For this reason, he also conscripted Andre and Neferu. Of course, only two dragons were not enough, and he conscripted all the magical spells from the foreign race.

Then began to build. He himself was responsible for transporting the soil from the Earth Elemental Plane, and the others, as well as the Earth Elemental, were responsible for the construction.

However, although these guys are crowded, they have too little magic power, and they need to rest for a day or two before persisting!

In the end, one month later, Shillong himself controlled the earth element and accounted for more than 95% of the construction share...

Really is the rebirth of a model worker!

Within a month, Shillong built tens of thousands of houses.

These houses are different from the more "exquisite" houses with compartments before. There is only one embryo, and there is no partition inside, which he intends to use as a general shop.

After all, if you follow the previous steps, one month is really not enough to live in one million people!

Even if Shillong becomes a perpetual motion machine...

This month passed, and as Silom thought, the Xinglan Kingdom ignored his rude compensation at all.

He didn't seem to take his words to heart at all.

He knows that some things must be seen with their own eyes so that people can realize the despair in them and compromise.

Regarding this, he didn't say much to others, so he flew directly into the sky and headed towards King Star Lantern City. In the sky, only a beautiful stream of red gold remained, and the long tail wing stretched very long. .....

Occasionally when someone sees it, they will only lament the beauty of the streamer.

The interior of King Star City.

Did the whole Wangcheng really do nothing? Of course not! The King City has now entered a state of full preparation!

Inside and outside the city, there are patrolling soldiers everywhere, wearing armor, holding huge swords and spears.

Twenty or thirty [Dragon Annihilators] have been scattered in the royal city.

All five legends are in place.

All activities in the palace.

Early this morning, His Majesty the King sat on the golden throne, listening to the report of the cabinet officials below, somewhat absent-minded.

The anxiety in his heart gradually expanded.

The words of the two lunatic soldiers had been reverberating in their minds.

For this reason, he actually issued an order a few days ago!

Let the whole city enter the highest state of alert!

Order all the legends in the city to prepare.

Also pushed out twenty or thirty [Dragon Destroyer]!

How crazy this is!

Many people do not understand the king's order, although they also know the compensation demand of that crazy dragon!

But that's crazy talk!

How could a dragon really dare to attack the royal city of a kingdom?

The ancient dragon dare not do this!

But the king just ordered!

This even felt crazy to him!

Just because his mind is full of the crazy looks of the previous two soldiers...

He propped his head and was shocked on the throne.

Below him, an official who had just reported to him coughed softly: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"Huh?" The king was interrupted by his thoughts and looked at the official with some impatience.

"what's up?"

"Your Majesty! Did you hear what I just said?"

"What? Say it again."

"...Your Majesty, your increase in the film tax rate and the recent demise of the Soderbergh Chamber of Commerce have put everyone in the film industry at risk and the prospects are not as good as before..."

"Okay! I see! Anyone else has anything to say?" The king waved his hand impatiently.

The people below also found the king's carelessness, so they didn't speak wisely.

The meeting soon dissipated, and the worried king left the palace and came to the uppermost balcony of the palace, looking at the direction of the blue and white forest from a distance.

He just watched quietly, until an hour passed, the scenery in front of him remained unchanged.

It is like a still picture scroll, delicate and beautiful.

He smiled slightly.

The anxiety in my heart calmed slightly.


A light breeze passed.

A figure suddenly appeared beside the king. He looked 70 or 80 years old with a short goatee.

Looks very lean.

A scepter inlaid with five-color gemstones resided in his hand.

"Why are you always upset these days? Are you afraid of the strange dragon coming over?" someone asked.

"I don't know why these days, it's always the case. According to common sense, the strange dragon will never come over!

But think about it carefully, according to common sense, that monster dare not kill the two legends of our country!

But he did that! "The king turned his head to look at the visitor.

"Hahaha~ My dear Majesty! You were cursing that strange dragon every day a week ago, saying that if you dare to come, you must look good!

Are you so afraid now?

It really doesn't look like your style! "The visitor laughed, but then he sighed slightly: "It's a pity that Robert...has a very good talent, and he died soon after becoming a legend...and Troy...".

"Yeah! I don't believe it, I would do such a stupid thing!" The king smiled bitterly.

"The two legends said that you die and you die, making my heart more uneasy..."

"Relax! I am here! Nothing will happen to this country!" said the visitor.

"Ah...Of course I believe you! You are the strongest magician in our country!

The famous [Sage of Miracles] Fernando Reis! "

"That's right! As long as I am here, this country will always exist." Fernando Reis said, the body hidden in the robe seemed to be filled with a little ominous aura.

"You said...Should I really compensate the strange dragon?" the king suddenly asked.

"Don't be foolish! My dear Majesty!" Fernando smiled.

"Haha! I'm kidding you! If the dragon dares to come, Mr. Lau Fernando will kill him!" The king laughed.

"Kill him? Of course! This is our place!" Fernando smiled.

When the king heard this, he laughed and said for a long time: "Okay! The wind is almost blowing! Let's go!"

After that, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Huh? What is that?" Fernando said in a puzzled voice.

The king turned around and saw the distant horizon, suddenly a red golden streamer appeared!

The long track trailed behind.

There are also flashes of fleeting sparks~wuxiaworld.online~ looks very beautiful!

This is a meteor!

But this meteor is really beautiful.

The king said in his heart.

The meteor is flying far away in the sky, and the speed is extremely fast!

It tilted down slightly and flew towards the kingdom!

"It doesn't seem to be right! If this goes on, the meteor will fall in King Star City!" said the king.

"It doesn't seem to be! It is indeed falling towards King Star City, and it will come in ten seconds!" Fernando said.

"Then please teacher."

"Yeah." Fernando replied, his mouth was like a convulsion, but within a second, he completed a 9th-level spell.

In the void, earth element and fire element seem to appear out of thin air.