The two quickly combined and became a stone ball with a diameter of tens of meters! The exterior of the entire stone ball was wrapped in red flames.

From a distance, it looks like a small sun.

Fernando lightly pushed the cane, and the stone ball turned into a streamer and smashed towards the meteor!

The stone ball is extremely fast and has reached the speed of sound.

Two high-speed moving meteors collided instantly!

Bright sparks erupted from the sky.

The sky was reddened by large flames.

Then it was extinguished by the wind!

The red gold meteor that hit Xinglan City was not damaged in the slightest! And slow down!

It smashed Fernando's meteorite, and did not change the direction of his behavior.

In the silent sky, only the Chijin meteor is getting closer!

Almost just the next blink!

It has already fallen towards Xinglan City!

And its goal is Xinglan Palace!

At this time, it is too late to stop!

The meteor is getting bigger and bigger!

With a bang, it slammed into the forbidden air field originally arranged in the sky!

This is a forbidden air zone that every human king will have in King City.

It is used to prevent a surprise attack by the enemy air force!

Ordinary adult dragons break into the sea, but it is only a stone cow entering the sea, but the meteor speed has not been reduced, and the next instant, it will break through the forbidden air field.

Directly hit the defensive barrier of the palace!


The barrier was like a piece of broken glass, after being hit by a red gold meteor, it didn't even stop for 0.01 second!

The Chijin meteor fell towards the palace again!

At this time, because of the close distance, the king and Fernando finally saw the true face of the meteor!

Amazingly, it is the black gold monster that the whole city is on guard this time!

The distance between the two sides is still hundreds of meters.

Fernando put a hand on the king's shoulder swiftly.

At the same time, Shillong finally fell!

With a huge roar, he slammed into the palace of the palace with the brakes. Although he had finally reduced his speed, his destructive power was still extremely amazing!

The entire palace of the king's palace, originally covering an area of three or four football fields, a stalwart building with a height of 100 meters.

Was crashed instantly at the moment.

Turned into rubble scattered around the sky.

Smoke filled the sky.


Silom flapped his wings twice, and instantly slapped the enveloped smoke and dust, slowly flying out of the "small pit" several meters below him.

Originally, he wanted to make a surprise attack and take the king directly, but he didn't expect the mage beside him to react so quickly!

In an instant, it directly led people to flash and appeared on the top of a palace a hundred meters away.

Two people were standing on the round roof with a long lightning rod.

It was the king and Fernando.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Shillon with extremely solemn expressions.

Sometimes, you really only know how much pressure is when you face it yourself!

A super dragon more than 40 meters high, flapping its wings, watching them quietly, the eyes of the golden particle stream flickering, cold and merciless.

His dragon is overwhelming!

There are a few soldiers on the ground who cannot withstand this coercion! Lie directly on the ground!

Shillong was also looking at each other at this time.

This was the first time Silom saw the king of the Starland Kingdom, and he had only seen it in the portrait before.

The king gave Shillong the feeling that he was a local tyrant!

That's right! It's a local tyrant!

The equipment on his body at this time was extremely gorgeous, and in Shillong's eyes, each one had gathered a lot of magic power.

This kind of magic power is not under the previous Troy Sabre!

An absolute legendary item!

And there are as many as eight!

A two-handed sword! A golden lion armor! Savage lion belt, golden boots, an inner armor and a crown! Two rings!

Compared with this king, Troy is a pauper!

The mage next to him also has a lot of legendary equipment, about five pieces, and the magic reaction in his body is very high, two or three times that of the previous one!

Shillong also discovered an interesting thing. The aura on this old wizard man was somewhat similar to the demilich he had encountered before!

Entangled with death...

The strength of these two people is definitely far better than the two legends before!

"According to the agreement, one month later, that is today, I am here to ask for compensation, but it seems that you are not ready...My dear King." Silom quietly looked at the two opposite people and said.

"Compensation? Don't be kidding! I haven't asked you to settle the account because of you building a city on the border of our country! You actually brought it to the door!" The king, who was clad in rich gold, said tightly with the sword in his hand.

"Originally, I was a peaceful metal dragon, but you attacked my city and almost destroyed it! I must seek justice for my citizens!"

"Get justice?" The king sneered: "You killed me two legends! I am also looking for you to settle accounts with the 20,000 army! But you are a good dragon? Stop laughing!

You who built a city on the border of the kingdom! Not worthy of being called Shanlong! You broke the law! "

"This is your human law! It can only be used to restrain the weak! And I am stronger than you! So you must strictly abide by my rules!" Silom said.

"Stronger?" The king seemed to hear some joke, hahaha laughed, and after a while, suddenly roared: "Then try it! Who is stronger!"

Xilong's eyes were cold, and he immediately activated gravity.

The king and Fernando, who were a hundred meters away, only felt that a few tons of heavy objects were suddenly on their bodies.

They were overwhelmed without the slightest accuracy!

The huge gravity made their bodies penetrate the roof below them!

Peng's click, fell down.

Afterwards, Shillong moved, and his huge body slammed into the palace a hundred meters away.

The entire palace burst into pieces the moment he broke in!

The sky was full of smoke, but it didn't block Shillong's vision. The king and wizard who were supposed to be on the ground disappeared!

Appear a hundred meters behind him!

A huge soil thorn protruded from the ground, and it pierced Silom's body with a bang, but the next moment, the soil thorn, which was more than 20 meters long, cracked every inch!

How can mud thorn thorn steel plate ~wuxiaworld.online~ be effective?

Just when the mage was about to continue his hands, a huge suction hit them, and he and the king's body flew towards Xilong uncontrollably!

In the blink of an eye, they flew out dozens of meters, and when they were about to hit Shillong, the two disappeared again!

Then Sillon used gravity several times, but was avoided by the opponent.

As a legendary fighter of the king, he didn't dare to do anything with Shillong!

The king is not an idiot. There is such a big difference in body size between the two sides. The other side has so many weird abilities and thunderous speed. Close combat is afraid that it will not take less than two seconds to be photographed into meat sauce!

Therefore, His Majesty can only rely on Fernando to escape.

And Fernando is worthy of being the strongest magic sage in the kingdom. He is superb with one hand flashing technique, and there is almost no interval time. When dealing with a large monster like Shillong, which is fast but "not very flexible," he actually started to play peekaboo. .