Shameless! Shameless!

The evil dragon among evil dragons like you is actually worthy of being called a good dragon?

Do you think I have never met Shanlong and never dealt with them?

Do not respect the king's law! Not complying with regulations! Killing!

Everyone hears what Shillong said. Although these people's identities are not good, there are still some people who have watched Shillong movies, know of the big chamber of commerce, Soderberg, or have heard of it.

This made them feel a little relieved, the metal dragon clan is already very kind in their hearts.

There should be nothing wrong with this kind of dragon...

This state also gradually spread to those desperate people who had been in conflict with the **** troops. After knowing that they might not have to die but could continue to live well, everyone calmed down.

Seeing this, Silom nodded and said again: "However, my ugly words are ahead. Here, I absolutely must abide by my rules!

As long as the rules are broken, I will deprive you of your citizenship. Then, my servants will let you know what a **** devil is! "

While speaking, Shillong slightly released his dragon power, causing a group of humans to tremble.

And the king on one side cursed in his heart again!

This shameless dragon.

Listen! What did he just say?

To follow the rules?

It is the most ridiculous joke I have ever heard in my life!

This **** who broke the rules of the kingdom! You still have the face to ask others like this?

This guy is definitely a close relative of Black Dragon! It's a crap! It has nothing to do with Shanlong!

"Well, let's go in. As long as you follow the rules, I believe you will like it here, at least it will be better than before.

Do you see the house there? "Siron said here, raised his forelegs and pointed to the cement room not far away.

A group of people turned to look.

"Those are for you to live temporarily. In the future, a house will be prepared for each of your family members. That will be your private property." Silom said.

These people's eyes lit up.

Most of them are slaves, street children, slum people.

Some have no houses to live in, and use the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed, while others live in dilapidated slums with rubbish, waste water, and feces.

Where have you lived in a good house?

Although the house built by Shillong didn't look very good, it was ten times stronger than their previous one!

Now I actually said to them that in the future, every household will be given a room?

This is really a surprise!

"Of course it doesn't stop there! I will also give you fields, let you grow your own fields, arrange work for you, and provide you with food for half a year!

I believe that after half a year, you will all have a new life, a life that will not regret! Shillong said again.

Now, these people are so happy!

This is simply a pie in the sky!

The dream of life!

A group of people looked at each other excitedly, and then there was a courageous trembled voice: "What you said... is all true? You are really willing to give us these... these wastes, so good treatment?"

He couldn't believe it!

"Of course it's true! Shillon Soderberg, I always speak for words!

If you dont believe me, you can ask your king. I said before that he should submit compensation within a month, but he just didnt listen. I must come to him to find him. There is no way. I have to find him in person. , He honestly handed over the compensation to me, which shows how good my reputation is. "

Damn it! Damn idiot!

How dare to humiliate me like this?

The king turned pale, his fists clenched.

The guards on one side looked down and seemed to hear nothing.

But the person who was sent over stared at the king in the distance, and the king's face looked even more ugly.

"Okay, you can go inside the house. This is for temporary residence. Each house has 20 people. After you live in, you will remember your house number. It will stay there from now on. No accidents. No changes are allowed. "Sillon said again.

Orcs were then arranged to lead them.

These orcs can be said to be the backbone of Shillong's servants, their IQs are not low, and they have a relatively strong social nature, but unfortunately there are fewer people.

A group of newly joined people quickly followed a famous orc and began to move into their new house.

Seeing the problem, the king asked with a black face, "Is there no shortage of people? Can I go now?"

"Let's go! I won't give it away." Silom replied casually.

When the king was dark, when he was about to leave, Silom stopped him again: "Wait! I heard others say that your Starland Kingdom has preferential treatment for the development of foreign power? Movies seem to only have a 15% tax rate?"


The king was speechless, his mentality exploded instantly!

He knows what the other party will say next!

This shameless dragon! Damn it! In this way, isn't everything I have done is useless? It's better not to do it! That seems like a mentally retarded person!

This will make me the laughing stock of the whole kingdom!

"Yes, for foreign forces, my Star Lan Kingdom welcomes them to come and develop." The king took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

"This is a very good policy! But I think the incentives are still too small, especially in the film industry, 1% is the most suitable, what do you think?" Silom grinned and said with a smile.


His Majesty's fist clenched tightly, and it clicked because it was too tight.

His chest began to rise and fall violently.

He really wanted to draw out his legendary sword directly and chop off the dragon head on the opposite side with one sword!

Then empty the inside! Make it into a toilet!

"Calm down!" Fernando on one side patted the king on the shoulder.


"Yeah." Shillon said casually, then looked at Fernando: "You are a good mage. My City of Tomorrow welcomes talents like you~ wuxiaworld.online~ If you are interested, you can come. I work here."

"That's really sorry, sir! I'm very happy in the Starland Kingdom." Fernando refused with a faint smile.

A fool will follow you this dragon.

The city is so rudimentary that you just extort resources from others, thinking you can build a city?

A city that can command a million people?

What an arrogant dragon!

Although the power is strong, the brain is not so good after all.

Wisdom is needed to rule the city!

Sillon had expected Fernando's refusal, and then he continued to throw an olive branch to the guard on the side of the king.

But they were all rejected.

Shillon didn't take it seriously, it was just a casual mention.