Omari knew, and said again: "Your Majesty! Next comes the population problem!

One million is definitely not a number that can be given easily, but we have no choice. After thinking about it, I have to confiscated the slaves that you keep in your home.

But this is far from enough, even if we are all together, there is not enough 10,000 slaves.

For the rest, we can purchase some from the slave dealers, and we can also select from the nobles territories and Xinglan City.

Those who made mistakes and were put in jail can all send them away!

There are also those who are marginalized, homeless children without relatives in the city, and people in slums!

Get all these people together! One million people are definitely enough! "

"Slaves are okay, but for those who are locked up, some of them are family members with citizenship. If we send them away directly, won't it cause trouble?

There are also the homeless children and those in the slums. Although they are social rubbish, these people may not have made a mistake. Such mistakes may cause panic among other citizens of the kingdom..."

A cabinet official analyzed.

"We have no choice! There is only one way to go! If all the slaves are purchased, it is not enough, unless purchasing from other kingdoms, but only 30 days, it is not in a hurry at all! And the cost of resources will be beyond imagination !"

Omari said.

"This..." The cabinet official heard Omari's words and suddenly had nothing to say, and the other party's words made sense.

"I have no opinion." The cabinet official said finally.

Other cabinet officials all agreed. This time it has little to do with them. It is mainly the nobles who want to make big moves again.

These nobles also know that they can only go along now.

No one dared to have other objections after the king had just experienced a defeat.

All members passed, and finally began to execute.

All nobles returned to their territories, bought slaves, and forced prisoners, street children, and poor people.

This caused a lot of chaos everywhere, but it was suppressed by the private army of the nobles!

Then send troops to transport these people to the kingdom.

For a while, the entire Starland Kingdom was panicked.

When all the integration was completed, it was noon more than twenty days later.

The king personally led the team and dragged these people to the blue and white forest!

There are more than 1.2 million people in this force!

One million people to transport, and two hundred thousand watchers!

These million people can be said to be fearful in their hearts. They still don't know why they were recruited and where they were transported!

But they all know that they can never escape!

Because someone tried to escape before, they were caught and beaten to death! Hung on the flag, and now half-dead and transported away!

The whole team pulled the elders for a full ten kilometers.

From a distance, it is a long dragon...

After walking for several days, the king led his troops to the Blue and White Forest, the city of tomorrow where Shillong was located.

He looked at this city, as well as the huge black gold dragon that he could see from a distance, not knowing what he was doing, his eyelids jumped wildly.

In the **** army here, there are also many soldiers who have experienced Shillongs siege before, and are deeply touched by the horror of Shillong. For a while, the heart beats wildly, and I am afraid that this monster will do any terrible behavior.

The team slowly continued to get in.

Silom turned his head and looked at the army a kilometer away, spreading its dragon wings and slowly flying over.

That huge body, even if it didn't do anything, was enough to give people an endless sense of oppression. There were a few people who were not very good at heart, their bodies were already shaking and their pants were wet.

Even His Majesty the King tightly tightened the legendary sword in his hand.

Fernando by his side patted his shoulder lightly, signalling to relax.

"Dear King Xinglan City! You finally did not disappoint me this time. Have you brought a lot of the compensation I asked for?

If there is a population missing, or a gold coin, a bag of rations, I will be angry..."

Shillon's head drooped slightly, looking down, like a crowd the size of a mouse.

His Majesty the King is not to be outdone. He raised his head and looked straight at Silom's eyes, and said: "What you want, I will not be less! Only more! If you are not at ease, you can count it!"

"Of course! Of course I am not at ease! All of you, following my servants, send things to the open space on the left side of the west, and I will count them one by one during your transportation."

"Humph!" The king snorted coldly, and didn't care about Shillong.

Turning to signal the troops behind to bring all the supplies and gold coins, and then follow the servants behind Siro to walk forward.

During the transportation, Silom had been staring at everything with his longan.

The materials were transported one by one.

It took several days to finish unloading. With Shillong's titanium alloy longan and super calculation power, it is indeed not bad, but a little more.

This is also because although the king is tough on the face, he is truly afraid of the monster in the monster Shillong in his heart!

A single dragon can destroy a country's destruction dragon!

No one party is not afraid of it!

The goods are transported, and then the people.

These guys who didn't understand why they had to come over were originally in the middle of the team. Now when they saw Shillong up close, they were scared to pee!

Some even questioned the escorted soldiers, why should they be sent here? Is it a ration to become a monster?

These people broke down and yelled and even clashed with the **** army.

For this reason, Shillong had to stand up and speak.

These are the people in his city, the foundation for future development.

Although the quality seems to be inferior, population is the most critical resource for the development of a city, and it cannot be careless.

"Human! You all listen to me!"

Shillong spoke up~wuxiaworld.online~ His voice was very loud, using wind spells, so that people from several kilometers away could hear clearly.

"You have now been abandoned by the Starland Kingdom! Don't dream of thinking that you can go back! Now you are all mine!

That's right! It's all mine! Of course, I am not a dragon, I can't eat people!

This is Shillon Soderberg, president of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce! The Fire Fighting series is my movie, I believe many of you should have seen it.

I am a good metal dragon, just like the kind metal dragon you have seen in the movie before.

You have become my people, and I will treat you as my citizens for the time being, and I will be responsible for you. As long as you live and work honestly and do your duty here, I Shillong will never embarrass you, and will Keep your life safe. "

At this time, the king who was still not far from Shillong, heard Shillong's words, but his teeth tickled with hatred.