woman" the woman asked indifferently.

"You!..." When the man heard the woman's words, he was a little angry, but some couldn't refute it.

"To the dragon, we are like a few ants on the side of the road. How do you think a few ants can rely on their own power to kill the dragon?

I'm afraid that the other party accidentally walks on the road and will trample us to death..." The woman's expression was a little sad.

"Then wait until we all become legends! When we are together, we can definitely kill him!" the man said.

"Legend...Legend...Do you think all of us can become legends" The woman looked at the man coldly: "Could you not be so naive! Do you think the legend is the Chinese cabbage on the street? Achievements can be made? I can assert! Among us can be legendary! No more than two!"

"..." The man was silent, he could not refute.

"Then forget it, the teacher is dead for nothing? We don't do anything?"

He asked rhetorically.

If he felt that he did nothing, he would be ashamed of the teacher's cultivation and would make him feel guilty.

No one can answer him, everyone is silent.

William sat quietly near the tombstone of Troy.

He didn't listen to the conversation between a man and a woman before, but just sat quietly, gently rubbing the tombstone with his hand.


"William! Tell me what to do? You are the most talented among us!"

A man finally brought the topic to William.

"Yeah" William stopped stroking and looked at the man behind him asking questions with some confusion.

"Tell me, what do we do if the teacher died this time?" the man asked again.

"I don't know." William replied lightly.

He really didn't know how he would deal with the dragon that the god-like teacher could not even escape!

After speaking, he stopped talking, and stopped paying attention to these brothers.

In his mind, what the teacher said when he left two days ago still remained.

Amidst the heroic laughter, the teacher said confidently: "Don't worry! William, I can come back here and stand in front of you in less than ten days!"

It's ironic! Now he died so easily...

William sat quietly, not knowing how long it had passed.

There was a light rain in the sky.


The icy raindrops dripped on his body, which made him recover.

Found that the brothers around him had disappeared.

He sighed and stood up slowly.

"Teacher! You......still too weak! So weak that you can't even escape!

How strong human beings are, in front of those powerful races, they are so vulnerable!

Is my goal always too small in the eyes of some monsters?

Knew it! Humans have limits!

Being weak in this world is a sin! Teacher, you have committed a serious crime! And I... unforgivable! "

At the end, William stood up slowly and left here.

Xinglan Kingdom border.

Blue and white forest side.

Inside the city of tomorrow, there is a huge open space in the center.

Shillong squatted in his original form.

Now he will not hide his prototype specially, but will change his body shape according to the occasion.

In front of him were Andrei and Neferu with extremely complex expressions.

In addition, there are two other guys who surprised Shillong.

One person and one dog.

A woman in a red dress, a red-haired, do not look at the eyes, will make people feel very powerful, but looking at the eyes, there is a silly wolf dog.

At this time, the two dragons, one man, and one dog, both looked at Shillong's true body a little complicated.

Two dragons just feel the thunder rolling!

Where did the said little brother go?

You said you were young and grown up, we finally reluctantly believed it!

But now this one is too big?

This is no longer the dragon of uncles and uncles!

It's the dragon of the least grandparents generation!

Just like you, tell me you are forty this year

Do you think we are fools

Are these low-powered dragon beasts?

At this moment, the two dragons looked at Shillong's eyes, it was the look you thought of us as fools.

As for this dog, the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

Damn it!

It's so big!

Is this an ancient dragon?

Mom who is still in hell!

Tell you a bad news!

Your son, I am afraid he will never be able to get rid of this dragon again...

I'm afraid I will be his lackey until I die...

Mom, I will miss you in the main material plane!

I wish you all the best...ahh...

The last woman in red was Julia. She looked at Shillon with a red face, her hands tightly hugging her body, a very excited look, and she kept saying: "So big! So strong! So amazing! This is the strongest dragon! The strongest dragon with invincible power..."

This woman seemed to like Shillong's real body very much.

Shillon's eyes moved down slightly, and her eyebrows were raised. This woman...Her pants actually have water stains!

Is this a pervert? You can have estrus on a terrifying dragon!

Shillong was shocked!

Julia also seemed to see Shillon's gaze, her blushing face smiled slightly: "It might be a bit nasty to say...but...I'm excited! Oh...huhuhu..."

She was talking ~wuxiaworld.online~ The body was shaking again, and she was very excited.

Even the two dragons around her looked at her with a perverted look, and the other dog was no exception!

This woman! ill!

How can I get estrus on such a terrifying guy! No one else!

Shillong turned his head slightly, not wanting to see this perversion.

But he still asked the question: "Why did the four of you come here together?"

"Come here to take refuge!" Andre is no longer entangled with Shillon's size, he is bigger than him anyway.

Instead, he said to Shillon with a serious look: "Julia said you wiped out the kingdom's offensive troops. Is this true?"

"Yes! All annihilated! Only two livelihoods are left, let them go back and take the talk."

"This..." Andre frowned when he heard this, and Neferu's eyebrows jumped.

"I heard that the kingdom dispatched 20,000 troops this time! Two legends, you killed them all?" Andre took a deep breath.


"This..." Andre was a little speechless, before he said for a long time: "This is too much... it goes against the survival of the metal dragon."

"They did it first!" Shillong retorted, "They launched an offensive on my city from a long distance! My citizens suffered heavy casualties!"

"How much did you hurt?" Andre frowned.

"There are more than 2500 people, including 500 citizens." Silom replied.

"Then you killed them 20,000"

"of course!"

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