But some people feel something is wrong with their bodies!

One of them, named Dan Nijia, is an elite soldier who participated in the palace guard battle before.

That's right! He feels very wrong with himself!

But he didn't tell anyone!

Because he feels too much better now!

He felt that he had broken through his original restraints, as if he had broken free from a caged beast! Really return to nature!

Recalling the past, it seems that I have been carrying a chain on my back. Only now, I am the real one!

In various senses.

Appetite increased, strength increased, vision became stronger, and agility became faster!

Everything is changing in a good direction, it seems...

But there is also a headache for him!

His size has become too big!

The original 1.8 meter has become two meters now!

The nails on her hands are always long inexplicably and very hard.

Ears are better.

The eyes have also acquired the ability of night vision.

Every time he cuts his nails, it is very troublesome, because it is hard, it takes nearly an hour.

There is also his skin, the original white skin, turned red.

This made him unable to see people. For this reason, he resigned as an elite soldier at the very beginning and lied at home.

The people in the army are well aware of the consequences of certain unlucky people who were exposed to radiation. They did not embarrass him, and they approved it easily.

He is like this, he can no longer walk in the daytime.

Daily needs, can only go out at night, close to zero.

and I have to wrap my whole body with a bandage. Wearing a cloak.

For this situation, he does not regret it!

Because he is really comfortable now!


Another key point is that his strength has improved a lot.

If he was rated as a 7th-level fighter before the mutation.

Now that he feels about himself, he can definitely match Level 11, or even stronger!

This kind of temptation of strength growth and spiritual sublimation made him very satisfied with who he is now!

This day at midnight.

Danny was still as usual, wearing a black cloak, and left the door.

He came to a nearby tavern, the business of this tavern was not good.

Zero time here, except for the boss, who is still sitting at the front desk, silently wiping the already clean bar.

A man in leather armor who looked like a mercenary was on a small round table, drinking vigorously.

'S face has long been flushed.

her face was intoxicated.

When the drunk saw Danny's coming in, he just glanced at it and let out a sneer, not paying attention.

When the boss saw Danny, his eyes lit up: "It's you again, is it still the old rules?"

The boss apparently recognized Danny. This tall figure and cloak were too easy to recognize.

Danny grinned silently and nodded.

The boss brought things up directly from under the bar, a small sack, and said: "Five pieces of white flour, five pounds of pork, look."

"Yeah." Danny nodded slightly, opened the small sack and glanced at it. After confirming that it was correct, he took out the purse from the cloak and took out two silver coins to the boss.

The boss took it with a smile, and when he retrieved Danny's more than a dozen copper coins, he glanced at Danny and said, "You guys, who are so tall, actually like to wear cloaks. It's too ugly. Afraid of being seen or something?

is really strange enough. "

The boss teased.

Danny just smiled and didn't say much.

Just then, there was a jingle, and the bell hanging on the door rang.

The door was opened, and the boss and Danny turned their heads to look.

is a person who also wears a cloak. He is wearing a black cloak, bending over, and walking in slowly like this, without saying anything, and walking straight to the bar.

The boss seemed to know each other, and smiled: "Same as before?"

Hearing this, the man in the cloak just nodded.

The boss immediately took out a small sack from under the bar and put it on the bar.

The man in the cloak slowly approached the bar.

Just as he approached, the drunk man stood up drunk, glanced at the man in the cloak, and showed a hint of sneer: "Huh... at night... why do people always... wear cloaks? See... Or what?"

While he was talking, the next moment the man in the cloak passed by, he suddenly opened the other's cloak, still muttering: "Let me see what you look like... what..."

He got stuck in his throat halfway through his words, and he couldn't speak anymore!

The wine will be gone in an instant!

There was a lot of cold sweat behind him.

Boss eyeballs stare!

What did he see?

A face is blurred, the skin is a little rotten, revealing a face of red tender flesh!

The eyes on this face are dingy, with red glow in the center.

Half of the gums are completely exposed.

This is really not human at all! What kind of monster is it?

The man who lifted the cloak before was shocked and couldn't help taking a step back, his mouth opened wide, and a huge sound was brewing in his throat.

just when he was about to scream.

The monster opposite suddenly opened his mouth, and a long tongue suddenly spit out!


Just for a moment, the old man's tongue pulled through the man's throat!

And because the man did not die instantly, the fear in his eyes was almost overflowing.

He pointed a finger at the monster in horror, and covered his pierced throat with one hand. He could only cough and cough...

The corner of 's eyes was asking the other two for help.


The monster retracted its tongue.

A shrill roar finally broke out!

"There are monsters!!!!!! Help!!! Sheriff!!! Help!!!"

This is the boss's explosive voice, high enough to be comparable to a soprano.


The monster's throat whispered softly, and he squatted on the ground. The next moment his body moved, he appeared in front of the boss, and his tongue pierced the boss's throat again!

At this time, because of the boss's roar, many people have been awakened outside. Some of them like to be nosy, they will inevitably come to check the situation, things will get bigger and bigger!

Danny, who can't reveal himself, ran to the door with food, he didn't want to fight against the exposed monster!

But the monster behind him didnt want to let Danny A go. He jumped quickly to Danny A. He rolled his tongue. UU reading www. uukanshu. Com has already shot at Danny's back neck!


But in the next moment, Danny's reaction was extremely fast, and the right hand sword was horizontally blocked, blocking the tongue strike.

ran out quickly.

When the monster saw Danny's running away, his eyes instantly turned red, and his mouth made a terrible roar, just when he wanted to go out and pursue it.

His footsteps were stopped, and the smell of blood from the two newly dead bodies stimulated him!

The original sanity is slowly fading!

The red light in his eyes was even worse, he turned his head and jumped to a corpse to lie down, and bite...


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