Fernando kept flashing, and then tentatively used spells to attack Shillong.

But the result is very bad! For all the 9th-level spells he could cast quickly, the opponent stood in place and touched him, without any response.

It takes time to cast legendary spells!

He took the king with him, and it was too late to escape. Where is the time to cast the legendary spell?

He can only hide and seek with this strange dragon like a mouse, and the process shocked the king! Because just get caught! The two must die!

After a short delay, the troops of the Kingdom Guard finally arrived!

Thousands of Griffin Riders in the sky! Make the whole sky dark!

A group of elite archers in full outfit have also approached!

At the forefront of the team are four giant golems over 30 meters tall!

The golem is holding a huge shield, the whole body is filled with blue fluorescent light, and there are layers of defensive spells blessing it!

This is a defensive golem specially designed to deal with large monsters!

Its defense is strong enough to suppress ordinary legendary dragons in hand-to-hand combat!

These war machines have one in each direction.

Although they were still hundreds of meters apart, everyone surrounded Xilong in a group.

Three other legends have arrived, a priest, a mage, and a marksman!

Seeing the arrival of his own army, Fernando finally stopped running around like a mouse, but stayed behind a giant shield golem.

The king looked at Shillong and sneered: "Stupid lizard! You have been surrounded by us!"

Standing behind the golem, the king's courage finally returned!

He pointed at Shillong with the legendary sword in his hand, as if he was going to wipe out the frustration just now.

Everyone is in place, seeming to have surrounded the monsters in the field.

Shillon glanced around.

These soldiers don't have much fear on their faces, and they may have been given a group of spiritual resistance spells before they came up.

Being dragged to the present is really beyond his expectation.

It took a lot of time.

Originally Shillong didn't want to cause too much damage to the city, but now it seems to think too good.

The problem that originally wanted to be solved gently, in the end still needs to use invincible power!

Now he has a desire to accomplish in his heart. Compared with this desire, even if some people's lives are sacrificed, it must be fulfilled!

He looked at the king with cold eyes and a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth. He moved his limbs slowly and gracefully, as if the surrounding ruins of the palace had been destroyed and turned into a stage.

Every time he fell, the ground would shake and groan overwhelmed! Shillong gradually walked over, stood in front of the 30-meter-high golem, and looked at it quietly for a moment: "It's ridiculous! These toys can actually make a trash that was as timid as a mouse, have the courage to face me. ?

Is the **** of courage giving you such courage? "

"Lizard! Put away your arrogance! I will let you know! The strength of an individual is simply vulnerable to the kingdom's army!" The corner of the king's eyes fluttered slightly, resisting the urge to curse, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Archer! Shoot! The wizard launches a combined spell!"

With this order, the archers who had drawn their bowstrings early shot!

The arrows are like locusts, shooting densely at the huge monsters in the field.

And the huge monster, just gently inflaming its wings, instantly blew a dozen-odd hurricane in place, and all the arrows were blown away!

However, one of the arrows shining with golden light penetrated through the wind pressure and shot into Shillong's neck in a flash.


With a soft sound, after the arrow hit, it couldn't cause effective damage to the scale armor on the neck.

It is the same as a normal bow and arrow shot on an iron block.

Weak to fall to the ground.

Ground thorns, wind blades, ice thorns, and fireballs tens of meters long, all hit Shillong.

Afterwards, it was swept by a circle of huge repulsive forces from all directions, bursting into pieces, turning into fireworks in the sky!


When these magics were crushed, the repulsion belt continued to spread forward.

Large tracts of soil and rocks are dancing in the air!

Until there was a roar.

The repulsion hit the golem at the forefront of the Quartet team!

A layer of ripples suddenly surged on the huge shield that was as high as the golem.

The blue light is bright!

Click, click.

The complexion of the person hiding behind the golem instantly changed!

I saw that the huge golem, which was written by their poems as an unbreakable barrier, was actually pushed back slowly by the repulsion! Several unlucky guys who didn't have any preparation were instantly crushed into meat sauce! The soldiers around turned into birds scattered!

Two ditches several meters deep, six or seven meters wide, and ten meters long were pulled out by the golem on the ground!

Finally, under the horrified gaze of a group of people, it stopped going backwards!

And the defensive ability of the golem did not disappoint them in the end. Although it retreated more than ten meters, it did not cause any damage!

This made everyone breathe, and their courage gradually picked up! As long as it's okay! really!

The golem can withstand the attack of this strange dragon!

Shillon also glanced at the golem unexpectedly, he had already exploded with full force just now.

This degree of repulsion can definitely blast a 10,000-ton heavy object for tens of meters!

But I didn't expect that this golem looked fancy, and it was actually quite useful.

"Evil dragon! Today, this place is your burial place!" Seeing the golem, the king regained his confidence.

"All mages! Give me full open space forbidden domain!"

With the king's order.

The sky became gloomy, fifty or sixty meters above Silom's head, covered by layers of gravity.

Because there are too many wizards casting spells, this gravity belt simply distorts the light.

"Do something useless!" Silom said that he had come to the golem, and then stood up in front of everyone.

At this time, his height has reached fifty or sixty meters because of the relationship between man and standing!

He is like a big man, standing in front of the "child" of the golem.

Then, with a move of his forelimb, he slapped it suddenly!

clang! ~

Shillong's claws were thrown on the giant shield of the golem~wuxiaworld.online~ The giant shield that can bring people infinite safety for twenty to thirty meters was slumped down immediately!

Then he was pushed backwards and hit the golem!

A more terrible explosion sounded! The 30-meter-high golem looks like a weak little girl being slapped by a strong and powerful! Fan on the face!

Then, the little girl turned into a parabola in everyone's eyes and flew back two or three hundred meters!

With a bang, fell into the crowd! The unlucky soldier in that piece turned into flesh without a word!

Blood shed all over the place.

Everyone, including the king, felt a bit stiff in their necks, but they slowly turned their heads and looked at the golem in the distance.

This is a Big Mac weighing more than 10,000 tons!

Now he was slapped and slapped a few hundred meters?